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Man - God Man - God

02-11-2010 , 04:15 AM

If you gave the religious 'God' a human body and he was accountable for everything he/she/it had done and said according to the bible, what kind of person would you think he his?

And all loving, forgiving, giving, thoughtful understanding man?

Or a murdering, hateful, homophobic, slavery supporting sexiest?

Is there any kind of link between battered woman's syndrome and a religious mentality. I guess im trying to say, BWS sufferers seem to always come back to the abuser over and over again and can only see the positive while accepting the bad as a part of life. It seems as though theists mostly only seem to quote the good passages and try to explain away the bad passages as mis translation and ignoring the sadistic passages of the bible....

02-11-2010 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
Is there any kind of link between battered woman's syndrome and a religious mentality.
02-11-2010 , 04:20 AM
And the other question?
02-11-2010 , 04:27 AM
Some kind of social/personality disorder
(If we get rid of the impossible human acts like created the universe and such)
02-11-2010 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind

If you gave the religious 'God' a human body and he was accountable for everything he/she/it had done and said according to the bible, what kind of person would you think he his?

And all loving, forgiving, giving, thoughtful understanding man?

Or a murdering, hateful, homophobic, slavery supporting sexiest?

Is there any kind of link between battered woman's syndrome and a religious mentality. I guess im trying to say, BWS sufferers seem to always come back to the abuser over and over again and can only see the positive while accepting the bad as a part of life. It seems as though theists mostly only seem to quote the good passages and try to explain away the bad passages as mis translation and ignoring the sadistic passages of the bible....

This is actually a thought provoking post.....I didn't think you had it in you Howard.....I'm impressed.
02-11-2010 , 05:29 AM
I dont know whether to take your back handed compliment to heart or just discard it with the rest of your dribble. Ill try be nice. Please give me you POV on the topic. Thanks!
02-11-2010 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
I dont know whether to take your back handed compliment to heart or just discard it with the rest of your dribble. Ill try be nice. Please give me you POV on the topic. Thanks!
I suspect that if God became man, He would not do anything which interfered with the freewill of other men. He would try to influence others around him thru example and perhaps teaching.
02-11-2010 , 05:51 AM
Would you hold him accountable for every person hes murdered? Every flood hes caused maybe every earthquake? Would you make him accountable for all diseases and poverty?
( I am going to be nice in this thread BTW)
02-11-2010 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
Would you hold him accountable for every person hes murdered? Every flood hes caused maybe every earthquake? Would you make him accountable for all diseases and poverty?
( I am going to be nice in this thread BTW)
Like put him thru a painful death?
02-11-2010 , 06:09 AM
Would a human being that had done the same things as 'your God' (regardless of the wonderful things he has done) deserve the death penalty?

Im asking basically if, the good he/she/it has done far outweighs the bad? And if you think it should be made accountable for these things whether thats the death penalty or jail etc if he it was human?

On the flip side, if Osama bin Laden become a god what kinda of god would he be, equal to or less than yours? Give osama the same ability to create the world in seven days and other god attributed miracles etc....
02-11-2010 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
Would a human being that had done the same things as 'your God' (regardless of the wonderful things he has done) deserve the death penalty?
Its my position that man just doesn't have the perspective necessary to judge God.
02-11-2010 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I suspect that if God became man, He would not do anything which interfered with the freewill of other men. He would try to influence others around him thru example and perhaps teaching.
There you go being arrogant again. You are not in a position to know what god would be like if he became a man.
02-11-2010 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Its my position that man just doesn't have the perspective necessary to judge God.
Could you answer my question/s please.

"Would a human being that had done the same things as 'your God' (regardless of the wonderful things he has done) deserve the death penalty?

Im asking basically if, the good he/she/it has done far outweighs the bad? And if you think it should be made accountable for these things whether thats the death penalty or jail etc if he it was human?

