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On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. On growing up to be, as God says, one of us.

09-17-2011 , 08:44 PM
On growing up to be, as God says, one of us.

Gen. 3 22
And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,

If God were here, he would tell you that if you do not do as shown belowe and conquer God, you will never have an apotheosis and begin to mirror his thinking. That is the only way to know God. You have to grow into God just as Jesus did.

Hebr. 5 8
Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
9And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

Note the word became.

Matt. 10 38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Note how we are to carry a burden. Not have him carry ours as our vicarious scapegoat and sacrifice.

I submit that Jesus’ burden and ours are the same. He showed that he learned of God only with a struggle and only after doing so, could he then interpret scriptures and argue with the Rabbis of the day.
The Rabbis did not like his giving all men a route to God that did not need the temple hierarchy and the funding they enjoyed. Jesus had in fact become a Gnostic Christian thanks to his apotheosis. This is likely why he was killed.

He said that we are all son’s of God. Nothing has changed except that we have all forgotten that fact. Scriptures are full of such references.

How do you conquer God the way Jesus did?
By accepting the fact that you are in control in a natural world without any supernatural aspect. No fantasy, miracles or magic.

Or as A & E and Jesus did, study good and evil till you have a firm paradigm and then make you challenge or petition to God by seeking and knocking hard on his door. If you have things right, it will be opened to you.

This you must do to have God say to you.

Gen 3 22 Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

God says you can and so does Jesus.
This bishop tells you how it is done.

Trust me, apotheosis is worth the effort.

On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-18-2011 , 08:25 PM

Is this that "speaking in tounges" nuttery?
On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-18-2011 , 11:28 PM
Could you expand on your understanding of apotheosis?
On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-19-2011 , 01:10 AM
lost you on 1st sentnece
On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-19-2011 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Could you expand on your understanding of apotheosis?
The dictionary definition says basically to become as God.

apo·the·o·sis noun
\ə-ˌpä-thē-ˈō-səs, ˌa-pə-ˈthē-ə-səs\
plural apo·the·o·ses\-ˌsēz\

Definition of APOTHEOSIS
1: elevation to divine status : deification
2: the perfect example : quintessence <this is the literary

I see apotheosis as more of a rapprochement to Godly knowledge.

An analogy might be that I graduated from high school and was accepted by a university.
Apotheosis is visiting that university and seeing the guidance department for confirmation of your paradigm and being told to ignore what is known, raise the bar or your knowledge and begin anew.
Other than confirming that there is something else out there for us to evolve into, it is not that big a deal.

It does show that man is supreme here though and that there is no such thing as real fantasy, miracles and magic.

I became as God sure but only a lower case g god whose true struggle has just begun. That is why I try to teach as teaching is the best way to learn a topic.

If you can think of God as demographic pyramid, I just touched the bottom tier and have begun to climb towards the top.

On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-19-2011 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Morris King
lost you on 1st sentnece
Read slower and pay attention to the commas.
I do recognize though that my writing style is strange. I am not English.

If you are an atheist, there may not be any value here for you. If you are a theist, there may be unless you are a literalist.

On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-19-2011 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`

Is this that "speaking in tounges" nuttery?
If those links do not help you understand what I am talking about then-----

Both speakers are quite eloquent compared to myself.

On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-19-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am is supreme here though and that there is no such thing as real fantasy, miracles and magic.

I became as God sure but only a lower case g god whose true struggle has just begun. That is why I try to teach as teaching is the best way to learn a topic.

If you can think of God as demographic pyramid, I just touched the bottom tier and have begun to climb towards the top.


I think I see where you're going, but would like some clarification. What does the top of the tier look like?
On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-19-2011 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by kb coolman

I think I see where you're going, but would like some clarification. What does the top of the tier look like?

A normal demographic pyramid will look like the usual Egyptian type of pyramid as shown on the U S currency. Without the eye of course.

The pyramid within the Godhead, if I can say it that way, looks more like the spiral form that I show above.

You have to visualize it as a cone or pyramid shape.

The tiers of a normal pyramid will be made up of individuals all competing to get higher up the scale.

The spiral one you need to see as each leg of the spiral, so to speak, as being issues of discussion with the brightest mind at the top. I E. If the issue is physics, Einstein may be the top tier. If psychology, it might be Freud. And so on.
The tops are not named it seems and are pushed upwards by their abilities and thinking process only. Almost like what we would call a caste system with the best and most experienced leading the way for each group.

There is no limit as to which area of thought one can go to within the whole but the height, that on can get to is determined by all the others within that particular issue of thought.

For instance, if you are a mathematician, you will be pushed to the maximum height your ability can get you to. If you are a mechanic, who wants more math, you will likely be pushed to a lesser level.

It is a tough concept for me to articulate.
Please do not give up.

On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-19-2011 , 09:18 PM
What is the practical or theoretical purpose to understanding this?

Isn't this kind of common sense?
On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
What is the practical or theoretical purpose to understanding this?

Isn't this kind of common sense?
It should be but we both know that most religions want sheeple and not free thinking individuals. To damned hard to control people who think.
Policies then have to be justified and religions are not good at justifying their bigotry.

On growing up to be, as God says, one of us. Quote
