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Illness and Spirituality Illness and Spirituality

05-12-2020 , 10:50 AM
The idea of illness is ancient with the beginnings of illness,pain and suffering
often related to the "Fall of Man" and in particular the Luciferic Temptation. Prior to this moment in time (Eden) Man was not so much an individual but within the cosmic entelechy much as a branch is an appendage of the tree.

With this temptation the beginnings of Man,as an individual began, but included within this event was unleashed the passions, desires, errors and omissions to which the individual man became ensconced . Man became knowledgeable and of course this is the knowledge of Good and Evil.

The benefits of this event were the progressive improvement of the human soul is his overcoming of these temptations, not the least of which is his self centerdness. From being a babe in the cosmic womb he gained an individuality and his responsibilities of self improvement.

Illness is very much a part of this human movement as Man progresses in Time to a future state to which the religions have prophesied in one form or another. This is the end of time in which Man, as immortal being , overcomes death and moves on to a higher existence.

The above is only precursor to the point; Man carries forward through successive lives the results of disagreeable events to which he is unable to overcome in past lives.

This is a picture of "karma" or the beneficent powers working for the improvement off the individual man. Illness is the consequence of maladroit events in past lives to which the individual man,prior to his incarnation in a future life, desires to become involved to manifest improvement as a human being. Illness as a impediment and boon to the future state of Man.

Of course, with the present earthly consciousness it is difficult to state that the individual asked for a tragic event in this life but within the passage between prior deaths to new incarnation the human soul desires this very event, which displays a more broadened and telling perspective .

This is not a justification for fatalism which is a narrowed earthly concept. The human soul has traversed many lives and in this perspective the "individualism" of the human soul displays a progression to individuality.

Still, within the earthly we have to work with our capabilities and not all illnesses are "karmic" which can manifest within the individual soul/spirit beings.

So, how does this relate to present times with a materialistic virus to which we are all ensconced ? The present powers are manifesting a materialistic illness such that the supposed virus travels through space, infects the air, grows on spoon ladles and for sure poisons your neighbor.

Fear is the currency of the materialistic bias by a scientific materialism devoid of the spirit in no small measure. Seeking particles, sub particles and deeper sub particles the proper use of the intellectual fruits which are lost in this demand for earthly or material causality.

I'm not here to give remedy for the events of the day but only to bring to comprehension to men that that there is a perspective of the spiritual which does change the human soul/spirit man for his further course within recurrent lives. The fruits of the earth will follow the individual man between successive lives and can only be learned while on the earth.

The tragedy is that the materialistic bias lowers the individual soul to a state of loss of future self in crisis but the power of the future is within each man, his responsibility, the Christ within All Men.

To be clear, when Galileo presented the powers of the pendulum he posited a "non sensory" spirituality which cannot be seen but can be scientifically clarified with a broadened perspective. Science can approach this spiritual activity as scientists but not as a hierarchy of long necked animals with heads immersed within the sand. This is the animal which goes into the caves and loses his sight.

The best to you.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
05-12-2020 , 02:50 PM
How do you know what you are saying is not mired in deception and delusion? Your rationality concedes crumbs of partial truths in order to convince you to extrapolate into futility.

It’s not enough to desire truth. Desiring truth still keeps us enslaved by rationality and the deception that we can access an objective truth through our intellectualizations. We need to recognize the pattern of our past deceptions and assume that the pattern will continue.

To instill this, we should see the truth seeking in others and pass negative judgment on everyone who is under the delusion that they can access an objective truth through their rationality. That means everyone since everyone is captured by this delusion as far as I can tell. Establishing that negative judgment toward others will automatically turn it around on us. The next task is to prepare ourselves so that we don’t reject it in hypocrisy.

After this, doubt becomes our most trusted ally, since it indicates a separating from the previously mentioned delusion. Doubt and negative judgment are painful and we have an impulse to avoid pain. Therefore, to stop us from quitting truth seeking altogether, we should then use the freedom and awakening we get from the negative judgment to stack a deepening desire for truth on top. We should grow our desire for truth to the point of entitlement.

