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A Foreshadowing? A Foreshadowing?

11-04-2008 , 02:23 AM
Father Amorth said: "It's very rare that praying and attempting to carry out an exorcism from distance works.
"Of course you can pray for someone from a distance but in this case it would not have any effect.
rumor has it short distance exorcisms, praying under the bed, stealth prayers from across the street and crossing your fingers while wanting it really badly also failed to accomplish anything.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-04-2008 , 02:27 AM
I think the intensity and numbers are increasing. Some claim global warming, then all the famines that keep coming up in Africa then you have all the increased earthquake activity some of which happened from underground nuclear testing. Afghanistan used to claim it had quakes from Soviet underground testing.
No, reporting and documentation has gone up. That's a fallacy.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-04-2008 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
No, reporting and documentation has gone up. That's a fallacy.

Speak to a lot of people that have lived long lives and I think they'll tell you the intensity has increased. I was chatting with a friend about two summers ago who lived in the Northeast. He told me that year it rained 27 weekends in a row. Florida was just hit about 2 years ago with a record number of storms: Charley, Ivan, Jeanne, Francis, Wilma strong storms all within a year of each other. Katrina almost took out New Orleans. If they weren't enough there was Rita in Texas. If you check with people that have experienced things firsthand that actually live in the place that alone will tell you that the weather has intensified.

17 countries just got affected by a tsunami 3 years ago. That's the first and only massive tsunami I've seen in my lifetime and I think its the first one most people alive today have ever lived to see.

They say the polar bears are starting to have problems from global warming plus a shelf of Antaractica recently broke off and crashed into a critical breeding area of Emperor penguins. Lots of major volcanic eruptions: Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, Mt. St. Helena in Washington state.

I really have no strong opinion on global warming. Is it a normal earth weather phase we have no record of or fossil fuels? I'm not sure. It could be a combination of both but I know I've seen places that used to be cold that are unseasonably warm. When you're used to a certain time of year being below freezing temperatures and its suddenly 10 or 20 degrees warmer that's noticeable by people whatever "the stats" say. People remember things like they spent the last 10 years in heavy coats and now a sweater or lighter jacket is sufficient.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-04-2008 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by PacoPaco
Speak to a lot of people that have lived long lives and I think they'll tell you the intensity has increased.
First, you have to define what specifically you mean when you say the intensity has increased. You listed a bunch of things (famines, earthquakes, natural disasters, etc.).

If we look at earthquakes, for instance, we see that you are clearly wrong. People do measure the frequency and intensity of earthquakes and they are no increasing.

I was chatting with a friend about two summers ago who lived in the Northeast. He told me that year it rained 27 weekends in a row.
there are parts of the world where it rains frequently all year long. What makes you think its particularly odd for it to rain that frequently? That doesn't mean much of anything.

17 countries just got affected by a tsunami 3 years ago. That's the first and only massive tsunami I've seen in my lifetime and I think its the first one most people alive today have ever lived to see.
You would be exactly right except for the fact that they happen pretty much every year.

From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
Since 1850 alone, tsunamis have been responsible for the loss of over 420,000 lives and billions of dollars of damage to coastal structures and habitats. Most of these casualties were caused by local tsunamis that occur about once per year somewhere in the world.
Another huge one happened in Papa New Guinea in 1988. Were most people alive today around in 1988?

I know you've heard this before, but try doing a little research. Since your prediction that all the earthquakes and tsunamis increasing are a foreshadowing of some birth pains Jesus mentioned (?!??!)... but there is NO increase in their frequency or duration. So we can dismiss your entire first post, can't we?
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-06-2008 , 12:20 PM
I started to think my "possessed Hitler" idea was kind of crackpot then I told myself that the crackpot of today is the genius of tomorrow.

I dug around the internet a bit then wiki'd and came up with a cache on Nazi occultism.

Now I'm relieved to say I'm not as crackpot as I was thinking I was. I just managed to put the unthinkably obvious into words.

The amount to be researched on this topic is staggering:
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-06-2008 , 03:02 PM
It is something between a alpha omega meta-troll and a self-level at lvl 0.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-06-2008 , 04:45 PM
Hmmm...I think its a much more quixotic cross mix....something between the greatest natural born troll ever and an "Elmer Gantry-like" Christian personality...(think you might have been spot on there jogxyz... I prefer "Alma Gantry"...I definitely have something in common there..I read the wiki on Elmer since I haven't read Lewis's book ...yet )....

Watch for my next pseudonym: Dona Quixote.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-06-2008 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by PacoPaco
I started to think my "possessed Hitler" idea was kind of crackpot then I told myself that the crackpot of today is the genius of tomorrow.

