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I like to talk with atheists philosophically. I like to talk with atheists philosophically.

11-03-2014 , 08:19 AM
I am a latecomer to this thread, and have not yet read it all, so forgive me if this has been discussed already:

you definition of god says that he is the creator of all things with a beginning.
This seems to imply that there exists a class of things without a beginning.
If things without a beginning are possible, I hope your proof will not depend on a primal cause.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-03-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by neeeel
I agree with you to a point, but there can be no physical evidence of what happened before the big bang ( or at least, we havent found any yet) so any theories as to beginnings can only be speculation, although maybe well founded and logical speculation. The actual facts of the big bang do not tell us what happened before the big bang. There is no way of telling whether the universe popped into existence from nothing, was created by an entity, was formed from some "foam", or some other explanation. So comparing the coming into existence of noses and pies, for which we do have some physical evidence, to coming into existence of universes, doesnt seem very useful to me.

what evidence is there to show us how the universe came into being? note that the big bang is not evidence of how it came into being.

You are stating that you and I came into existence, and you have evidence of it.

now you are saying that you cant help me. Sounds like you dont know it at all, and have no evidence( other wise you would be able to show me the evidence) . As I said, its just assumption on your part.
Let's just get our cards on the table, then. You believe it is equally likely that you and I have always existed versus both of us having had a beginning sometime in the last century? You also believe it is equally likely that the universe has always existed versus having had a beginning? Would that be fair to say?

You are making claims that buck against the trend of evidence that we have before us. I'd say the onus is on you to justify your claims, based on the fact that we do have evidence that the universe began to exist, and we do have evidence that you and I began to exist.

The first concerns evidence of expansion, radioactive background and so on. The latter concerns historical and personal evidence.

Also, I don't think you understand the science of the big bang theory. You keep talking about what happened "before the big bang." And then you start talking about "foam" and what not. I again refer you to the link in my previous post. The physical universe came into existence WITH TIME and not IN TIME. This is the current, standard understanding. There really is no "before the big bang." Hence, susmario believes there is a necessity for a timeless creator.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-03-2014 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Doggg
Let's just get our cards on the table, then. You believe it is equally likely that you and I have always existed versus both of us having had a beginning sometime in the last century? You also believe it is equally likely that the universe has always existed versus having had a beginning? Would that be fair to say?
No, I am saying that you and I, do not exist at all in the way that "we" understand it.

You are making claims that buck against the trend of evidence that we have before us. I'd say the onus is on you to justify your claims, based on the fact that we do have evidence that the universe began to exist, and we do have evidence that you and I began to exist.
I dont have any evidence that you and I began to exist( remember, it was you who specifically said you werent talking about the body). Glad to hear any evidence you do have.

The big bang is evidence that the universe began to exist, but it doesnt tell us anything about that beginning, about whether an entity created it, whether it popped into existence out of nothing, whether it was a consequence of some quantum state, or just a bubble in a many bubble multiverse, or whatever. And I am saying that if you dont know that, then you cannot compare the "beginning of the universe" to the "beginning of a pie" in any meaningful way.

The first concerns evidence of expansion, radioactive background and so on. The latter concerns historical and personal evidence.
This just tells us that if we were to rewind the universe, we would get to a singularity. I cant remember who it was ( feynmann?) who said that any time we reach a singularity, it means our understanding is faulty. It tells us nothing about HOW the universe came to be.

Also, I don't think you understand the science of the big bang theory. You keep talking about what happened "before the big bang." And then you start talking about "foam" and what not. I again refer you to the link in my previous post. The physical universe came into existence WITH TIME and not IN TIME. This is the current, standard understanding. There really is no "before the big bang."
Yes, I get that, and it also means that talking about the universe beginning is also meaningless. These concepts ( time coming into existence, timeless creator , etc) are also kind of meaningless to our time based brains. There is no way to understand what it means for there to be no time, or timeless.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 12:49 AM
Ive never seen anything being to exist either, at least not the way in which the universe is said to. Matter coming into existence. Just seen matter recognized into different things.