At this point, we are polarized with a strong negative judgment toward rationality on one side and a burning desire for truth on the other. This should knock us down to the ground level in a state of absolute uncertainty and paralysis. It is here that we can begin to embrace the first person, subjective perspective, and where we can further engage our desire for the feeling of meaning. We go through this same process that we went through with truth on our desire for meaning and we are on our way.

This is how we build our house on a foundation of rock rather than a foundation of sand. It’s how we journey along the actual path of truth rather than a counterfeit, make believe path. The reason why nobody seems to do this is because they don’t want to expose themselves to negative judgment and uncertainty. However, truth seeking is an actual meritocracy - you get what you earn by doing the work.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
05-20-2020 , 10:36 PM
The question of Christianity and its relationship to reincarnation and karma should be answered considering that the churches make little or no mention of recurrent lives.

If Christ died for our sins how does recurrent lives fit in with the Christ Being for if a man schools and compensates through karma just where is the Christ ?

As the human being has a memory there is likewise a cosmic memory where events are appropriately recorded. And so the invidious deeds of individual men are within the cosmic body, standing out as points of darkness within the realms of Divine Light.

What we see to the ends of the starry worlds and beyond is the living creativity of the Father God with His attendant beings of the hierarchy of angelic beings. Our senses bring us a outer picture of this Divine Creativity.

For expression, these beings are known as :

The Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

Seraphim or Spirits of Love

Cherubim or Spirits of Harmony

Thrones or Spirits of Will

Kyriotetes or Spirits of Wisdom

Dynameis or Spirits of Motion

Exousiai or Spirits of Form

Archai or Spirits of Time or Personality

Archangeloi or Spirits of Fire

Angeloi or Sons of Twilight or Life

Human Spirits

Spirits Yet to Come

I give the list for with the thinking of men at our present stage of evolution there is a real and factual tendency to generalize and shrink divine activities into abstractions devoid of creative life.

And so we have Divine activity of myriad and fundamental motions which in their movements to higher and more noble states we have the darkness within the cosmic memory which hampers this ebullient flow of a truthful beauty.

This is the sacrificial work of the Christ Being, a cosmic sacrifice to which the human being and the cosmos evolves as the Christ has taken the "objective" facts or sins within Himself as sacrifice for Divine and Human progression .

Christ, as World and Cosmic Savior, the Cosmic Christ.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-06-2020 , 11:29 AM
"Still, within the earthly we have to work with our capabilities and not all illnesses are "karmic" which can manifest within the individual soul/spirit beings."

In the first essay I wrote the above which can be found within the middle of the essay.

The idea that "not all illnesses are karmic" is a broad generalization to which I cannot verify. This error takes away from the karmic powers to which we are all embedded and so what I wrote speaks to the human soul/spiritual being traversing between lives and "illness" or "disease" as a consequence of untoward actions or acts which are sought for, individually , for proper and living compensation.

This includes contagion.

There is a paradox as it is indeed hard to conceive that the difficulties of one's life are our own and only our own; mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

Referring to the Luciferic temptation it is a certainty that Man "had no chance" against Lucifer and his minions and so his difficulties are not his own and getting back to the original aspect we can see that the individuation of men( personality) can only come about through higher beings acting upon us and in this we have Lucifer and Ahriman or beings who attempt to drag us into the spirit realm without personality or those who attempt to make us believe that the earth is the only realm or base physicality.

In this karma can be seen as a healing process , a process of Love, the Christ within. Christ stands within us as the "hypomochilon" or focal point as we traverse between the extremes of the spirit and the deadening effect of the physical. The Christ as balance within.

The science of the day demands point forces of bacteria or viruses or bouncing molecules of the same nature and here we have the deadening effect of scientific physicality.

I'll stop here for now.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-06-2020 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by carlo
I'll stop here for now.
I thought you stopped 2-months ago. Guess not.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-24-2020 , 11:54 AM
In speaking to karma and reincarnation it would help to become more detailed.

When a man dies the first experience is to the effect " my past life is appearing before my eyes" which is a picture of his past life in a great panorama to which he is immersed. To the outside observers he is without life but during these first days (about 24-48 hours) he has this experience which is the picture contained within his "etheric body" which is not the same as the scientists ether.