I dug around the internet a bit then wiki'd and came up with a cache on Nazi occultism.

Now I'm relieved to say I'm not as crackpot as I was thinking I was. I just managed to put the unthinkably obvious into words.

The amount to be researched on this topic is staggering:
You would it would go without saying that simply because Hitler was interested in the occult doesn't mean he was possessed. Alas, we're dealing with woman's logic and we poor men just foolish don't recognize that studying a subject is equal to demonic possession. Women't intution.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-07-2008 , 10:40 AM
I was reading Psalm 82 today and I'll print it here for anyone interested. Please pay particular attention to footnote 82:1.

Psalm 82 (Contemporary English Version)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society

Psalm 82
(A psalm by Asaph.)
Please Do Something, God!
1When all of the other gods [a] have come together,
the Lord God judges them

and says:

2"How long will you

keep judging unfairly

and favoring evil people?

3Be fair to the poor

and to orphans.

Defend the helpless

and everyone in need.

4Rescue the weak and homeless

from the powerful hands

of heartless people.

5"None of you know

or understand a thing.

You live in darkness,

while the foundations

of the earth tremble. [b] 6"I, the Most High God, say

that all of you are gods [c] and also my own children.

7But you will die,

just like everyone else,

including powerful rulers."

8Do something, God!

Judge the nations of the earth;

they belong to you.


Psalm 82:1 the other gods: This probably refers to the gods of the nations that God defeated, but it could refer to God's servants (angels) in heaven or even to human rulers.
Psalm 82:5 foundations. . . tremble: In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat and supported by columns.
Psalm 82:6 all of you are gods: See the note at 82.1.

I've heard many atheists challenge monotheists in this forum and ask why not worship Ashtoreth or Baal or Moloch or any of a million other deities they name and I think the simple answer is that these other gods are not the true God. They may be unreal gods and/or angels imitating God that fooled people into thinking they are God. Humans are not the only freewill being God is concerned with. Its only human myopia and narcissism that keep us from seeing it.

I think this Psalm is an exhortation to the angels to do right. Maybe we also live in suffering because God is giving them a last chance too. The fallen ones are amongst us "favoring evil people".
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-07-2008 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by PacoPaco
I've heard many atheists challenge monotheists in this forum and ask why not worship Ashtoreth or Baal or Moloch or any of a million other deities they name and I think the simple answer is that these other gods are not the true God. They may be unreal gods and/or angels imitating God that fooled people into thinking they are God. Humans are not the only freewill being God is concerned with. Its only human myopia and narcissism that keep us from seeing it.
Actually it's Jehova who is the false god and Baal which is the right one. The bible even portrays Baal as a false god. Blasphemy!
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-07-2008 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Actually it's Jehova who is the false god and Baal which is the right one. The bible even portrays Baal as a false god. Blasphemy!
Actually Baal is just a bad angel playing at God like a little kid playing dress up in Daddy's suit. He still doesn't know enough to be Daddy but he does have a good enough simulation to fool ignorant human beings with a much lesser intelligence.

But your joke is devilishly
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-07-2008 , 11:57 AM
As Xenophanes famously comments:

Men make gods in their own image; those of the Ethiopians are black and snub-nosed, those of the Thracians have blue eyes and red hair.
Conception of Chuckwu
Chukwu embodies the “all creator” vision as well as the concept of a solar deity. The deity is not identified as being either masculine or feminine, as there is no concept of a gender type such as “man” or “woman” associated with Chukwu. Because of this, the Igbo people have no words in Igbo categorizing Chukwu as either man or woman (such as “he”, “him”, “she” or “her”). The Igbo believe it is impossible for humans to conceive the unlimited power of Chukwu. In Igbo view, the name Chukwu as well as its meaning also represent the Christian God since most Igbo people today are Christians. The Igbo also refer to Chukwu as Chineke, also formed from the Igbo words "Chi"(spiritual being) na e ke (that creates) ie Creator God. Some Igbo dialects refer to God as "Olisa (Orisa) and Obasi, depending on what part of Igboland they come from.[1]
Christianity is just a hodge podge of other religions. Other preexisting religions have morphed into newer ones.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by PacoPaco
I see your point but wasn't it quite a deception?

I believe the idea that Hitler was a disciple of the devil even more when I read Elie Wiesel's book "Night". In particular this passage:

It sounded like Baal worship to me. People like zombies participating in Baal worship without even knowing it.

Then the great deception played on Wiesel where he is blaming God for the devil's acts.
The nazis were documented occultists.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
The nazis were documented occultists.
yes I don't think the Nazi leaders were "normal". There are links to Dietrich Eckhardt and the Thule society.