Last edited by batair; 11-04-2014 at 12:57 AM.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 05:43 PM
I like to return to Step 1:

Discussion phase:
Step 1 Discussion phase 1 (dp1), all concur that God in concept is [ in concept ] the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

Please everyone give your view on whether the concept of God above has any component at all which is inconsistent and incoherent with the rest of the components.

This requires that everyone choose one component the most crucial to you that is not consistent and not coherent to the rest of components in the concept of God above in Step 1.

Please limit your post to just a 100 words or less, you see when you write so many words that is a giveaway that you do not have a concise and precise idea of what you are trying to tell readers.

I myself don't find any one component that is inconsistent and incoherent with the rest; all components are mutually among themselves consistent and coherent; so for me the existence of God in the concept concerned is a possibility.



Originally Posted by Susmario
10-24-2014, 08:28 PM Post 151


*[ Read the note at the end of this quote. ]

Discussion phase:
Step 1 Discussion phase 1 (dp1), all concur that God in concept is [ in concept ] the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

Step 2 Discussion phase 1a (dp1a), you concur with me that the universe has a beginning..

Step 3 Discussion phase 1b (dp1b). I concur with you that the universe has no beginning it has always existed.

Expedition phase:
Step 4 Expedition phase 1a (ep1a), all proceed to the realm of concrete actual reality to verify that every instance of existence has a beginning, and even the universe itself as a whole has a beginning; wherefore an entity is needed to give beginning to the universe and everything with a beginning, like God in concept the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning..

Step 5 Expedition phase 1b (ep1b), all proceed to the realm of concrete actual reality to verify that every instance of existence has always existed, including the universe as a whole; wherefore no entity is needed to give a beginning to them, like for example God in concept the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

*Please understand that we will organize ourselves into two groups, I will be with one group, the rest not with me will make up the opposite group.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Susmario
I like to return to Step 1:
confirmed troll
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by well named
welcome to my world
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
Call it a hunch but I get the feeling from OPs dismissive responses to some fairly straightforward points that we may find out in the next few pages why he is no longer able to post on some other forums.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Naked_Rectitude
(not you)
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by neeeel
confirmed troll
Yup. Don't think there is any doubt now.

Only other option is mental problems. Which would be sad.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-04-2014 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Let me make this clear: if you block requote that post of yours, for any reason, to any person, at any point again in this thread, this will be the last serious response you get from me.
Originally Posted by Susmario
I like to return to Step 1:
and....we're done.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-05-2014 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by well named
(not you)
That's quite alright, I'm fully aware of my limitations. Fortunately there's you and Aaron and a few others to balance the field, I just wish that RLK and Notready posted more.

Speaking of which, I'm still waiting for Original Position's triumphant return, several threads went by without his input, and I was imagining him coming in to set everyone straight, but it never happened.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 01:03 AM

It appears that you believe in the existence of the Christian God. You also believe there is evidence to support the existence of this God. If your arguments are valid and sound, then you do not need the approval of others before you can give your evidence. This is nothing like a 'field trip' that everyone is taking together. Everyone here has most likely already reached their own conclusions on the topic - including yourself.

If you are genuinely interested in having this discussion, I recommend you go ahead and present your entire argument (the 'field trip' that you have already made). You can go well over 100 words if necessary - completeness is more important than brevity if the argument requires it. I fully expect there to be something to discuss after we know what your position is. You are dragging this out while there is nothing to discuss.