This body is called the "life body" or "formative force body" to which the departing soul has as origin of for example, "life" in the earthly realm. This body is that to which offer combat against the destructive or death impulses of the human being while alive. It is the source of "constructive forces" or even "healing forces" or "growth forces" within the human being.

At death the physical body releases the etheric body as it (physical body) can no longer ascent from the continuation of life. The physical body then enters into the external world first as a corpse then the continued dissolution as "nature takes it course". Another way of saying this is that the external world of the human physical body is the destroyer of the human form and physical and held at bay by the etheric body.

In this forum recently i spoke to the four(4) bodies of Man, the physical, etheric, astral and Ego or I. I'll try not to repeat as the question becomes: what becomes of the human soul/spiritual being after death ? What is this relationship to karma ?

After the passing of the picture experience of the etheric body the human soul/spiritual being enters into the "soul world" where karma is appreciated.

In the original post i spoke to illness as a karmic event but of course, the interactions of man to man with respect to karma needs clarifying and I'll speak to that upon return.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-24-2020 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by carlo
When a man dies the first experience is to the effect "my past life is appearing before my eyes"
How do you know this?
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-24-2020 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
How do you know this?
You obviously can't know this by using your senses for it is within another realm. What I've presented is no different than what you might expect as a source of knowledge; I study and stay within the world of reason in order to present the same.

I only ask you to comprehend and if I display reason within, you will know and realize in some manner that a memory is aroused of experiences you have gone through in your own path through many lives. This is not something new to you or any other man.

A trained clairvoyant does the same and knowledge such as this is presented to others and if kept within reason can even be corrected by those who do not have these abilities. Thinking is a spiritual activity and as such we enter into the realm of the trained clairvoyant through the following of thoughts and thought processes.

There is a great deal to be appreciated behind this type of presentation but all I ask is an open mind following the thoughts and then go and have your morning coffee.

Anecdotally many have heard of that very saying you referenced of "my life flashed before my eyes". This can and does happen in episodes of extreme distress and in near drowning or falling off a cliff or extreme shock.

What happens is that the etheric body loosens from the physical but not totally for if it did, the man would die . There is a certain tight connection between the physical body and the etheric body and whereas many will faint and not recognize the loosening of the bodies some do recognize and remember this picture panorama . Obviously it doesn't always happen during these episodic periods of extreme shock but it does.There's a word(?) for this when it reaches the streets and becomes part of the vernacular.

"my life ......".
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-24-2020 , 11:38 PM
As an aside it is important for the human being to gain some insight as to the higher worlds for any knowledge is an aid to progress through the heavenly worlds after death . In the evolution of the human soul man will become conscious within his individuality after death and spiritual knowledge becomes a welcome guide in those realms.

The Greek saying was "better a beggar on earth than king of the shades" as he was unsure and incapable of keeping his personage after death and he knew it.

Times have changed and become correspondingly difficult as through sense bound materialism Man has lost his correspondent feelings of that other world, that to which the religions have offered the human soul.

The future of Man is that he will be able to die in full consciousness after death and this is the Christ within as guide. In that manner learning of higher realms while on earth is the future of Man in his evolutionary states.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-25-2020 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
How do you know this?
Originally Posted by carlo
You obviously can't know this by using your senses for it is within another realm ...

all I ask is an open mind following the thoughts and then go and have your morning coffee ...

What happens is that the etheric body loosens from the physical but not totally for if it did, the man would die .

Uh. I don't think coffee is going to get me there.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-30-2020 , 03:35 PM
As noted previously ,at death a man experiences a panoramic picture of his past life which is released into the etheric world after a period of 2,3, 4 days.

Before going any further it should be clear that this experience is accomplished without the physical body as will all further travels into the higher realms.

Upon entering the "soul world" a purposeful activity arises which extricates any residual of the earthy from the soul. He enters into the region of desires.

A good example of that of a gourmand with his inclination to sate his palate,passions of life or even lusts which have to be cleared from the soul's earthly state. As the body is necessary to satisfy the tastes and passions of the soul this cannot be accomplished without the physical body.

This region of privation is likened to a severe thirst in a water less wasteland to which the soul loses the desire for completion of the lust. The
human soul demands this period of privation in order to move onto the higher realms of the spirit.