Hitler WAS spellbinding in a scary way when he gave speeches.

This would be worth reading up on.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Christianity is just a hodge podge of other religions. Other preexisting religions have morphed into newer ones.
Oh yes, the Zeitgeist Part I idea. Then, in part IV, we learn that the book of Revelation will be completely fulfilled.

Since Zeitgeist's first premise is that Christianity is not true and its last premise is essentially a prediction of future events that perfectly parallel the Book of Revelation, then the viewer who has knowledge of Revelation is left with one of three conclusions:

1) The principle themes of the film are false
2) The principle themes of the film are true and, therefore, therefore, we must be left to conclude that, while the Bible is not true, the game plan being set up is one that will closely mimic the Bible for some insidious control reason
3) The principal themes of the film are true with the exception of the religious part. The creators of Zeitgeist are correct except that they missed the main point which is that Christianity is going to be proven correct and everybody better get ready.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by PacoPaco
yes I don't think the Nazi leaders were "normal". There are links to Dietrich Eckhardt and the Thule society.

Hitler WAS spellbinding in a scary way when he gave speeches.

This would be worth reading up on.
I do agree with your idea to a large degree, though. It would appear that there have been several attempts at ruling the world, but each one of them has failed for different reasons. It is a recurring theme throughout history and, for the record, they have all committed untold atrocities. In a sense, Hitler came very close because, save the existence of the United States, they would have been able to throw most of their forces towards the eastern front. Soviet defeat would've been inevitable and then we can only guess as to what would have happened in Japan.

One thing, though....the Bible says that the world will actually be conquered on a promise of peace (albeit a quickly-broken promise)...

1 Thessalonians 5:3 (New International Version)

While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
Oh yes, the Zeitgeist Part I idea. Then, in part IV, we learn that the book of Revelation will be completely fulfilled.

Since Zeitgeist's first premise is that Christianity is not true and its last premise is essentially a prediction of future events that perfectly parallel the Book of Revelation, then the viewer who has knowledge of Revelation is left with one of three conclusions:

1) The principle themes of the film are false
2) The principle themes of the film are true and, therefore, therefore, we must be left to conclude that, while the Bible is not true, the game plan being set up is one that will closely mimic the Bible for some insidious control reason
3) The principal themes of the film are true with the exception of the religious part. The creators of Zeitgeist are correct except that they missed the main point which is that Christianity is going to be proven correct and everybody better get ready.
I haven't seen the film so I can't really comment on your posting. The borrowings by Christianity from other religions should hardly be attributed to that movie though. I remember studying this briefly in college nearly 20 years ago. Its hardly a new revelation. One doesn't need to make predictions of the future (if I'm reading you correctly) to recognize that the Bible lacks originality.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
I haven't seen the film so I can't really comment on your posting. The borrowings by Christianity from other religions should hardly be attributed to that movie though. I remember studying this briefly in college nearly 20 years ago. Its hardly a new revelation. One doesn't need to make predictions of the future (if I'm reading you correctly) to recognize that the Bible lacks originality.
I'm not sure what the arguments you heard were, but I've heard the ones that I alluded to and they were all based on misconceptions of Christianity that no-believers have. Any studied theologian, for instance, would quickly cede that it's not very likely that Jesus was born on December 25th and that, yes, the early church did decide to make it coincide with the pagan winter hopes that it would undermine and supersede that paganist celebration.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:44 PM
Hitler died on Walpurgis Night and there are questions surrounding whether or not his body was ever found.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
I'm not sure what the arguments you heard were, but I've heard the ones that I alluded to and they were all based on misconceptions of Christianity that no-believers have. Any studied theologian, for instance, would quickly cede that it's not very likely that Jesus was born on December 25th and that, yes, the early church did decide to make it coincide with the pagan winter hopes that it would undermine and supersede that paganist celebration.
For starters, I would ask you to revise "that no-believers have" when refering to Christians since there the beliefs of Christians is all over the place. There are christians who beleive that the earth is 6000 years old and that man walked with dinosaurs. There are some who believe Noah's Ark is a fable and some who believe it is the literal truth. And I suspect there are many who don't realize that December 25th isn't really Jesus birthday.

Regarding borrowings - Many of the stuff I've heard that is in that movie is some of the stuff I'm referring to. The Great Flood myth is found in religions predating christianity. I recall reading that the story of baby moses being put in a basket and floated down a river by his mother is also found in earlier mythologies.

The fact that the Church changed dates and practices to supercede pagan holidays is further evidence of how easily man altered the faith for convenience.

