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Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons

02-23-2014 , 09:12 AM
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missions (Wow, just noticed that they spelled 'missions' wrongly in the article title, and I cut and paste that into the thread title)

I guess Islam is not the religion of choice, if you like to have freedom of choice. Still, if the risk of 'suicide' involved in missions like the colonisation of Mars (and presumably elsewhere in our solar system), has the effect of keeping Muslims on Earth...

How do Muslims calculate the direction that they pray in, if they're off planet?
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-23-2014 , 10:28 AM
I'm not familiar enough with the story, but is the mission going forward with no food or something? Will these people die of starvation within a week?

Otherwise it seems just like life on earth: dangerous, and ultimately something that will kill you.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-23-2014 , 11:55 AM
Yeah.... seems odd. Moving to Mars is probably less dangerous for a Muslim than say, moving to rural Texas. Is that also banned?
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-23-2014 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
I'm not familiar enough with the story, but is the mission going forward with no food or something? Will these people die of starvation within a week?

Otherwise it seems just like life on earth: dangerous, and ultimately something that will kill you.
Here's a different link:

“Such a one-way journey poses a real risk to life, and that can never be justified in Islam,” the committee said. “There is a possibility that an individual who travels to planet Mars may not be able to remain alive there, and is more vulnerable to death.”

Whoever opts for this “hazardous trip”, the committee said, is likely to perish for no “righteous reason”, and thus will be liable to a “punishment similar to that of suicide in the Hereafter”.
I think they just view it as too unlikely to be successful to be worth the risk. (Pascal's wager?)


The committee indicated that some may be interested in travelling to Mars for escaping punishment or standing before Almighty Allah for judgment.
It seems weird that this would be a piece of theology that they would need to make explicit, but apparently it's something they felt they needed to do.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-23-2014 , 01:29 PM
So if the Russians really did dig into hell, and it is on earth, can you escape it by dying on mars?

Oh the interesting theological questions that are raised!
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-23-2014 , 01:43 PM
Space is open for all faiths Especially in Islam where the Quran actually speaks about science and astrology, the mere fact that this is even discussed in the Quran is a miracle.

I cant wait for the day MB creates a Pro Islam thread, Islam is great MB and has so much to offer you in its kindness.

One fatwa, ok so what?

I commend the astronaut for his human qualities as well

The Quran says education is a top priority, the mere fact that education is even talked about in the Quran is enough to at least suggest education is indeed a top priority in Islam.

Last edited by thekid345; 02-23-2014 at 01:52 PM.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-23-2014 , 01:55 PM
That's a really stupid headline you fell for Boosh.

If I can find a preacher to say so, does that mean Christians are forbidden to go to Mars?
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
That's a really stupid headline you fell for Boosh.

If I can find a preacher to say so, does that mean Christians are forbidden to go to Mars?
As the headline makes clear, this is about a fatwah. To continue your analogy: If your preacher was a legal scholar and judge and spoke to that effect, he would be doing the equivalent of issuing a fatwah.

And yes, under that ruling it would mean that Christians are forbidden from going to Mars. However fatwahs are not universal, so the analogy breaks down at that point - they do however carry actual legal weight so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 02-24-2014 at 01:04 AM.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Space is open for all faiths Especially in Islam where the Quran actually speaks about science and astrology, the mere fact that this is even discussed in the Quran is a miracle.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 06:15 AM
Thekid345: Astrology isn't anything to do with science.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Give me a break dude, its common sense that Muhammad played a role in making the Islamic Golden age possible. Muhammad united people and for a good cause.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
As the headline makes clear, this is about a fatwah. To continue your analogy: If your preacher was a legal scholar and judge and spoke to that effect, he would be doing the equivalent of issuing a fatwah.