There are gradations during this process which lasts about 1/3 of the lifetime as per example; a period of 24 years if the man dies at age 72. This approaches the amount of time the human being sleeps .

A following gradations is those who gain pleasure from the glitter of life and next the pleasure of wishes on the earth, the feeling of well being on the earth. This last region causes the human soul to realze that the bosy is not necessary for the human state.

The next regions speaks to those natures who had joy in their surroundings such as enthusiasm for nature or even ideal in the attainments of civilization. In the next region the purification of the soul continues for those who seek action on life and of course its subsequent pleasures. the next region frees man from his last inclinations from sensory physical life to which the man freed from this region of desires may enter toward the spirit region.

For those who may have come across the tem this region is known as "purgatory".

To be clear the time periods are not present in space and the words chosen have to be presented within the earthly language which is"built" for the earth.

Its long enough but during this time the man also lives his life backwards from the time of his death until birth, all this within the one third of his lifetime. As the man travels backward he experiences the consequences of his actions on the earth with respect to others. the clearest example is if he pokes another man in the nose at age 27 he will experience the effects of that act upon the man.

All that to which he has manifested on the earth with respect to others he now experiences during this backward travel through the soul realm.In this a karmic bond is accomplished between others and in some way both natures prepare this karmic event . The future of a man is being prepared within karma, the law of destiny.

After the man has passed through the soul world to enter into highe realms his karmic picture awaits him upon return from the spirit for this impediment cannot enter into higher realms.

We have the man purified or cleansed of all the earthly, as he enters into the world of the spirit. upon return to the next life karma awaits him at the border of the spirit/soul to be accomplished in the next life or further lives.

Around the turn of the first millennium in a feudal principality the prince of this principality , as was customary during these times, set out to make war upon a distant state. They were unsuccessful in this mission and returnde ,fatigued from war and depleted in numbers, only to find that another prince had conquered and taken over his principality.

The deposed leader wasn't strong enough to overcome the new prince and became serfs on the state at the mercy of their overlord. During the night they would build large fires and rail against the overlord and spit blood curdling epithets against the overlord but could never accomplish their wishes and vengeful desires and in time, both leaders died.

Fast forward about 800 years and there lived German political philosopher who had much difficulty in life but was continually buttressed by a dear friend who always came to the aid of this individuality . Even in England where his magnum opus was written the friend ,being of a wealthy family, cared for the needs of his loving friend.

No surprise that the deposed leader in another life was Karl Marx and the overlord was Fredrich Engels. The karmic bond manifested.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-30-2020 , 04:25 PM
A better name for this period of privation is the "region of burning desire".
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-30-2020 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by carlo
As noted previously ,at death a man experiences a panoramic picture of his past life which is released into the etheric world after a period of 2,3, 4 days.
And, as noted previously, how do you know this?
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-31-2020 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
And, as noted previously, how do you know this?
You've received my answer , being aggressively skeptical and clever offers nothing to which you can comment to in another thread. Finis.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
08-31-2020 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by carlo
being aggressively skeptical and clever
You caught me. You caught the RoundGuy. You are obviously a brilliant man.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
09-10-2020 , 10:23 AM
In attempting to bring some comprehension of recurrent lives the idea of the "Platonic Year" can be considered. As the sun travels through the cosmos the background would be the zodiacal stars in its travels.

What this means is that a platonic year is approximately 25000+ years in which the sun travels through the zodiacal signs . The background of our present times is the star center Pisces whereas 2100 years ago we were within Aries and the progression within these star centers consists of 2100 (25000+/ 12) years each.

As the earth moves with the sun the recurrent lives are associated with the solar movements within the zodiac. As a general rule each man incarnates within a 2100+ year cycle twice for each incarnation would be a male and then a female, each about 1100 years. the reason being is that the countenance of the earth will change during this 2100 year cycle.

The earth's countenance was different 2100 years ago as were the human beings who incarnated. Man has not always been what he is, even within a 12000 years ago but that's another question but it suffices to say that Man, the earth, the sun, and the cosmos is in a process of change ala Heraclitis who said "everything is in flux".

And so it would be that each individual Man would incarnate each 1100 years but there's more. Each who incarnates obtains capabilities and powers to which cannot be gained except on the earth. these capabilities that stay with the man through recurrent lives.