Put another way:
Originally Posted by Susmario
I myself don't find any one component that is inconsistent and incoherent with the rest; all components are mutually among themselves consistent and coherent; so for me the existence of God in the concept concerned is a possibility.
You find it consistent and coherent. Is it accurate?
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 02:02 AM
that IS his whole argument. There isn't a second act. Now, if you first consider Step 1
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
that IS his whole argument. There isn't a second act. Now, if you first consider Step 1
I really want to give OP the benefit of the doubt. The forum post you linked was nearly 2 years old, and on that forum was a reference to another forum that'd been posted to that looked to be >7yrs ago - if it's a troll, it's a really long-term plan! There's no doubt that there's a major fail to communicate with others though.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 04:07 PM
I'm not sure what anyone expected here, as if someone was going to prove the existence of God or something. If the likes of WLC, Lennox, Plantinga, etc. aren't accepted here, I fail to see why people's expectations were so high.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
I really want to give OP the benefit of the doubt. The forum post you linked was nearly 2 years old, and on that forum was a reference to another forum that'd been posted to that looked to be >7yrs ago - if it's a troll, it's a really long-term plan! There's no doubt that there's a major fail to communicate with others though.
? He has been posting there throughout the last couple weeks just like this one, with identical or nearly identical posts in particular the big thing he keeps copy and pasting.

Nobody is expecting him to actually prove god's existence, but he has made it completely clear he has zero interest in actually engaging with anything anyone says, and is just copy and pasting his established little "argument" over and over again.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 07:39 PM
Thanks everyone for your posts.

I notice that almost all your posts as from atheists are into dodging the issue or muddling up the issue of this thread.

And that is expected because the actual fact and we know it if we just look at the facts of the world and use our reasoning faculty to think correctly, God in concept as the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning certainly exists, just as the nose in our face exists.

Well, I will now bring up again the issue of this thread which is as follows

10-14-2014, 09:46 PM Post 6

From Susmario
  • Quote:
    From Masque de Z:
    Why dont you start with your own ideas first about how God can enter a Scientific or Philosophical discussion from a purely logical point of view where it becomes necessary that it exists because it serves a purpose, has certain properties etc.

You see I have this idea that man can get to the existence of God from the concept of God, which concept has already been formulated by the thinkers of mankind from since millennia way back.

Here is that concept:
  • God is the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

Is that all right with you for a first matter of our exchange?

And we will talk on the basis of philosophical thinking and writing?

Okay, and I have come to the following protocol whereby theists can prove God exists, and/or atheists using the same protocol also can prove God does not exist -- here I will reproduce it again:

From Susmario:
  • Originally Posted by Susmario
    10-24-2014, 08:28 PM Post 151


    You and I and everyone keen on proving God exists or God does not exist, first we go into a discussion phase to get concurred on things needed for the resolution of the issue; when we have achieved concurrence on our premises, then we go into the expedition phase to look for God existing in actual reality or not.

    Discussion phase:
    Step 1 Discussion phase 1 (dp1), all concur that God in concept is [ in concept ] the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

    Step 2 Discussion phase 1a (dp1a), you concur with me that the universe has a beginning..

    Step 3 Discussion phase 1b (dp1b). I concur with you that the universe has no beginning it has always existed.

    Expedition phase:
    Step 4 Expedition phase 1a (ep1a), all proceed to the realm of concrete actual reality to verify that every instance of existence has a beginning, and even the universe itself as a whole has a beginning; wherefore an entity is needed to give beginning to the universe and everything with a beginning, like God in concept the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning..

    Step 5 Expedition phase 1b (ep1b), all proceed to the realm of concrete actual reality to verify that every instance of existence has always existed, including the universe as a whole; wherefore no entity is needed to give a beginning to them, like for example God in concept the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

See next post.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 07:40 PM
Okay, please keep in mind Steps 2 3 4 5 of my system or protocol for proving by theists or disproving by atheists on God and His existence, of course understanding God in concept as the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

Now, let us just everyone exchange views on the universe has a beginning or the universe has always existed.

Google is a terrific help for getting to know what things people know for certainty, so I will google the two phrases:
  • the universe has a beginning
    the universe has always existed.

