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Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book)

01-21-2009 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
Right so your belief in the resurrection of Christ is mandatory so you tend to give it more leniency as far as logic goes. You have a strange trust in a book that recorded some people had seen Jesus after his death 2000 years ago. And nevermind that this part of the Bible was written 50 years after Christ died!
Do you have any problem believing the writings of Plato? There's about a 1200 year span between the original writings and the oldest available copy (of which there are 7). Aristotle? That's about 1400 years and about 50 copies. The New Testament has over 5000 copies floating around, and they all show a remarkably high similarity with respect to content.

There is no other scenario that defies the laws of nature that you would believe with these shaky claims. I assume you don't believe in Allah's ascension into heaven... if my assumption is true why not?
A lack of witnesses is a good start. Unreliable sourcing is another. Mohammad was given the in a form that only he was privy to, and then passed this along to his followers. The propagation of the Bible does not flow from a single unverifiable source.

Some of the points you list above are just gray areas that are open for interpretation and your Christian beliefs don't necessarily hinge on their answer... if answered. The resurrection however is a deal killer for your beliefs so you go to great lengths....
I have gone to great lengths to try to convince myself it is false in college. I failed. But I committed myself at the start of the exploration to leave the door open that it could be true, and this is probably where we part company. If you close the door before you begin, you reach the conclusion you wanted to reach (from both sides of the door).

The missing component is one that you will not accept as evidence, which is the personal experience. This is something that I don't expect you to accept.

How do you *prove* someone loves you?
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:27 AM
Your first statement was

it was said by Jesus "no miracles will be performed for you." when Jesus performed miracles it was mostly for the 12 diciples.
I listed some of Jesus' miracles most of which were not "performed mostly for the 12 disciples." Your statement here is false.

Originally Posted by James 2:14
if Jesus had performed miracles for the Jews that wanted him dead, do you think they would have killed him?
Where in these scriptures that talk of Jesus' miracles does it say if the receiver of his miracles were Jewish, Gentile, etc...? Are you stating that Jesus never performed a miracle on a Jew? I'm not sure if this is true or not so I will wait for you to point me to scripture that states that Jesus never performed miracles on Jews.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
So if you guys saw another person rise from the dead (you are like 100% sure it happened) and claim to be the son of God and he told you that Jesus didn't really rise from the dead and you had to believe in him to get into heaven would you?
I would have to see someone rise from the dead in order to answer this question -- which, I really don't understand in the first place.

But, seriously, seeing somone rise from the dead would help....
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.

I have gone to great lengths to try to convince myself it is false in college. I failed. But I committed myself at the start of the exploration to leave the door open that it could be true, and this is probably where we part company. If you close the door before you begin, you reach the conclusion you wanted to reach (from both sides of the door).

The missing component is one that you will not accept as evidence, which is the personal experience. This is something that I don't expect you to accept.

How do you *prove* someone loves you?
these statements are excellent. you truly are a teacher.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
So if you guys saw another person rise from the dead (you are like 100% sure it happened) and claim to be the son of God and he told you that Jesus didn't really rise from the dead and you had to believe in him to get into heaven would you?
This reminds me of another hypothetical: If it was discovered that the New Testament was *IN FACT* a gigantic conspiracy, would you stop believing? My answer is "yes." I would have a lot of things to reconcile to myself, but it were really, truly, undeniably true, I would have no choice.

The truth is, I have no idea what I would do if I were totally 100% convinced that this guy came back to life and made these claims. There would be a level of research (Who is he? What type of heaven does he claim to represent? etc.). I have no idea what my conclusion would be.

But the hypothetical is not reality. What if people had 5 hands instead of 2? We can play around in the intellectual imaginary space, but eventually we come back to the reality that we don't have 5 hands.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
Where in these scriptures that talk of Jesus' miracles does it say if the receiver of his miracles were Jewish, Gentile, etc...? Are you stating that Jesus never performed a miracle on a Jew? I'm not sure if this is true or not so I will wait for you to point me to scripture that states that Jesus never performed miracles on Jews.
Jesus did perform miracles for the Jews, but he didn't want everyone to see them. most of his teachings were for the diciples, so they could spread the word after he fulfilled the prophecies. i know he feed thousands of people, and raised the dead, and such, but he never performed those miracles in the heart of Israel, which is Jeruselem. he performed his miracles on the countryside with the country folk of that time.

what i mean is the Jewish clergy demanded that Jesus prove he was the son of God. the Messiah they were waiting for. the King of Israel. when he would not prove himself to them, because they wanted miracles and other things, they deemed him a false prophet. False prophets were to be stoned according to the laws of moses.
If Jesus had performed miracles for the Jewis clergy to prove he is the messiah, would they have still requested his death?
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:43 AM
There is so much fail in this thread.

