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Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Fundamental christains should slaughter babies

03-04-2009 , 09:30 AM
Great discussion here.
But maybe the wrong man read it:
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
03-04-2009 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Silent A
I love how it was apparently important enough for you to post about, but now that you've been proved wrong it's now all, "Yeah great ... W/E".

And as for the thread, it's based on following horrid ideas (i.e. the idea that one could be justifiably sentenced to eternal torment for being of the wrong faith) to their logical conclusion.

It's only moronic and silly if real people don't actually believe these things and teach them to children (that hell is real and eternal that is, not the "Fundys should kill babies bit"). Unfortunately, real people do believe this.
I said w/e because the goalpost was suddenly shifted from "bible" to "specified belief". I never thought you were right or that you had disproven anything. I also saw very little to be gained from further w/e it was.

Now that this is clarified I don't see why a silly interpretation of the bible should somehow manage to beat another silly interpretation of the bible to death. The problem with fundamentalism is hardly lack of imaginative interpretative abilities as much as it is their direction.
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
03-04-2009 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
Why does everyone spell worshiping with two p's?
Because it's an acceptable alternate spelling. It is also consistent with how the word 'shipping' is spelled.
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
03-05-2009 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
That's sort of his point. Most Christians spend almost 0 time trying to save others from going to hell.
I don't feel that he made that point, and even if he did, I don't see how that's relevant to this thread. From reading his post, he made it sound like someone that spends too much time worshipping God wouldn't spend enough time trying to save souls. That's why I made the comment I did.

I'm surprised you say if God exists, but no big deal. (you are a Christian, right?)
Yes, I am a Christian. A significant number of posters don't believe in God on this board, so I'll sometimes use that word.

How do you jump to the conclusion that he fails to realize good can come from worshiping god?
After looking at his post again, I don't know if he realized that or not. So it looks like you're right and that I did make a big jump there.

I agree that when others deserve praise it can be a good thing to praise them. But you and other Christians have eternity to praise your lord, yet you only have decades to save souls from an eternity in hell.
I'm not sure what your point is here unless you're suggesting that it consumes too much time to praise God, or that people should wait until they are in heaven before they start praising him. Even a prayer that takes about 8-12 seconds should be enough. I'm not suggesting that someone should tell God how wonderful he is around 50 times a day or anything like that.

What do you think a good balance would be between worshiping and saving souls? If God is truly all-loving he would surely be happy with 90% saving/10% worshiping.
Right now it's probably those same numbers but flipped. (at least)
I don't know. Saving souls is a part of worshipping God, so it feels awkward to try and separate the two things and guess with percentages. Also, worshipping God can include things like loving him and praising him, and as you can see from what I posted above, praising him doesn't need to take a lot of time. I certainly don't think people need to spend hours praying every day or anything like that.

I also find it disturbing to think that some people need to praise God to prevent themselves from doing evil.
I never said that and I'm not even sure that I believe it.
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
03-06-2009 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I am more speaking about the idea that God would insert the soul of a murdered baby into another baby. All of this inside of the realm of Christianity.
This is weird now. I mean, what's the relationship between a person's soul and that person? If the soul is interchangable between people (one of whom would have grown up Christian and one of whom would have grown up athiest), then in which body a soul ends up is a complete lottery. Also, if a soul goes to hell, but that soul was previously in a different person, well then all I can say is... "I'm sorry, soul" because surely that soul isn't me as it is completely interchangeable between people. So if it's the soul that goes to hell, and the soul is seperate from me, then I just die and get buried.

But we're getting off topic here. The important thing to realize is, that even with reincarnation, you should still be killing babies.

An atheist's child has a much smaller chance of believing in Jesus than the child of Christian parents (if you accept this, you need to really think hard about where all of your beliefs really come from. We're so easily influenced to believe things, and anyone who knows this can try to manipulate our beliefs for their own personal gain).

So if dead babies go to heaven, you should kill babies, but if dead babies get reincarnated, you should still kill babies, but not necessarily the same babies.

I've read more of this thread and was shocked to not find a single argument against the premise. Well not shocked really, because it sounds solid. But why not just agree with it instead of changing the subject, which is what most of the comments hostile to the OP are doing.

Also, killing babies isn't the right answer. There's a much simpler way. After all, a fetus has a soul, right? It seems to reason that instead of doing missionary work or trying to convert friends and loved ones, Christians should focus on promoting unprotected sex and abortions.

Heaven for everyone! Hooray.
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
03-06-2009 , 08:42 PM
This is weird now. I mean, what's the relationship between a person's soul and that person? If the soul is interchangable between people (one of whom would have grown up Christian and one of whom would have grown up athiest), then in which body a soul ends up is a complete lottery. Also, if a soul goes to hell, but that soul was previously in a different person, well then all I can say is... "I'm sorry, soul" because surely that soul isn't me as it is completely interchangeable between people. So if it's the soul that goes to hell, and the soul is seperate from me, then I just die and get buried.
All of this is based on a possible alternative life. That alternative reality did not and could not exist, so every thing that you said means nothing.

But we're getting off topic here. The important thing to realize is, that even with reincarnation, you should still be killing babies.
That would be a no on either account. I will let you figure out why.

An atheist's child has a much smaller chance of believing in Jesus than the child of Christian parents (if you accept this, you need to really think hard about where all of your beliefs really come from. We're so easily influenced to believe things, and anyone who knows this can try to manipulate our beliefs for their own personal gain).
I completely disagree. As I have said before, everyone starts with the same chance of getting into heaven.

I've read more of this thread and was shocked to not find a single argument against the premise. Well not shocked really, because it sounds solid. But why not just agree with it instead of changing the subject, which is what most of the comments hostile to the OP are doing.
I did not bother to respond to the OP because it is a ridiculous argument. It is the equivalent of a theist starting a thread about why all atheists should go around killing because they cannot possibly have any morals.
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
03-06-2009 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I completely disagree. As I have said before, everyone starts with the same chance of getting into heaven.
No point in raising your kids to be Christians then. A Muslim upbringing would be just as good.
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
03-07-2009 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
All of this is based on a possible alternative life. That alternative reality did not and could not exist, so every thing that you said means nothing.
The alternative life in which reincarnation exists? It was your example I was responding to. Why is this impossible?

That would be a no on either account. I will let you figure out why.

I completely disagree. As I have said before, everyone starts with the same chance of getting into heaven.
Can you expand? I provided reasons for why I don't think this is true, but you have provided none to the contrary.

I did not bother to respond to the OP because it is a ridiculous argument. It is the equivalent of a theist starting a thread about why all atheists should go around killing because they cannot possibly have any morals.
If it's a ridiculous argument, why not just present the obvious counter-argument that shows it to be ridiculous instead of forcing those of us that can't figure it out to speculate?

Nothing wrong with a thread that starts with the premise that atheist should go around killing because they cannot possibly have any morals since through discussion we can debunk or confirm the premise.

You prove nothing by refusing to "dignify" an OP.
Fundamental christains should slaughter babies Quote
