Originally Posted by Kentucky Buddha
Statistically it is a fantastically high probability that atheist were killed on 911, we know as a metaphisical certitude that muslems were killed (apart from the hijackers that were mostly duped into doing the mission). Some people were mind warped with a dizzying perception of the qu'an that they should kill Americans, any Americans, because our Soldiers had set foot in the holy lands in Saudi Arabia (never mind we were there to provide national security they could not). Their reading comprehension level is even with the "christians" at the Westboro baptist church.
The idea that the US is an imperialist power is congruently nuts though. We have not exploited countries we have conquered. To the contrary it has been a pretty awesome deal actually historically. Hint: compare how the Germans and Japanese fared after being beaten vs the Etruscans, the Carthiginians, Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians, Chinese in the Opium Wars, etc etc etc.
Kindly name the time after WWI we were even complicit in putting the boot on the throat of a beaten parties neck and I will gladly recant.
There is imperialism that is being done but it is done by faceless nameless corporations that have no fealty to any flag whatsoever. Exxon even paid $0 in taxes to the United States. The American people have that tight a reign on even the largest of the so-called US flagged companies.
Cia support of Norega in Panama. Regan support of the Sandinistas in Honduras or Nicaragua. Invasion of a tiny Caribbean island because some 2bit Communist Guerillas took some US student hostage. This history goes back to Teddy Roosevelt. Deposed Queen of Hawaii because she opposed platation owners. Thus createing a territory status that allowed paltation owners to do pretty much as they pleased.
Support of Saddam Hussein. Support of the Taliban, for oil in defence of Haliburton and others.
Then, Illegal invasion of Iraq on false charges. Invasion of Afgahanistan. To remove those in power when they were no longer of use. Repeated accidental killings of civillans in both countries.
Lets see.....Support of a corrupt South Vietnamese Government because the people would have voted in communists because the guys in power were so bad. Then defending it, in total, for over 25 years in a gradual escalation. Ended ironically by Nixion.
Bush tells Palistinian people to vote and he will work with the democratically elected government only to go back on those statements when Hamas wins. Then allows Isreal to slaughter civillians in Gaza strip after he goes lame duck in December of 2008.
Decades of support of the apartheid state of Isreal.
Shipped Iron ore to Japan pre WW2 that was then used to make things to attack US.
Japanese and German internment camps during WW2.
The Native American Genocide.
And most directly. The Spanish-American war was specificlly fought to make the US an Imperialist power on par with Britian.
And the fact that US trade policies are specifically aimed at allows said corporations to do whatever they want. If you believe Iraq and Afgahanistan are about anything other then oil, your an idiot.