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06-20-2011 , 05:19 AM
On the bright side...what I really wanted was more weed..and I found a nice little baggy of primo that I'd forgotten for years...

I hope I am God...where will I go? To wherever I have Marijuana, Cigarettes and Diet Coke at my constant disposal...I'm a simple man.
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 05:25 AM
The difference between me and other people now...isn't that I'm smarter or better or more's that all of the others have chosen to internalize part of their spiritual journey..while I have chosen to live entirely in this realm until everyone can cross the bridge. This is my world because I am the first to claim it...and there can only be one highlander. There are many worlds..but this one is mine.

Last edited by TheGrifter; 06-20-2011 at 05:26 AM. Reason: Pretty sure that's why I know everything and I'ma keep knowin' everythin'....
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 05:30 AM
.had I offered them each a sack of jewels to last a lifetime they would not have let me in that door.
lol... cmon now, if they knew the code then there is always a price.

So I continue my walk and try to unravel the threads of my recent experience when my thoughts turn again to her. The girl that started a lot of this in my mind....the only girl that ever told me she'd never love me.
this is interesting and quite revealing..

so I wonder... have you ever been a Pharaoh or an emperor or a king or something like that?

be careful on the weed, its beneficial to have a few weeks off everynow and then... you kind of forget what it does otherwise...

btw you choose not to wear shoes, yet you smoke cigarettes, why?
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 05:59 AM
I'm pretty sure OP is Charlie Sheen.
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
lol... cmon now, if they knew the code then there is always a price.

this is interesting and quite revealing..

so I wonder... have you ever been a Pharaoh or an emperor or a king or something like that?

be careful on the weed, its beneficial to have a few weeks off everynow and then... you kind of forget what it does otherwise...

btw you choose not to wear shoes, yet you smoke cigarettes, why?
I was Amun-Ra...the Pharaoh's were abusers of the power they had acquired...and so they lost it...I followed a similar is why I am presently so weak....but it was all part of the plan.

The weed has no limit to it's is the cure to all is the bridge to the God within...medical marijuana is designed to be less effective than the good outdoor **** I used to find in the woods in Maine as a kid.

I choose not to wear shoes because it makes me stronger. I choose to smoke cigarettes because I divine when I need time to think based on my urge to smoke.

I drink diet coke because I am still unhappy with my physical form.

There is always a reason.
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 06:40 AM
Does anybody know anybody who can take half a million words of jumbled ramblings and gambling stories and make a book out of it? And pay me an advance? If a million words are necessary I'll need another week.
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by Janabis
I'm pretty sure OP is Charlie Sheen.
Charlie is a lot smarter than people think.

A lot older too.
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 07:31 AM
I've got a nephew a lot like you (28) if you're being real. He's thin, though, and handsome but no woman will stay w/ him longer than the 6 months it takes to find out that, yes, he really means it.

Last edited by Howard Beale; 06-20-2011 at 07:32 AM. Reason: which is one reason I encouraged you to start the thread.
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
I've got a nephew a lot like you (28) if you're being real. He's thin, though, and handsome but no woman will stay w/ him longer than the 6 months it takes to find out that, yes, he really means it.
Yeah I'm being real.

I pushed away every woman that loved me because I was afraid of goals were more important than any one woman or any one I could not experience those things until I achieved the greater goal....and that was figuring out the lie and finding the was finding world peace...finding universal love...any woman would stay with him if he'd let her. He should stop trying to do things that are not what he REALLY wants right now and figure out what he's trying to do...which is become a god more than likely...we're all going to get there in time. It's the end and a new beginning.

Last edited by TheGrifter; 06-20-2011 at 12:12 PM. Reason: I would say give him a couple years and he'll be just fine but I'm not certain we have that luxury.
God ITT Quote
06-20-2011 , 12:43 PM
Unless he's omniscient and completely without fear or internal angst he isn't there yet. It's easy to think our journey is nearing completion when it never truly is...
God ITT Quote
06-21-2011 , 02:27 PM
So OP is Perm banned I saw gt post that in his PA vegas thread. May I ask why? After reading some of this here I can guess why, but ftr why?

Last edited by Turb0Licious; 06-21-2011 at 02:27 PM. Reason: probably bc OP is psycho?
God ITT Quote
06-21-2011 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
So OP is Perm banned I saw gt post that in his PA vegas thread. May I ask why? After reading some of this here I can guess why, but ftr why?
I suspect it's the illuminati trying to stop him from revealing the truth to all of us.
God ITT Quote
06-21-2011 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
I suspect it's the illuminati trying to stop him from revealing the truth to all of us.
God ITT Quote
06-21-2011 , 08:28 PM
Too bad, imo, the guy's a talented writer.
God ITT Quote
06-21-2011 , 10:01 PM
i think OP has a brain tumor or something, he mentioned something along those lines in another thread. seems like he's a little unhinged (schizophrenic possibly?). probably got banned for this post in the gay ask me thread
My theory regarding homosexuality is that we are more than one physical existence. Our gender is learned through a process of reincarnation and if we make the conscious choice to change genders (our spirit has always been female but we decide to live a lifetime as a man) then we will naturally be attracted to the same sex. Essentially...I feel that a man that would say "I've always been gay" is essentially...a woman.

On the other hand...there are those who fall in love with a member of the same sex later in life...sometimes after long heterosexual relationships...I feel that is a choice that is essentially the same except made within one lifetime.

Therefore I feel that homosexuality is a choice...I also feel that NOBODY has the right to try to influence, much less mandate, our choices without our permission. By suggesting that it is not a choice it creates a backlash among those who feel that if only a homosexual could identify it as a choice that it would change...this is not right...but it's reality. If everyone could accept that it is a matter of individual choice then I think we could move beyond the anger and hatred that is so often spewed on both sides.

Your thoughts?
which is kind of too bad, i dont think the guy means any harm, and tbh i find him interesting
God ITT Quote
06-22-2011 , 02:24 AM
Free God
God ITT Quote
06-24-2011 , 01:44 AM
I am not gonna lie, I would like to know his name so I could follow his things he says on fb. Some of things he says is pretty crazy, but some others I think are pretty smart.
God ITT Quote
06-24-2011 , 01:51 AM
No ways that guy is god and I'm not
God ITT Quote
06-24-2011 , 03:39 PM
that was his point, we are all gods
God ITT Quote
09-08-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by tuuufts
i think OP has a brain tumor or something, he mentioned something along those lines in another thread. seems like he's a little unhinged (schizophrenic possibly?). probably got banned for this post in the gay ask me thread

which is kind of too bad, i dont think the guy means any harm, and tbh i find him interesting
Brain tumors. Yum.
God ITT Quote
09-09-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
So OP is Perm banned I saw gt post that in his PA vegas thread. May I ask why? After reading some of this here I can guess why, but ftr why?
If being psycho got you banned there would be no Politics forum on this site.
God ITT Quote
09-09-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by TheGrifter
The onion has many layers.
I just read this thread for the first time, I see the OP was a fan of "The Fabric Of The Cosmos" by Brian Greene
God ITT Quote