And yes, under that ruling it would mean that Christians are forbidden from going to Mars. However fatwahs are not universal, so the analogy breaks down at that point - they do however carry actual legal weight so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.
Any person can decide if he/she (if training is successful and what not) is going to space regardless of what a Priest, Imam, Fast food worker has to say. Dont get me wrong if someone in North Korea wants to go to space and Kim Jong says no this person will have to leave the country and fly to space with the help of another nation.

One fatwa didnt stop the Muslim astronaut(in the video I posted) from going to space, the man prayed in space as well and the mission was even approved by a delegation of 100 Islamic scholars.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Please read the posts you reply to.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Please read the posts you reply to.
I did read the post.

You discussed a fatwa holding "legal weight". Whos fatwa and how is it not possible for the fatwa to be ignored and or over ruled by another fatwa ?

Even if this fatwa holds "legal weight"(as you stated) then the person who is being effected by the fatwa can go to another country to travel

Originally Posted by tame_deuces
However fatwahs are not universal, so the analogy breaks down at that point - they do however carry actual legal weight so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.
Edit: It seems like you contradict yourself above because even if a fatwa carries legal weight, it does not extend through the entire world. A /Preist/Rabbi/Imam can have equal influence on a would be astronaut, it doesn't matter if its in "legal terms" or not.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345

I stated specifically in my post that fatwahs were not universal, but that they still carried legal weight. Feel free to induce from this that you pointing out that fatwas are not universal is not in any way, shape, or form proof of me contradicting myself.

Again: Please read the posts you reply to.

Feel free to assume I will not be civil in my next post if you continue to display illiteracy.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Please read the posts you reply to.
Originally Posted by thekid345
I did read the post.
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Again: Please read the posts you reply to.
Maybe try "Please reply to the content of the posts you reply to"?
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I stated specifically in my post that fatwahs were not universal, but that they still carried legal weight. Feel free to induce from this that you pointing out that fatwas are not universal is not in any way, shape, or form proof of me contradicting myself.

Again: Please read the posts you reply to.

Feel free to assume I will not be civil in my next post if you continue to display illiteracy.
You can reply in any fashion you would like.

Now here is the issue that is glaring us in the face, you literally stated (irt Fatwas) they do however carry actual legal weight

Then you stated that so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.

Nonsense, a Priest or Rabbi for that matter, can have great influence on his followers and I can assure you its very possible a would be astronaut could be influenced to not undertake a space mission by a Priest or Rabbi. In the same fashion a Imam can influence a follower to not undertake a space mission.

A Rabbi/Imam/Priest can have equal influence on a follower. "Legal weight" of a religious scholar or even country is simply meaningless to some folks around the world weather they(the followers of a religion or someone living in NK who cant fly because of a ruling by Kim Jong ) want to fly to space or not. So if someone in Saudi Arabia is prevented from going to space by a group of 15 Imams, what in the world is stopping them from going to another country to fly.

Finally Tame, its unclear how much weight you are giving to the specific group of Imams who are preventing the Mars mission. My point is so what, who cares about what a select group of humans are saying irt who can travel to mars and who cant. Now tame I dont care if your going to say "well I cant reply to you because this argument never existed" No sir, tame you literally said irt fatwas

they do however carry actual legal weight so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.

You started this whole side conversation with the above comment. Again the facts are regardless of legal weight, a Priest, Rabbi, Imam can have equal influence on a would be astronaut
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Ok, I will try AaronW's suggestion: Please read the content of the posts you reply to.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Ok, I will try AaronW's suggestion: Please read the content of the posts you reply to.
In other threads have you not stated your field as a mental health expert? At times your quite aggressive when you respond to me, dont get me wrong I have said some controversial things to you, but that was in the past.

Nonetheless this is maybe the 3rd post in a row when you have completely ignored my points. I expect more from you.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
In other threads have you not stated your field as a mental health expert? At times your quite aggressive when you respond to me, dont get me wrong I have said some controversial things to you, but that was in the past.

Nonetheless this is maybe the 3rd post in a row when you have completely ignored my points. For a so called mental health expert I expect more from you.
I'm not a mental health expert and nor have I ever stated this.