Here are the hits respectively on each phrase:

From google:

For “the universe has a beginning”:

About 86,700,000 results (0.77 seconds)

Search Results
  • 1. The Beginning of Time - Stephen Hawking
    Stephen Hawking
    In this lecture, I would like to discuss whether time itself has a beginning, and whether it will have an end. All the evidence seems to indicate, that the universe ...
    2. The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe ... › Scholarly Articles › The Existence of God
    Two philosophical arguments and two scientific confirmations are presented in support of the beginning of the universe. Since whatever begins to exist has a ...
    For most of the existence of our species on this planet, mankind has believed that our home, the Earth, was located at the center of the universe. Copernicus's ...
    4. Mathematic Proof That The Universe Had A Beginning
    Apr 24, 2012 - Now, math has set one thing straight: our universe definitely had a start. ... close look at the concept of a universe that has no beginning or end.
    5. 'Ripples' of the Big Bang reveal the beginning of the universe
    Mar 18, 2014 - But what exactly happened at the start of the universe has been unconfirmed until now. With a radio telescope at the South Pole, scientists ...
    6. Does Big Bang Cosmology Prove the Universe Had a ...
    The big bang model also teaches that the universe had a beginning. ... have long known yet somehow failed to communicate adequately to the public, as much ...
    7. Mathematics of Eternity Prove The Universe Must Have Had ...
    MIT Technology Review
    Apr 24, 2012 - Cosmologists use the mathematical properties of eternity to show that although universe may last forever, it must have had a beginning.
    8. The Universe is Not Eternal, But Had A Beginning
    Jan 12, 2012 - "The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, ...
    9. Beginning of the Universe - Beginning of Time
    Scientists confirm the Big Bang Theory and the beginning of the universe. ... He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; ...
    10. Scientific Evidence the Universe had a Beginning
    Before the 1920s, most people believed that the universe did not have a beginning. People thought the universe was eternal. And few people ever thought that ...

For “the universe has always existed”:

About 2,980,000 results (0.38 seconds)

Search Results
  • 1. The Beginning of Time - Stephen Hawking
    Stephen Hawking
    All the evidence seems to indicate, that the universe has not existed forever, but that it had a ... The Second Law, states that disorder always increases with time.
    2. Could the Universe Have Always Existed? - Articles ...
    Sep 1, 2014 - “Because it is possible for the entire universe to cease to exist, ... Even if the universe has always existed and was uncaused (i.e., the view of ...
    3. The universe has always existed.? - Yahoo Answers
    Aug 4, 2011 - Well, ..., no that is not the case. The Universe has not always existed. Even the initial singularity (that began our universe) did not always exist.
    Is it illogical to believe the universe has always existed?
    8 answers
    10 Oct 2014
    If God can always exist, why can't the universe have ...
    19 answers
    10 Apr 2011
    Is it possible that the universe has always existed ...
    11 answers
    3 Nov 2010
    Has the universe always existed? - Yahoo Answers
    13 answers
    13 Aug 2006
    More results from
    4. The universe has always existed | Physicalism
    Feb 14, 2012 - In most religions, God is claimed to have always existed. The Universe may have always existed. So put these theories together… It seems we ...
    5. Answering Atheism: The Universe has always existed ...
    ► 1:57► 1:57
    Sep 23, 2013 - Uploaded by Catholic Answers Today's popular champions of atheism are often called New Atheists ...
    6. Challenge: Has the Universe Always Existed? - YouTube
    ► 6:27► 6:27
    May 27, 2011 - Uploaded by Brett Kunkle -- Has the universe always existed or does it have a beginning? Brett interacts with your ...
    7. Eternal universe -
    Creation Ministries International
    Mar 2, 2013 - Feedback on whether the universe has always existed, with discussion of the nature of God, set theory, matter/energy and materialism.
    8. The Universe has always existed (Earth, light, Sun, theory ... › ... › Science and Technology › Space
    City Data
    Nov 25, 2011 - 10 posts - ‎5 authors
    Where did the universe come from? Personally, I agree with a lot of what this author has written. The premise is 'nothing' does not exist, ...
    9. A THEORY OF THE UNIVERSE - The Contest Center
    Under this new theory, the universe has always existed, and space extends outward forever. Matter is distributed throughout the universe, far beyond what we ...
    10. Has the universe always existed? - The Science and Philosophy Forums
    Jun 18, 2010 - 30 posts - ‎5 authors
    10) Therefore, the universe has always existed. Are my premises and conclusions logically valid, or have I made a serious mistake somewhere ...