An example of this is that each of us learns his language from east, west, etc... but do not carry this language to the next life but the power developed within the learning of the language is a capability which will stay within each man. Power gained to the refurbishment of the human soul.

The time between incarnations is a function of each man's capabilities and so if he lacks during one life in completion of his work he may incarnate within 300 years or 500 years. Each man returns to the earth dependent upon his individual need and also his gift to cosmic worth.

There are those who have difficulty and fall behind and would return, for example within 200 years while there are the benevolent souls who offer themselves to the betterment of mankind and the cosmic entelechy can also return earlier, for example 200 years, to bring their gifts to all.

On average ,mankind has progressed to about a 800 year return, this again individually manifested.

Reincarnation and karma is not forever for in the schooling of the human soul , as noted in the religious tomes , he progresses in spiritual powers such that death is overcome. He will enter into a new existence, as Christ borne individuals, sans death , is full individual consciousness.

This is the Christ mission, the breakdown of family, folk, nation in the best sense such as we will be within the Christ Spirit as individuals. For those who would like something to refer to, it should be noted that at present we are English, French, Italian, German, etc. and ensconced spiritual beings in which we live.

The archangels of the different peoples are the ancient references to these very beings. It comes from a time when all of mankind had an ancient clairvoyance but not as extreme of an individuality. We've become individual but in the process have lost our sense of the Divine, that to which we are ensconced.

Each of us within our peoples can bring forth the best of our nation which is bound by love into the future as this was not meant that we should enter into strife with our fellow man. You don't try to hurt your Mother.. it goes without saying.

Illness and Spirituality Quote
12-28-2020 , 11:54 AM
I've spoken to "purgatory" of in esoteric language the "moon" sphere in which karma is elucidated and the individual man experiences his effect upon others in the previous life. I should be clear that the use of 'moon' state of being is not that we are physical beings upon the moon as seen today but a state of being without physicality.

As the soul moves through the next region of the spiritual world, known as the "mercury" sphere in this we find souls that are of a similar moral tenor. In this state a man can have a moral or immoral predisposition and if immorality reigns he will be a hermit in this region. During one's sojourn in this state we do indeed live within those to whom we have had relationships while on earth . There are others to whom we have not had relationships on earth within this realm to whom we make no contact. Again, this is a realm of moral dispositions.

Somewhere a Greek , profoundly stated, that in all the realm of the shades our relationships with others cannot be changed. only changed upon the earth. And so, of one believes that he has not rightfully cared for another whether loved or not, a lost opportunity if you will, this tensioned relationship will be there in this realm of the spirit after death; better to do the right deed before death and this is the stuff of karma.

The next sphere, known as the Venus sphere, is imbued with love with individual men within their religious predispositions . The fellow souls of the great religions are together within a religious disposition. This is the realm of religious, philosophical and artistic dispositions where men, in some manner, have looked to the higher realms of livening being.

A true atheist, and there are very few, if any, becomes a hermit in this realm.

The religions of mankind are expressions of a prayer of life which are structured within a nation, as positions in time and place .The Indian or Hindu religion which culminated within Buddhism can be seen as the first post Atlantean cultural epoch while the cultural epoch of Zoroaster followed within ancient pre historic Persia with its own particular religious appreciation.

Subsequent cultural epochs were the Egyptian, Babylonian, Chaldean state then the Greco Roman followed by the fifth epoch to which we are presently ensconced which began at approximately the 15th century.

Each epoch lasted about 2100 years and of course, for example, the Hindu religious predisposition continued on during the other epochs and changed in measure and effect. All religions come from a common source, differing within their particular state of earthly and heavenly dispositions.

Back to our progression after death the soul now enters the "sun" state of being. Within this realm the soul meets his fellow man in which all particular individual predispositions are negated ad if for those who can look at his fellow man, as the individual human without constrain of religion, race, nation, family or gender, this is the individual human within the sun realm. This is the realm of the Christ Being, the Impulse of Christianity.
all earthly restrains are lost in this realm and the individual man will be a hermit if there is no disposition to see his fellow human soul sans earth.

