Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
The harm doesn't have to be anything than the pain that occurs during the act of cutting a bit of your child off—without their consent.
If a small and transient amount of pain as a baby is sufficient to have the government ban an action then we may as well ban about anything. Note that the german government does NOT reference this as the problem, just in the same way they did NOT reference the chance of death argument others had which, likewise, if that was really our standard we would have to ban innumerable other things with a higher chance of death than the miniscule one from circumcision.
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Also, a great argument for not allowing circumcision is that it's (basically) permanent. I mean, you wouldn't allow parents to tattoo their infant or cut off their earlobes, right?
It is culturally dependent. In our culture, if someone didn't have earlobes it would significantly different from the norm. However, both pierced earlobes (commonly done to babies in infancy among indian families) and circumcision are quite acceptable in our culture. Because there is no clear evidence that it makes large and measurable suffering on a physical level, if you want to argue for harm sufficient to ban it you have to argue it is some sort of psychological effect or whatever...but in a society accepting of it it doesn't make a difference.