Do you notice, there are about 86,700,000 results for universe has a beginning vs about 2,980,000 results for universe having always existed.

What do we infer from these hits on respectively each phrase of the universe with beginning and the universe always existing?

Here is what I infer on the facts as disclosed by google and from logical thinking:
  • There are 96.6770% of scientists writing in the web ascribing to universe with a beginning vs only a scant 3.3229% of unknown scientists for universe having always existed.

What do you say, atheists, don’t the figures translate to 96.6770% certainty of the universe having a beginning, which means in common human understanding, mankind starting with scientists know for sure that the universe has a beginning, just like the nose in our face has a beginning -- I mean if the universe were only the size of our nose, then we are certain of the universe having a beginning as we are certain of our nose having a beginning.

So, atheists, no more dodging and muddling up the issue, what are your critical comments to my finding that the universe has a beginning, and therefore it has need of a cause to come to existence, that is the fact and the logic.

When you write next, please do not anymore go into dodging and muddling up the issue of this thread, talk about or in critique of the universe has a beginning therefore it needs God to bring it to existence.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 07:57 PM
I think you should try more search engines. One is not enough for something so critical. What does Yahoo find?
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 08:47 PM
I have already responded, at least twice, with why I think you are wrong, but you just ignored my post, and apparently are saying that I am dodging.

Why are you asking for responses when you just ignore what is said, and keep repeating your initial premise?
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 08:54 PM
Don't multiply things foolishly, that is what atheists are into all the time, dodging and muddling up the issue, and playing the nitwit -- forgive me for the realistic though harsh word.

Give me an argument for the non-existence of God in concept as the creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning.

Go to the universe starting with the nose in your face and search for all the instances of existence with a beginning, and all the instances of existence that have always existed.

And report here on your findings.

And don't seek fallacious escape valve with the false principle that you cannot prove a negative; have you never heard of a negative argument which is in direct opposition to a positive argument?

If not, then search with any search engines you want for this phrase [exactly, including the asterisks and the quotations marks] * "negative-argument" * .

And don't anymore always run to hiding with a "I cannot prove a negative no one can."

Preferably with google because that is the most clever thing to do first in searching the web and/or internet.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 09:23 PM
I believe that the easiest explanation to the ex-nihilo problem, is, as WLC likes to say, a transcendent, immaterial, uncaused-cause. I'm surprised more people don't accept an intelligent creator by this alone, but I don't think that this alone proves God.

I think Susmario has explained his view pretty clear in his last post, which is not unlike what I've just described.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Susmario
Don't multiply things foolishly, that is what atheists are into all the time, dodging and muddling up the issue, and playing the nitwit -- forgive me for the realistic though harsh word.
Somebody is mad they haven't been banned yet?

If you want a harsh word here is one, there are theists on this forum, saying nothing of actual academics, who can circles around you in making your own argument. You are a terrible advocate for your view. You are also either an a-hole with a stick up his a-hole, or if you're somehow a nice person, then you're completely delusional; not about God but about the quality and effectiveness of your debating 'style'.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
11-06-2014 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Susmario

Here is what I infer on the facts as disclosed by google and from logical thinking:
  • There are 96.6770% of scientists writing in the web ascribing to universe with a beginning vs only a scant 3.3229% of unknown scientists for universe having always existed.
I can't quite figure out which of many options is the funniest bit about it. I think I'm going for the way that google results that allegedly help his side are from scientists (which is hilarious in itself) but that when they don't help him get the additional qualifier unknown scientists.
I like to talk with atheists philosophically. Quote