Prior to Golgotha the Christ Being was within the sun realm and brought His light to all who traveled through the spheres of existence so that the individual man had some sense of self in this sojourn, a gift of grace. The hierarchy of angelic beings that are delineated in this thread all looked to the spiritual sun prior to Golgotha and afterward looked to the earth for the Christ, the leader of the Spirits of the Sun state of being. Christ became the Earth Spirit within the hearts of all men.

All looked to the Earth.

A Christian, as Paul stated can say "not I but Christ within me" but the Christian can also look at his fellow man, on the earth, and see the Christ within each and every man irrespective of nation, race, gender,etc...

The dynamical movement of Christianity or the Christ is only in its beginnings as each man moves to the future in which the earth morphs into another state of being, Christ led, as the individual man morphs into a new existence that of the immortal human soul . Christ, as the guide to the future, without coercion for Love cannot be brought forth via coercion and each man, in individuality of tone becomes the new being, the human being within Christ.

As might be guessed there are further realms known as mars, jupiter and saturn,and higher to which the soul travels until a turn around occurs and the soul goes through the previous until in an embryo formed by the cosmic entelechy welcomes a this soul with its karmic responsibilities to a new earthly life. A man is born.

Of course there's more but this is enough.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
03-17-2021 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by VsSolace
Do you make predictions yourself?
Of course. I predict I will never click on your link.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
03-19-2021 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by VsSolace
spam deleted
No, I do not subscribe to astrology. The astrological presentations during our times are no more than a lost echo of an impetus which can be dated to the Babylonian and Chaldean Star Wisdom of 4000 years ago.

In order to get even a glimmer of this happening it should be noted that the intellectual forces of our present age only began with the advent of the Greco-Roman period from about 740 BCE to the 15th century and continued into our times which began in the 15th century.

The ancient peoples were immersed within the cosmic entelechy with a consciousness of experience such that they experienced themselves to be within a cosmic whole . Their experience of the stellar lights, the movements of the planetary bodies of sun, moon and earth were known as part of their very being. This was not a I-thou relationship , nor a pantheistic consideration, but a clairvoyance, naturally endowed to which they had a direct perception of the "other" which was themselves, so to speak.

The ancient Hindu expression would be "thou art that". to the Babylonian to see the tree, he saw himself, to see the flowing water, he saw himself, and to envision the stellar script , he saw himself as his immortal "I". Consequential to this type of consciousness the "Ego" or "I" of the man was not individualized into a personality. This can be seen within the teachings of the great Buddha in which the "Ego" is denied.

Within this consciousness the Chaldean scientists brought forth star wisdom such as the movement of the planets, the expression of the zodiacal figures, all of a considered clairvoyance of a diminished consciousness (with respect to our present consciousness). This was the ancient clairvoyance.

I've taken this route, which is tedious for me also, in order to make the jump to our present age in which we are "ego focused" with personality, with a consequential loss of the ancient sight. We have become individuals and so the science of the day relates all to the earth or in correspondence, the individual man. We do not consider ourselves a part of the heavens to which we weigh and measure, all related to the earth.

The astrological science of former times was a perceptive comprehension of the heavens and earth but as you may have gleaned, in present times, is ego centric, this dependent upon the individual person. The perceptive abilities are lost, and rightly so have become an empty shell.

I'll pause here and hopefully speak to the ancient Greek as he passed through this clairvoyance into the intellectual age, and relate it to our times.

Last edited by Original Position; 03-19-2021 at 05:37 PM.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
03-20-2021 , 07:27 AM
Spam, a wartime favorite which lost its savour; even the Greeks didn't care.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
04-04-2021 , 01:39 PM
Back to ancient Greek consciousness which perceived the thoughts behind( better word?) the sensory . He knew that our sense laden abilities were the internal projection of spiritual realities ; the thought as real and creative and as such the basis for the sensory.

As he perceived the stellar thoughts of what is known as the animal panorama or the zodiac his experience of this thought reality arose within him was known as "Zeus". He needn't debate or come to a logical formation as "proof" of his gods for they lived within.

In our time we se the "head" of man associated with cognition or thinking; "the soul thinks".