On the flip side, if Osama bin Laden become a god what kinda of god would he be, equal to or less than yours? Give osama the same ability to create the world in seven days and other god attributed miracles etc...."
02-11-2010 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
There you go being arrogant again. You are not in a position to know what god would be like if he became a man.
The OP invited us to guess.....but yes you are 100% correct. I am in no position to know what God would be like if he became a man.
02-11-2010 , 06:46 AM
So why not just say that?
02-11-2010 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
Im asking basically if, the good he/she/it has done far outweighs the bad? And if you think it should be made accountable for these things whether thats the death penalty or jail etc if he it was human?
The problem I have with your question is that conceptions of God used by most theists, its impossible for God to be "bad". God sets the absolute morality.

Now suppose a human did some of things God is reported to have done, would we punish them? Probably.
02-11-2010 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
The problem I have with your question is that conceptions of God used by most theists, its impossible for God to be "bad". God sets the absolute morality.

Did you ever see Frost/Nixon (or the previews?)? Frost asks "are you saying the President can do something illegal?," and Nixon responds, "when the President does it, it's NOT illegal."

Nixon's hubris is, of course, shocking. However, this response would be perfectly appropriate in the hypothetical Frost/God interview (humor me, as silly as the hypothesis sounds). When God does it, it's not bad, even if I hate it, even if I can't do it myself, even if I think His reasons don't make sense.

The law/morality is subject to Him, not the other way around.
02-11-2010 , 12:35 PM
You seem to not want to answer the question properly.

How is it wrong for a human to do it once i.e kill? Yet god can do it to millions of people? At what point do you think its bad? If god can kill isnt that the basis for absolute moralty?
02-11-2010 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
You seem to not want to answer the question properly.

How is it wrong for a human to do it once i.e kill? Yet god can do it to millions of people? At what point do you think its bad? If god can kill isnt that the basis for absolute moralty?
No way you are serious.
02-11-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
There you go being arrogant again. You are not in a position to know what god would be like if he became a man.
Aren't you overlooking the big J.C.?

Most of the works he displayed besides teaching were healing. He came to heal us from the vicissitudes we experience as a result of our separation from God.

He did have his outburst of righteous anger in the Temple but he didn't hurt any people. He attacked the improper images projected in his Father's holy place.
02-11-2010 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by HowardGrind
You seem to not want to answer the question properly.

How is it wrong for a human to do it once i.e kill? Yet god can do it to millions of people? At what point do you think its bad? If god can kill isnt that the basis for absolute moralty?
It's never bad if God does it. You're elevating morality above God. It's not inherently wrong to kill; it's only inherently wrong for imperfect human beings to kill.
02-11-2010 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
No way you are serious.
His focus is not whether humans should be free to kill but whether God should be judged poorly for having ostensibly committed mass genocide on a couple occasions, and multiple murders on other occasions.
02-11-2010 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
whether God should be judged
Therein lies the rub.
02-11-2010 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by FondueBar
It's never bad if God does it. You're elevating morality above God. It's not inherently wrong to kill; it's only inherently wrong for imperfect human beings to kill.
If Gods the ultimate judge of morality. It is not inherently wrong for humans to kill, harm others, steal or to do anything else as long as God orders it.
02-11-2010 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by FondueBar
Therein lies the rub.
I have not been convinced by arguments that if God exists that God should not be critiqued in any way just because he is greater than us. My dog know when I've been unfair to them if I yell at them unjustly: they show confusion and fear, versus when I catch them in the act of doing something bad and they emit guilt.

We deal with things to the best of our abilities, we may not always be right. However, if I accept that God destroyed every human on earth, and I generally view such acts negatively, I don't think its unfair to say that I believe God did a bad thing. If I believe that God told Abraham to sacrifice his son and then said haha I'm kidding, don't really do it, I think its fair for me to say that that was a douchy thing for God to do. Just because I may not have the whole picture does not mean that anything should go.

Just because there is a divine being with the power to create the universe does not necessarily entail that that being created us for anything more than amusement. If there is a God who treats us unfairly then we have every right not to be happy about that and even to think poorly of that God. It's only with monotheistic religions that judging gods has become taboo, look at the greek and roman gods, they were just as flawed as everyone else, and subject to judgment.
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