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Fever Pitch God Theory Fever Pitch God Theory

02-10-2013 , 10:02 PM
So I'm laying dying in my bed suffering from hallucinations and figure now would be a good time to share my theory on where the god hole comes from. (tldr cool blog bro etc)

So according to me in my infinite wisdom, human beings evolved a subservient gene. Those of our ancestors, who at one point in time did not accept the role of subservience did not survive to become our ancestors. For most of human history authority was absolute. There was one king, one chieften warlord caveman with the biggest rock -- and if we didn't do as we were told and play the subservient role we were killed.

So many if not all of us now, at one time or another, seek authority. We look for others to tell us what to do. Little children seek role models in order to identify optimum behavior. But with some of the more metaphysical aspects of being, there are simply no applicable human authority; so in our yearning for authority for impossible metaphysical questions we (in all histories all across the globe) create god in order to fill the void of the missing authority.

I want you to know I love you all and so on and so forth.
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02-11-2013 , 01:29 AM
1. Interesting speculation.
2. Hard-evidence for such a gene?
3. To evolve a 'subservient gene' would require far more generations than the time in which civilizations have been around.

So, is it the void of missing authority or the void of meaning?

I see the concept of God as a bench-mark for human behaviour or as a summation of ideals we all appreciate (e.g., patience, honesty, virtue, etc.), which we then personify in 'God'. This adds some meaning (in that it differentiates good from bad) and offers guidance and emotional solace in an otherwise meaningless - devour to survive - reality.
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02-11-2013 , 07:27 AM
I don't think you'll get much argument that Conformity is a survival instinct and probably expresses in our phenome. Whilst that may help explain our behaviour with regard to religion, and could explain how gods arose when they don't actually exist, it doesn't actually prove that there are or aren't any gods.

If I were religious, I'd simply argue that my god made me like that, to worship him better.
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