At any rate- it does seem you have some familiarity with the parallels that Christianity shares with the faiths that preceded it. If I had the time I'm sure we could find writings that fleshed this out more.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by PacoPaco
Hitler died on Walpurgis Night and there are questions surrounding whether or not his body was ever found.
sounds like his body was probably reanimated by a demon.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
For starters, I would ask you to revise "that no-believers have" when refering to Christians since there the beliefs of Christians is all over the place. There are christians who beleive that the earth is 6000 years old and that man walked with dinosaurs. There are some who believe Noah's Ark is a fable and some who believe it is the literal truth. And I suspect there are many who don't realize that December 25th isn't really Jesus birthday.

Regarding borrowings - Many of the stuff I've heard that is in that movie is some of the stuff I'm referring to. The Great Flood myth is found in religions predating christianity. I recall reading that the story of baby moses being put in a basket and floated down a river by his mother is also found in earlier mythologies.

The fact that the Church changed dates and practices to supercede pagan holidays is further evidence of how easily man altered the faith for convenience.

At any rate- it does seem you have some familiarity with the parallels that Christianity shares with the faiths that preceded it. If I had the time I'm sure we could find writings that fleshed this out more.
Well, as far as the flood goes, I do believe that there was some type of Great Flood and I think that is somewhat supported by the fact that it appears across religions divided by great expanses of land and water.

As far as the "dates" go, I don't disagree with your point at all.

I would put it to you like this (and I realize that this is circular logic):

One shouldn't confuse the christian religion with things that are done in the name of Christianity. Setting a religious "date" to be popular, doing good works to be noticed, killing in the name of the "prince of peace", using a moral law (say, against homosexuality) to promote hate; these are all things that Christianity is used "for" but they are in direct odds with the actual teachings of the Bible. To believe the Bible is to believe all of it and that is that even Satan himself can use a religious institution for outright evil...but that is usually in order to tear it down. I suppose that is why religion is only a matter of faith...because the logic is circular in a way. And that's why you get people talking about "planted" dinosaur bones and such (which I don't believe is true).

In other words, if you want to be a televangelist so that you can be rich, by all means, do so...but don't fool yourself into thinking that you're doing God's work. And, if you want to be a world ruler and use Christianity as an excuse for imperialist conquest of non-Christian lands, don't fool yourself into believing that you're doing God's work.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
sounds like his body was probably reanimated by a demon.
I know you're joking, but interesting idea. Didn't Hitler die of a shot to the head? That would mimic the antichrist if he was resurrected.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
I do agree with your idea to a large degree, though. It would appear that there have been several attempts at ruling the world, but each one of them has failed for different reasons. It is a recurring theme throughout history and, for the record, they have all committed untold atrocities. In a sense, Hitler came very close because, save the existence of the United States, they would have been able to throw most of their forces towards the eastern front. Soviet defeat would've been inevitable and then we can only guess as to what would have happened in Japan.

One thing, though....the Bible says that the world will actually be conquered on a promise of peace (albeit a quickly-broken promise)...
Well 2 Peter 1 says (Contemporary English Version):

The Message about the Glory of Christ
16When we told you about the power and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, we were not telling clever stories that someone had made up. But with our own eyes we saw his true greatness. 17God, our great and wonderful Father, truly honored him by saying, "This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him." 18We were there with Jesus on the holy mountain and heard this voice speak from heaven.
19All of this makes us even more certain that what the prophets said is true. So you should pay close attention to their message, as you would to a lamp shining in some dark place. You must keep on paying attention until daylight comes and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20But you need to realize that no one alone can understand any of the prophecies in the Scriptures. 21The prophets did not think these things up on their own, but they were guided by the Spirit of God.

I found the bolded part interesting because there is quite a lot of dissent between pretribbers, post-tribbers and amillenialists. Particularly between John Nelson Darby and Benjamin Wills Newton.

From wiki on Newton:

Although both were premillennialists, Newton believed the church would go through the tribulation, whilst Darby, who previously also believed in a post tribulation rapture, began to shift positions and became increasingly convinced in a pretribulation rapture.[
A Foreshadowing? Quote
11-10-2008 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mempho
I know you're joking, but interesting idea. Didn't Hitler die of a shot to the head? That would mimic the antichrist if he was resurrected.
I think that is how he went.

I did see a documentary once speculating that the KGB actually had Hitler's brain/part of his remains or something like that down in a secret vault they had. Still there is some kind of mystery around Hitler's remains.

It is strange if both the AC and Hitler were shot in the head.

The WWII Soviets were big on keeping secrets. Like the massacre they made of all the Polish Army Officers that they let get blamed on the Nazis.
A Foreshadowing? Quote