Big Erf,

You just recently posted a thread saying you were leaving these discussions because you were questioning your faith. Now you're going around acting like you know everything about everything.

Does that not strike you as ridiculous? Absurd? ****ING ******ED?
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Do you have any problem believing the writings of Plato? There's about a 1200 year span between the original writings and the oldest available copy (of which there are 7). Aristotle? That's about 1400 years and about 50 copies. The New Testament has over 5000 copies floating around, and they all show a remarkably high similarity with respect to content.
To my knowledge Plato and Aristotle do not resurrect themselves and claim to be the Son of God.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
A lack of witnesses is a good start. Unreliable sourcing is another. Mohammad was given the in a form that only he was privy to, and then passed this along to his followers. The propagation of the Bible does not flow from a single unverifiable source.
I don't see how you can claim reliable sources for the resurrection of Christ. What are your sources exactly? I just read Timothy Keller's "A Reason For God" and his argument for reliable sources of the resurrection is nothing short of hilarious. He mentions that immediately after Christs death churches popped up everywhere and flourished. Thats amazing that the church boom happened after Christ's death but they didn't start writing about his life until 50 years later.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I have gone to great lengths to try to convince myself it is false in college. I failed. But I committed myself at the start of the exploration to leave the door open that it could be true, and this is probably where we part company. If you close the door before you begin, you reach the conclusion you wanted to reach (from both sides of the door).

The missing component is one that you will not accept as evidence, which is the personal experience. This is something that I don't expect you to accept.

How do you *prove* someone loves you?
Meh I've been raised Christian and went to Christian schools my whole life except college. All religions that claim they are the exclusive path to heaven are nothing short of divisive.

As far as proving someone loves me I have lovetracker with a HUD display. Everytime my wife comes home I collect information and log it my lovetracker. I have a pretty large sample size (6 years) and she's a TAG which is a good thing for women.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by James 2:14
what i mean is the Jewish clergy demanded that Jesus prove he was the son of God. the Messiah they were waiting for. the King of Israel. when he would not prove himself to them, because they wanted miracles and other things, they deemed him a false prophet. False prophets were to be stoned according to the laws of moses. If Jesus had performed miracles for the Jewis clergy to prove he is the messiah, would they have still requested his death?
So he was the David Koresh of his time but just a little more peaceful minded with a lot better intentions. It seems like this is the more logical scenario than him being the Son of God. Perhaps Jesus was delusional thinking that he really was the son of God. He honestly thought that God would save him.. hence "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" bit while he died on the cross.

Last edited by nittyit; 01-21-2009 at 01:00 AM.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
This reminds me of another hypothetical: If it was discovered that the New Testament was *IN FACT* a gigantic conspiracy, would you stop believing? My answer is "yes." I would have a lot of things to reconcile to myself, but it were really, truly, undeniably true, I would have no choice.

The truth is, I have no idea what I would do if I were totally 100% convinced that this guy came back to life and made these claims. There would be a level of research (Who is he? What type of heaven does he claim to represent? etc.). I have no idea what my conclusion would be.

But the hypothetical is not reality. What if people had 5 hands instead of 2? We can play around in the intellectual imaginary space, but eventually we come back to the reality that we don't have 5 hands.
Thanks for an honest answer. I really think it is weird that you wouldn't believe the new guy. Say his message his logically the same as Jesus (love your neighbor etc) it seems at that point you have a logically unjustifiable level of faith in Jesus. (You are trusting your ability to read and interpret the Bible more than your ability to see something in front of you and interpret) Perhaps that is true, your level of faith is above logic, but then it is silly to talk about any logic whatsoever when it comes to Jesus.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
So he was the David Koresh of his time but just a little more peaceful minded with a lot better intentions. It seems like this is the more logical scenario than him being the Son of God. Perhaps Jesus was delusional thinking that he really was the son of God. He honestly thought that God would save him.. hence the "Why did Jesus say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" bit while he died on the cross.
the reason why he said that is because he know his body needed to be sacrificed. he was human. he was also very hesitant about following through with it, but he had to in order to fulfill the prophecy. no, he didn't want to die.
as part of the prophecy, he needed to die.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
To my knowledge Plato and Aristotle do not resurrect themselves and claim to be the Son of God.
But people really really believe that the things that are attributed to them were actually their words. And they don't doubt. The just believe.