Maybe you should read the posts I write?
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I'm not a mental health expert and nor have I ever stated this.
I previously thought you were a psychologist of some sorts or mental health physician of some sorts, I must be thinking of another RGT poster. But thanks for clearing that up.

Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Maybe you should read the posts I write?
In any event I ask nicely that you clarify your comments(seen below) itt w/o reverting me back to a previous post of yours.

they(fatwas) do however carry actual legal weight so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.

Of course feel free to respond in any way, its not that big of a deal to me.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I stated specifically in my post that fatwahs were not universal, but that they still carried legal weight. Feel free to induce from this that you pointing out that fatwas are not universal is not in any way, shape, or form proof of me contradicting myself.

Again: Please read the posts you reply to.

Feel free to assume I will not be civil in my next post if you continue to display illiteracy.

Above you state fatwas are not universal(I agree) but that they still carried legal weight(I responded so what if a fatwa carries legal weight, this wont stop a human who wants to fly from entering a different country to go to space)

Again, I fully understand your points itt tame and my response was it doesn't matter if a fatwa carries legal weight. Therefore a Imam, Priest or Rabbi can have equal influence on a astronaut

As the headline makes clear, this is about a fatwah. To continue your analogy: If your preacher was a legal scholar and judge and spoke to that effect, he would be doing the equivalent of issuing a fatwah.

And yes, under that ruling it would mean that Christians are forbidden from going to Mars.

However fatwahs are not universal, so the analogy breaks down at that point - they do however carry actual legal weight so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.

-Tame it seemed like Bill was saying a Priest/Imam can have equal influence on a would be astronaut.

But whats to stop Christians (who are issued a ruling from a priest/group of Christians) traveling to a different country to fly? And whats to stop Muslims (who are issued a ruling from a certain Imam/group of Muslims) traveling to a different country to fly.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
I previously thought you were a psychologist of some sorts or mental health physician of some sorts, I must be thinking of another RGT poster. But thanks for clearing that up.
I am a psychologist, but I'm not a clinical psychologist - I'm a research psychologist. I don't have much education in clinical psychology. My specialty is social psychology.

I always point this out in any debate where my profession has been mentioned, and mental health becomes a subject.

Originally Posted by thekid345
In any event I ask nicely that you clarify your comments(seen below) itt w/o reverting me back to a previous post of yours.

they(fatwas) do however carry actual legal weight so your analogy about the preacher just having an opinion is not good.

Of course feel free to respond in any way, its not that big of a deal to me.
I don't know what more there is to say? A fatwah is legally binding, but it is not universal. This is because Islamic jurisprudence is not like jurisprudence in civil law (most European countries) or common law (US, UK/Commonwealth): There is no principle of precedence and there is precious little tradition for legislation.

A mufti is not a judge like we think of them, but he is not merely a preacher either.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 05:55 PM
Lotsa hair splitting about an analogy.

Point is, a generalization was being made about Islam being at odds with scientific exploration. That's what makes the Mars thing funny. But it's based on some looney fatwa that is not generalizable. It's like a newspaper in Tehran suggesting the US preacher who just died of snakebite is representative of mainstream Christianity's war against modernity.

The people who invented your maths are not antimodern.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
02-24-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Lotsa hair splitting about an analogy.

Point is, a generalization was being made about Islam being at odds with scientific exploration. That's what makes the Mars thing funny. But it's based on some looney fatwa that is not generalizable. It's like a newspaper in Tehran suggesting the US preacher who just died of snakebite is representative of mainstream Christianity's war against modernity.

The people who invented your maths are not antimodern.
No, that is not splitting hairs. Your analogy was pretty bad.

I don't think the UAE's ministry for Islamic Affairs invented my math, they do however have the power to issue fatwahs on behalf of the state.
Fatwa forbids Muslims from 'suicidal' Mars missons Quote