He also looked out into the heavens and and experienced the planets, mars, jupiter, saturn, venus, mercury, moon and the sun and in this had a "feeling" experience of cosmic rhythms. In this world, the world of movement, he related to the human chest cavity..

Within our times the cosmic rhythms can be perceived within the chest cavity at the confluence of the meeting of the respiratory and circulatory rhythms. This rhythm is associated within a ratio of 18 respirations to 72 movements of the circulation known as "heart beats". This , of course, is specific for each man who displays his own ratio but as a whole his will be a variation on the theme of 1 to 4.

In this realm one can glean the moral for if this rhythm is disrupted to the slightest extent we will "feel" an untoward experience. In our world of abstract materialism feelings are often related to the head, or thought process, but this is an error of perception and so understand the when the ancient thespian placed his hand over his heart to express his feelings of joy or sorrow he had a more impressive comprehension of the reality of man than the abstract scientists of our day, our "head men".

This experience that arose within the ancient Greek was called "Poseidon".

The difficulty is that ancient science knew that man was included within nature and therefore brought man into his scientific endeavors as the outer life was contained within the inner being of man. The rhythms of the seasons, the planetary movements, the rotation of the earth, his relationship to the sun and moon are all contained within great cosmic rhythms and are within man.

And so there is the Thinking soul within the nerve sense system, the Feeling soul within the chest cavity and the third soul activity or that of "will".

Observation of the digestive or metabolic system which is attached to the limb system or extremities is found the region of the "will". When the thought arises and a man lifts his right arm we have the correspondence between the thought and the will but there is never an inner perception of the realm of the will. The will is the unknown realm of the human being, the unconscious, so to speak. We may run, jump, build a bridge but in our present consciousness we are not aware or able to glean the being of the will. We perform an act, will laden, with an enthusiastic warmth but the "will" eludes us.

Schopenhauer had a grasp of this region but the only way to knowledge or comprehension has to be routed through the thoughts and to a similar extent to the feelings. This is the realm where a man expresses his "free individuality" or personality, the region of will full activities.

This realm was , as brought forth by the ancient Greek, the realm of Pluto.

Man, the soul, thinks, feels and wills but to be clear , systems are in balance active throughout the human body(s), not being fixed into one location.

Zeus, Poseidon, and Pluto ; man thinks, feels and wills; man as an inner expression of outer reality; "thou art that". "As above, so below", man as the microcosm of the macrocosm.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
04-05-2021 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
How do you know what you are saying is not mired in deception and delusion? Your rationality concedes crumbs of partial truths in order to convince you to extrapolate into futility.

It’s not enough to desire truth. Desiring truth still keeps us enslaved by rationality and the deception that we can access an objective truth through our intellectualizations. We need to recognize the pattern of our past deceptions and assume that the pattern will continue.

To instill this, we should see the truth seeking in others and pass negative judgment on everyone who is under the delusion that they can access an objective truth through their rationality. That means everyone since everyone is captured by this delusion as far as I can tell. Establishing that negative judgment toward others will automatically turn it around on us. The next task is to prepare ourselves so that we don’t reject it in hypocrisy.

After this, doubt becomes our most trusted ally, since it indicates a separating from the previously mentioned delusion. Doubt and negative judgment are painful and we have an impulse to avoid pain. Therefore, to stop us from quitting truth seeking altogether, we should then use the freedom and awakening we get from the negative judgment to stack a deepening desire for truth on top. We should grow our desire for truth to the point of entitlement.

At this point, we are polarized with a strong negative judgment toward rationality on one side and a burning desire for truth on the other. This should knock us down to the ground level in a state of absolute uncertainty and paralysis. It is here that we can begin to embrace the first person, subjective perspective, and where we can further engage our desire for the feeling of meaning. We go through this same process that we went through with truth on our desire for meaning and we are on our way.

This is how we build our house on a foundation of rock rather than a foundation of sand. It’s how we journey along the actual path of truth rather than a counterfeit, make believe path. The reason why nobody seems to do this is because they don’t want to expose themselves to negative judgment and uncertainty. However, truth seeking is an actual meritocracy - you get what you earn by doing the work.
And you resolve the possibility of delusion by appealing to one of the myriad of invisible gods? I'm sorry. Not rational.
Illness and Spirituality Quote