I don't see how you can claim reliable sources for the resurrection of Christ. What are your sources exactly? I just read Timothy Keller's "A Reason For God" and his argument for reliable sources of the resurrection is nothing short of hilarious. He mentions that immediately after Christs death churches popped up everywhere and flourished. Thats amazing that the church boom happened after Christ's death but they didn't start writing about his life until 50 years later.
I've never read that book, so I cannot supply any reasonable commentary of his argument.

I think this is the second time that the number 50 came up, so I'm going to ask for some sourcing. I believe that the number 50 addresses the text that is most closely dated to Jesus' crucifixion, which is different from saying that they didn't even start writing until 50 years later. For example, Luke claims to have gone around interviewing people, and based on the life-spans of the time this becomes a difficult proposition to reconcile.

Meh I've been raised Christian and went to Christian schools my whole life except college. All religions that claim they are the exclusive path to heaven are nothing short of divisive.
I agree that this is true of Christianity. It does bring division. And it doesn't claim to do otherwise.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by James 2:14
the reason why he said that is because he know his body needed to be sacrificed. he was human. he was also very hesitant about following through with it, but he had to in order to fulfill the prophecy. no, he didn't want to die. as part of the prophecy, he needed to die.
Yes I understand the Christian reasoning behind it, but you find my reasoning seriously flawed even though it is a more likely or reasonable scenario.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Thanks for an honest answer. I really think it is weird that you wouldn't believe the new guy. Say his message his logically the same as Jesus (love your neighbor etc) it seems at that point you have a logically unjustifiable level of faith in Jesus. (You are trusting your ability to read and interpret the Bible more than your ability to see something in front of you and interpret) Perhaps that is true, your level of faith is above logic, but then it is silly to talk about any logic whatsoever when it comes to Jesus.
While he does teach these things, those things were not the thing that he used to verify his ministry. I would suggest reading "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis for more information. I don't really know where to begin explaining things, but it seems that you're attempting to characterize Jesus' teachings as merely moral. If this is so, then the latter half of chapter 3 will address it. Otherwise, you just might need to sit down for a few hours one afternoon and do a little background reading.

(I should point out that at some points, Lewis' words feel outdated because he was writing to a different culture than the one we're in. So there might be an analogy or a point that doesn't quite make sense because he's writing to a different audience.)
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I think this is the second time that the number 50 came up, so I'm going to ask for some sourcing. I believe that the number 50 addresses the text that is most closely dated to Jesus' crucifixion, which is different from saying that they didn't even start writing until 50 years later. For example, Luke claims to have gone around interviewing people, and based on the life-spans of the time this becomes a difficult proposition to reconcile.
We can start with wikipedia -

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I agree that this is true of Christianity. It does bring division. And it doesn't claim to do otherwise.
Yet Christianity can cure the world as long as you fall under its spell! Didn't Hitler have the same sort of thinking? No religion that claims exclusivity to the entry of heaven will unite a world. The believers of these types of religions do not see beyond 10 feet in front of their face.

This begs the question... Do Atheists or Christians value life more? With this "Christianity does bring division and it doesn't claim to do otherwise" mindset its hard to see how you value life more than I. All it takes is someone in a position of authority and your line of thinking to bring on "Armageddon" because they believe such things.

Last edited by nittyit; 01-21-2009 at 01:29 AM.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
We can start with wikipedia -
Since the death of Jesus is ~30-35 AD (depending on the exact dating convention), this would mean that

* Mark: c. 68–73,[11] c 65-70[2]
* Matthew: c. 70–100.[11] c 80-85.[2] Some conservative scholars argue for a pre-70 date, particularly those that do not accept Mark as the first gospel written.
* Luke: c. 80–100, with most arguing for somewhere around 85,[11], c 80-85[2]
* John: c 90-100,[2] c. 90–110,[12] The majority view is that it was written in stages, so there was no one date of composition.
This would put Mark at being written as close as 33 years after the death of Jesus, and this is the date of completion, not the date on which he started writing.

Yet Christianity can cure the world as long as you fall under its spell! Didn't Hitler have the same sort of thinking?
Show me where Christianity makes this claim. (Edit: Claim = "Cure the world.")

