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A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians

10-27-2011 , 01:12 AM
How do you think you would feel if you woke up tomorrow morning to the news that every single Muslim on earth had died at exactly the same time by causes unknown? And i mean every single one, young, old, rich poor, and in every country in the world.

Would you feel sad?

Would you feel more positive that your religion is correct?

Would you think god did it?

If so and you was sure god did it, would you then be happy about it?

If that did happen I would really have to reconsider there is a god (not necessarily the Christian one) but i would reconsider my view.

However I would detest such a god and deem him unfit for my fecal matter, let alone worthy of my love, respect and worship.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 03:40 AM
I like your question here. I am not a Christian, much like yourself, but I would personally be sad that whoever has the power to do something like that would actually do it.

I would definitely not be inclined to believe in a God who would do that. I would rather go to Hell with my dignity in tact, than to bow down to such a ruthless, jealous and petty God - regardless of his aim for a 'greater good'.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 09:06 AM
Were the Muslims eradicated or raptured?
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 09:35 AM
^^ for this we dont know. Just that they have all died at the exact same second of causes unknown.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 09:57 AM
I think we should consult WLC.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 11:58 AM
I think I'd mourn, keep in prayer, and do what I could to serve those most effected.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Wizard-50
I think I'd mourn, keep in prayer, and do what I could to serve those most effected.
If you knew for certain, that it was Jesus who did it, would you still mourn?
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
I like your question here. I am not a Christian, much like yourself, but I would personally be sad that whoever has the power to do something like that would actually do it.

I would definitely not be inclined to believe in a God who would do that. I would rather go to Hell with my dignity in tact, than to bow down to such a ruthless, jealous and petty God - regardless of his aim for a 'greater good'.
And exactly what do you wish to accomplish? The people in hell arn't going to respect you for it, nor will the people in heaven. But you don't care about what they think right? Do you think the pride you take in having stood up to God is going to make up for an enternity of punishment?

Now suppose you die and stand before God. God says to you, well you VeeDDzz you lived a pretty good life. I don't fault you for being an atheist because you considered the possibility of my existence and simply made an error. I would be happy to have you spend an eternity with me in utter bliss if you choose it. Of course the alternative is hell. There is just one more thing VeeDDzz, I did cause the eradiction of all the muslims and had my reasons for it which I will reveal to you after you make your choice.

Do you really choose hell in this instance and do you think you are making the smart choice?
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
If you knew for certain, that it was Jesus who did it, would you still mourn?
Yes. I don't know why you'd think that would keep me from mourning.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
And exactly what do you wish to accomplish? The people in hell arn't going to respect you for it, nor will the people in heaven. But you don't care about what they think right? Do you think the pride you take in having stood up to God is going to make up for an enternity of punishment?

Now suppose you die and stand before God. God says to you, well you VeeDDzz you lived a pretty good life. I don't fault you for being an atheist because you considered the possibility of my existence and simply made an error. I would be happy to have you spend an eternity with me in utter bliss if you choose it. Of course the alternative is hell. There is just one more thing VeeDDzz, I did cause the eradiction of all the muslims and had my reasons for it which I will reveal to you after you make your choice.

Do you really choose hell in this instance and do you think you are making the smart choice?
Yes. I live my life with integrity. Why is that so hard to understand?
If he finds complete submission to dominance - more worthy - than integrity, then I truly do not wish to be a part of his ego-trip.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
Yes. I live my life with integrity. Why is that so hard to understand?
If he finds complete submission to dominance - more worthy - than integrity, then I truly do not wish to be a part of his ego-trip.
It's not that I don't understand it...It's just think your decision here is about the most foolish that a person could ever make.

Also since you don't know why God erradicated the muslims you can't really say for sure He was on an ego-trip.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
It's not that I don't understand it...It's just think your decision here is about the most foolish that a person could ever make.

Also since you don't know why God erradicated the muslims you can't really say for sure He was on an ego-trip.
If he's not going to tell me why, then there's no logical reason for me to excuse such an action - except for fear of him/his dominance, which once again leads us back to him valuing blind submission to dominance over integrity.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
If he's not going to tell me why, then there's no logical reason for me to excuse such an action - except for fear of him/his dominance, which once again leads us back to him valuing blind submission to dominance over integrity.
It could be from God's prespective now that you know He exists for certain, there isn't any reason for you not to give Him the benefit of the doubt except that you are arrogant and hate Him.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
It could be from God's prespective now that you know He exists for certain, there isn't any reason for you not to give Him the benefit of the doubt except that you are arrogant and hate Him.
This does not follow.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pooter
How do you think you would feel if you woke up tomorrow morning to the news that every single Muslim on earth had died at exactly the same time by causes unknown? And i mean every single one, young, old, rich poor, and in every country in the world.

Would you feel sad?

Would you feel more positive that your religion is correct?

Would you think god did it?

