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God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

02-09-2012 , 02:38 PM
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Believers are constantly saying impossible things of God. They make many definitive statement of God’s attribute while claiming that he is unfathomable, unknowable, immutable and works in mysterious ways. These are clear contradictions and un-provable truths that no judge could or would accept. Yet believers think the atheist should just swallow these lies whole. And when atheists do not, believers get into their condescending mode; treat the non-believer like a child; while it is believers themselves who are action in a non-adult way, ---- led by fantasy, ------- when atheists will just not accept something unproven as truth.

Whenever the discussions of God get into explaining his irrational, immoral or strange attributes, believers deny it through evasion. They do so by hiding behind some evasive statement or other. These include silly irrational or unknowable adjectives and phrases like; God works in mysterious ways; God can do whatever he wants; God owns us; God does not have to follow his laws because they are for man and not himself; God’s action may look immoral but it is because he knows so much more than we do. Discussion end with the believer chanting one of these mantras of self-deception. Almost like a parent telling his child that it is that way because it is that way and expecting the child to accept this condescending statement and evasive lie. Believers are not honest enough to just say, I don’t know.

Anyone with experience in debated with believers expects these yet they are not applicable or relevant to moral issues. Regardless, believers use them to justify God’s immoral action and to explain away attributes that are impossible to apply to God.

God is not corporeal. He is immaterial. He cannot reproduce true. He cannot have sex. He cannot know the effects on our psyches from chemical reactions that trigger human sexual activity and desire.

Knowing this, any moral person will know that God should not dictate to man how to handle sexual matters. God cannot know what the feelings and emotions are that drive sex in man and thus it is immoral for him to demand that we do as he wishes. Because of this, he also has no right to punish man for ignoring his unlearned dictates of issues that he himself cannot possibly fathom.

There are likely many things that God cannot know. I have chosen three that I think are obvious. Carnal love, reproduction and the emotions and physical feelings that go with sex.

Do you agree?

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-09-2012 , 08:54 PM
If there is a God, or some form of intelligent force, He/She/It/They, cannot know anything that has not been experienced. I would not want a God who has not personally experienced every good and bad human experience. Also, it seems all earthly biological things reproduce and also things in the Universe seem to be in a process of reproduction. Why should Gods not be subject to reproduction. It could be we are part of this process. I don't believe in sin, hell, eternal suffering,...just experience. I also do not believe that one religion, one man, or one book speakes exclusively for God. But, I believe in a God and an intelligent progressive life after death.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-13-2012 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Michael
If there is a God, or some form of intelligent force, He/She/It/They, cannot know anything that has not been experienced. I would not want a God who has not personally experienced every good and bad human experience. Also, it seems all earthly biological things reproduce and also things in the Universe seem to be in a process of reproduction. Why should Gods not be subject to reproduction. It could be we are part of this process. I don't believe in sin, hell, eternal suffering,...just experience. I also do not believe that one religion, one man, or one book speakes exclusively for God. But, I believe in a God and an intelligent progressive life after death.
We share thoughts on giving man supremacy over man.

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-14-2012 , 01:24 PM
See post #31. This goes for you, too:

Why do you think Philip explained the Gospel to the Ethiopian?

Not everyone comprehends as well as he thinks he does....ouch...I know that hurts...

But the Spirit of God is your primary teacher in understanding the scriptures and you regularly dismiss Him in your posts...
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-15-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
See post #31. This goes for you, too:

Why do you think Philip explained the Gospel to the Ethiopian?

Not everyone comprehends as well as he thinks he does....ouch...I know that hurts...

But the Spirit of God is your primary teacher in understanding the scriptures and you regularly dismiss Him in your posts...
Don't try proving the bible with the bible. Sigh.

Now in regards to this post.

If God existed he would have to know what carnal love, reproduction etc. As to not knowing these things would make God not God and something different entirely - also it just in general wouldn't make sense for whatever to have created everything (in order) to not know something as such.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-15-2012 , 08:51 PM
You're not clear in the post above.

