Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I still see good in this world. I do not look out and see that evil has won. There are many good people, unfortunately there seems to be more bad than good people.
Looking at the world I don't see evil every where, I see people doing evil things. If everyone made the right decisions (putting others ahead of themselves) this world would be fairly decent. Just sad that so few are willing to make that commitment.
There are evolutionary forces at work when it comes to ethics or "good" or "moral" people. You don't need religion, or God, or any of that mumbo jumbo to live a "good" life.
We are designed to be good people. Does that mean there are plenty of very very bad people? Sure, but I would never go so far as to say most people are bad. Not in the least. I think most people are good. Most people WILL help you if they could, if they see no risk or loss to help someone, and even then most people will help you.
When you see something terrible happen, an accident, someone get sick, whatever, you'd be amazed how many people want to help. It's a natural instinct. Now, do we have other factors involved, like crowd psychology, fear of helping might hurt, etc etc? Sure, but that doesn't take away from the fact that people WANT to help.
The world isn't a bad place, and you don't need God, or the church or whatever to live in it. I don't believe in any of that crap, and I'm happy as pie. Well, actually.. I'm at work right now so maybe "happy" isn't the right word, but you get my drift.