Originally Posted by thekid345
Your missing my point and you make a alot of assumptions here.
Pot, meet kettle.
It appears that you may not understand the weight of Lemons false statement to Muslims all around the world. To the many, many Muslim women who willingly wear burqas including my own family members.
The fact that there are "many, many Muslim who willingly wear burqas" is not an argument against it being considered oppressive.
At best, you can argue it's not oppressive toward those women.
BTW I am very charitable with my reading, I have yet to use foul language or bully people itt.
That's not what 'charitable' means.
Do you actually think its ok to say that "Burqas are oppressive"?
Sure, it is "okay". Again, "
Burqas are oppressive" has many possible interpretations, and some of them certainly
are oppressive (I would hope you would agree that in those countries where women must wear them, they are being oppressed).
You are also guessing what Lemon assumes about burqas by saying you are "going to guess" when you don't actually know what his true views are. (Lemons)
Of course. I am always going to strive to be as charitable as possible in my reading [especially when I know a poster's history], so I'm going to have to make some assumptions and then wait for him to clarify.
Not to mention you are oblivious to his statement.
I don't think it means what you think it means.
Again I don't think Lemon is a bigot/nor Islamophobic (yet).
Quite the narrow edge from "I think he has bigoted views" to "he is a bigot". If you want to walk that inflammatory language tight rope, then feel free. Personally, I'd choose firmer ground.
But the fact that you seem to think his comments are meaningless is mind boggling to me.
I don't think it means what you think it means.