And I was just making a one-time post for the OP.

I believe God is mysterious and knowable just like people are.

We know people from what they tell us. They're still mysterious. We can never see perfectly into another person's mind and have to rely on interpreting their messages.

You can check out Stephen Hawking's quote where he states the most mysterious thing in the world is a woman.

Yet men claim to know women....Mysterious yet knowable...

Mystery is not a crime, yanno...

Last edited by Splendour; 02-15-2012 at 09:06 PM. Reason: typo corrected.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-15-2012 , 08:55 PM
They make many definitive statement of God’s attribute while claiming that he is unfathomable, unknowable, immutable and works in mysterious ways.
the base description of god through most religion is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient...

beware of all the fictional adaptions (bible stories, peoples words/imaginations ect) of this clouding your perception of what god is. If god is omnipresent, and omnipresence has observation, (observation creates reality), then god is also omniscient, and so knows everything. Just not in the form of information which our puny brains are able to comprehend (easily).
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-15-2012 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
the base description of god through most religion is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient...

beware of all the fictional adaptions (bible stories, peoples words/imaginations ect) of this clouding your perception of what god is. If god is omnipresent, and omnipresence has observation, (observation creates reality), then god is also omniscient, and so knows everything. Just not in the form of information which our puny brains are able to comprehend (easily).
Basically clarifies what I was saying.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
the base description of god through most religion is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient...

beware of all the fictional adaptions (bible stories, peoples words/imaginations ect) of this clouding your perception of what god is. If god is omnipresent, and omnipresence has observation, (observation creates reality), then god is also omniscient, and so knows everything. Just not in the form of information which our puny brains are able to comprehend (easily).
Puny brains?

Nature's greatest creature on earth and you say we have puny brains!
Tsk tsk.

I would not agree as we are bright enough to recognize the flim-flam of religion.

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour

Yet men claim to know women....Mysterious yet knowable...

Mystery is not a crime, yanno...
Women can be questioned for clarification on whatever issue is at hand. They live and breathe.

You invisible absentee super God is not real and cannot be questioned for clarification.

That is why you are in one of many cults and sects to be puked out by Christianity.

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
Puny brains?

Nature's greatest creature on earth and you say we have puny brains!
Tsk tsk.

I would not agree as we are bright enough to recognize the flim-flam of religion.

Our brains are amazing, but everything is puny relative to something considered eternal or infinite. Amazing< non-comprehending. This includes the combined knowledge of the human race and its technology throughout all time past and future (with the exception that the human race turns out to create or be god) (all truths are paradoxical anyway)

You are not bright enough to seperate the truth from the flim flan in religion.

On omipotent omnipresent omniscient force is rational and pretty much the only viable explanation of existence. Like I said you have allowed all the fictional adaptions and the effects of such on society cloud your judgement. You expect to be able to know god tangibly, with evidence, because there was some story of a burning bush, because there was some story of him sending a son, because there is some image of him having a throne in some place named heaven. Annoying thing about religion is that it clouds both the theist and atheist mind.

Last edited by Mt.FishNoob; 02-17-2012 at 01:40 PM.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
Women can be questioned for clarification on whatever issue is at hand. They live and breathe.

You invisible absentee super God is not real and cannot be questioned for clarification.

That is why you are in one of many cults and sects to be puked out by Christianity.

If there is no God then there's no reason for you to be interpreting the bible at all is there?

You think people should really be listening to "unannointed" people on the bible?

1 John 2: 27: "But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him."

Last edited by Splendour; 02-17-2012 at 02:03 PM.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
Our brains are amazing, but everything is puny relative to something considered eternal or infinite. Amazing< non-comprehending. This includes the combined knowledge of the human race and its technology throughout all time past and future (with the exception that the human race turns out to create or be god) (all truths are paradoxical anyway)

You are not bright enough to seperate the truth from the flim flan in religion.

On omipotent omnipresent omniscient force is rational and pretty much the only viable explanation of existence. .
What, 90% of scientists will disagree with you. So do I.
I D had it's day in court and tried to lie their way through.
So much for honesty.