If so and you was sure god did it, would you then be happy about it?

If that did happen I would really have to reconsider there is a god (not necessarily the Christian one) but i would reconsider my view.

However I would detest such a god and deem him unfit for my fecal matter, let alone worthy of my love, respect and worship.
The only one who did this is you and in this we can only wonder as to a transparency of hate. Give it up: you would never present this in an livened mixed company for a creature that crawls out from under a rock is superior in wealth of being than what is presented in in OP. Regards.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 02:30 PM
Yeah, I really can't believe they didn't lock this thread.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
It could be from God's prespective now that you know He exists for certain, there isn't any reason for you not to give Him the benefit of the doubt except that you are arrogant and hate Him.
Would you give Hitler the benefit of the doubt? There is no excuse for genocide regardless of who's committing it. This is because genocide demonstrates to me that God is not omnipotent and that there are variables he did not account for, leading up to a necessity for him to commit genocide.

Therefore, if he is not omnipotent, and he is willing to kill billions of people (most of them innocent children) what makes him any better than the devil?

I am not arrogant or hateful of him. I am honest to myself and my belief in integrity (something most religious people lack, as they're incapable of being honest with them self), and I value integrity FAR FAR above blind submission to authority/dominance. If God wants me to just submit blindly to his awesome power, then I will first - question his power/inability to account for all the variables necessary to avoid genocide, and second - question his values for rating submission to power above integrity.

If he has no legitimate answer to either of these questions, then he is not God. He is simply a super-powerful tyrant.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-27-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
And exactly what do you wish to accomplish? The people in hell arn't going to respect you for it, nor will the people in heaven. But you don't care about what they think right? Do you think the pride you take in having stood up to God is going to make up for an enternity of punishment?

Now suppose you die and stand before God. God says to you, well you VeeDDzz you lived a pretty good life. I don't fault you for being an atheist because you considered the possibility of my existence and simply made an error. I would be happy to have you spend an eternity with me in utter bliss if you choose it. Of course the alternative is hell. There is just one more thing VeeDDzz, I did cause the eradiction of all the muslims and had my reasons for it which I will reveal to you after you make your choice.

Do you really choose hell in this instance and do you think you are making the smart choice?
I always like it when Christians cast the heaven/hell issue as an EV problem.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-28-2011 , 02:41 AM
I'd pop a bottle of Champagne.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-28-2011 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
Would you give Hitler the benefit of the doubt? There is no excuse for genocide regardless of who's committing it. This is because genocide demonstrates to me that God is not omnipotent and that there are variables he did not account for, leading up to a necessity for him to commit genocide.

Therefore, if he is not omnipotent, and he is willing to kill billions of people (most of them innocent children) what makes him any better than the devil?

I am not arrogant or hateful of him. I am honest to myself and my belief in integrity (something most religious people lack, as they're incapable of being honest with them self), and I value integrity FAR FAR above blind submission to authority/dominance. If God wants me to just submit blindly to his awesome power, then I will first - question his power/inability to account for all the variables necessary to avoid genocide, and second - question his values for rating submission to power above integrity.

If he has no legitimate answer to either of these questions, then he is not God. He is simply a super-powerful tyrant.
You made your choice. Allah opens a trap door opens beneath you and you fall to hell. The moment you fate is sealed you learn all the knowledge that was not available to you on earth. It turns out that Islam was the true religion and Allah took all the souls of all the muslims into heaven so that they may be spared from some horrific man made tradegy that was about to befall earth.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-28-2011 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I always like it when Christians cast the heaven/hell issue as an EV problem.
I always like it when atheists make the utterly ridiculous statements that they would rather suffer for eternity in hell then enjoy eternal bliss simply because they hate God. Its like they think that if God did exist...they would know better than him.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-28-2011 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I always like it when Christians cast the heaven/hell issue as an EV problem.
I like it when they say we can choose to worship (love) God. Reminds me of this song.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-28-2011 , 04:41 AM
This thread legitimately just made me realize that there are BILLIONS of people on this Earth who believe if we've been good after we die we go somewhere to be happy for eternity.

I thought I grasped this before, but...I am quite legitimately speechless...
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-28-2011 , 05:51 AM

A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
10-28-2011 , 06:44 AM
What has made me laugh so far is that in my scenario we dont know what caused the deaths at all! It could be anything. Yet not one Christan has said. I am sure my god would not do that!!

Its jsut ok yeah I know my god is totally capable of that lets just defend him as he is good therefore there are good reason for it.

and as to Stu. IF god did do it and I faced him I would not opt to go to hell, but i would not be able to love/worship/respect him etc.. so if god could not see my true feelings towards him i would reap the benefits of heaven whilst still loathing him.

A bit like being trapped by a murderous serial killer, i would hate him for the killing he is doing around me, but not show my hate/anger if it kept me alive.
A Hypothetical thought experiment for Christians Quote