You have nothing but hearsay for your belief while evolution has tons.

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
And you just issue carnal interpretations of the bible on the internet.

If the bible is God's book then why are you following his leading instead of misinterpreting His book with your own mistaken reasonings?

If there is no God then there's no reason for you to be interpreting the bible at all.
There are many reasons.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to your fellow man.

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
If there is no God then there's no reason for you to be interpreting the bible at all is there?

You think people should really be listening to "unannointed" people on the bible?

1 John 2: 27: "But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him."
In case you missed the above I quote it again.

People should be wary of people exegeting the bible if they can't establish the person as annointed.

Understanding of the bible comes with annointing.

As far as I can tell no atheists have been annointed and some of them may have rejected it if they ever received one.

As for your witchdoctors, are they God, do they really have anything to do with God or are they spiritually illiterate, unannointed people still under their old cultural ideas?

Read the bible. It says people are fooled by appearances. God isn't.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Greatest I am
What, 90% of scientists will disagree with you. So do I.
I D had it's day in court and tried to lie their way through.
So much for honesty.

You have nothing but hearsay for your belief while evolution has tons.

I have not explained my personal belief to you. I am atheist as I do not worship a deity (although I am grateful to the sun for instance so it can be argued I worship some greater power than myself)

I have not said anything about evolution. You are only just further proving how corrupted your mind is by main stream religion. Most scientists are agnostic when it comes to these matters, any smart person would not rule out the concept of god just because the Bible is pretty ridiculous past its omniscient, omnipresent definition of god.

e: I pick random sentence to clarify

Knowing this, any moral person will know that God should not dictate to man how to handle sexual matters.
you (like so many Americans) are defining god, as it is defined through interpretations of the bible. Just let it go, let the Christians run away with their imaginations and run away with your own, it causes happiness.

Last edited by Mt.FishNoob; 02-17-2012 at 02:48 PM.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
I have not explained my personal belief to you. I am atheist as I do not worship a deity (although I am grateful to the sun for instance so it can be argued I worship some greater power than myself)

I have not said anything about evolution. You are only just further proving how corrupted your mind is by main stream religion. Most scientists are agnostic when it comes to these matters, any smart person would not rule out the concept of god just because the Bible is pretty ridiculous past its omniscient, omnipresent definition of god.

e: I pick random sentence to clarify

you (like so many Americans) are defining god, as it is defined through interpretations of the bible. Just let it go, let the Christians run away with their imaginations and run away with your own, it causes happiness.
Only to those with low morals and no sense of social responsibility.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to your fellow man.

Religions want nothing better than to be left to do their evil.
You should not listen to them.

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 04:04 PM
I breifly looked to see what they are about but I'm not going to watch them. I don't know why you just copied your post, I did read it...

Where have you got your idea of 'evil' from? From the notion it is that which is not 'what is good', where does that come from....

Honestly I am not bothered by religion, I am capable of defending myself, if I am not, and others aren't, then who cares, that is just how things are. Let it be, otherwise you are jsut attempting to spread your own religion.

They make us all into laughing stocks
who is separate to all, and so laughing? You are laughing at people, some are laughing at you.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
02-17-2012 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
I breifly looked to see what they are about but I'm not going to watch them. I don't know why you just copied your post, I did read it...

Where have you got your idea of 'evil' from? From the notion it is that which is not 'what is good', where does that come from....
I imagine we both got our ideas of morality from the same place. What was taught, what was learned from laws and books and just from life itself and our feelings. I also think we have instincts that tell us even as babies what is right and wrong.

Honestly I am not bothered by religion, I am capable of defending myself, if I am not, and others aren't, then who cares, that is just how things are. Let it be, otherwise you are jsut attempting to spread your own religion.
Nice way to look out for your children and grandchildren.
Let us not make their road easier.

Were you an orphan who just did not see good parenting?

Change the labels in this quote to women, your children or grandchildren being brainwashed by religions and it show what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex. Quote