No religion that claims exclusivity to the entry of heaven will unite a world. The believers of these types of religions do not see beyond 10 feet in front of their face.
But by denying religion, you somehow reach a place where you can in fact unite a world? [sarcasm]That's realistic.[/sarcasm] People are so fundamentally screwed up that there will always be something to fight over. That's just how it is with us.

This begs the question... Do Atheists or Christians value life more?
It really begs *that* question?

Last edited by Aaron W.; 01-21-2009 at 01:52 AM.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
While he does teach these things, those things were not the thing that he used to verify his ministry. I would suggest reading "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis for more information. I don't really know where to begin explaining things, but it seems that you're attempting to characterize Jesus' teachings as merely moral. If this is so, then the latter half of chapter 3 will address it. Otherwise, you just might need to sit down for a few hours one afternoon and do a little background reading.

(I should point out that at some points, Lewis' words feel outdated because he was writing to a different culture than the one we're in. So there might be an analogy or a point that doesn't quite make sense because he's writing to a different audience.)
I forgot to include mention that you can access the full text through wikipedia's article on the book. I don't know the state of the copyright of that text, but there it is.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
While he does teach these things, those things were not the thing that he used to verify his ministry. I would suggest reading "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis for more information. I don't really know where to begin explaining things, but it seems that you're attempting to characterize Jesus' teachings as merely moral. If this is so, then the latter half of chapter 3 will address it. Otherwise, you just might need to sit down for a few hours one afternoon and do a little background reading.
No, I didn't mean that at all. I only mentioned equivalent teachings as I personally would have an easier time rejecting somebody that rose from the dead if their teaching were hate your neighbor.

I just think that your belief in Jesus is not rational since apparently if somebody did the same exact same thing that you believe Jesus did right in front of your face and said the same things he did but was called Max you wouldn't believe in him. I have no problem if your belief is not rational.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 02:25 AM
Wow I have actually been fully 100% convinced by this thread that you cannot both be a smart person and believe in Christianity. It just cannot be done. There is a certain intelligence level where, if you reach it, you just realize there is simply no way.

Theists, seriously, just take mushrooms once. Just once. That's all I ask. Seriously, taking mushrooms for the first time literally bumps your intelligence level measurably. Not very much, but for most of you it's all you need to push you into that bracket of "understanding".
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
No, I didn't mean that at all. I only mentioned equivalent teachings as I personally would have an easier time rejecting somebody that rose from the dead if their teaching were hate your neighbor.

I just think that your belief in Jesus is not rational since apparently if somebody did the same exact same thing that you believe Jesus did right in front of your face and said the same things he did but was called Max you wouldn't believe in him. I have no problem if your belief is not rational.
Sorry, I think I completely misunderstood the nature of your hypothetical. You went from someone denying Jesus to someone teaching equivalently to Jesus. This is a major jump.

Your hypothetical runs into a problem of prophecy, which is the way that the Bible describes how the messiah could be identified. Aspects of this includes the location of the birth of the Messiah, lineage, and so forth. Another issue the ministry of John the Baptist as the prophet who pointed to Jesus' ministry, which is another aspect of prophecy but not directly pointing to Jesus.

It's hard to intellectually conceive this hypothetical because it would cause a crisis of faith of the type of "Two messiahs?" If the man did in fact satisfy all the conditions and lived the type of life that he was described to supposed to live, and claims he will die a substitutionary death, then actually do it... I have no clue what I would think at all.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Show me where Christianity makes this claim. (Edit: Claim = "Cure the world.")
You stated "I agree that this is true of Christianity. It does bring division. And it doesn't claim to do otherwise." So according to you Christianity will always bring division. You are ok with a religion that shows intolerance... nice. Additionally, didn't God give his only begotten son to cure the world in a sense?

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
But by denying religion, you somehow reach a place where you can in fact unite a world? [sarcasm]That's realistic.[/sarcasm] People are so fundamentally screwed up that there will always be something to fight over. That's just how it is with us.
LOL so religion serves as the crux for inevitable arguments? Well in that case I believe in Christ! If the world was free from superstition it would eliminate many needless fights and arguments. It would be refreshing to see what we would fight over after that.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
It really begs *that* question?
Absolutely... if you are so small minded and arrogant to think that God has a special place and purpose for you then you must be small minded and arrogant enough to think that it would your duty to carry out God's will (Armageddon) if the conditions were correct. If a devout Christian finds himself in a high authoritative position, he will attribute his position to God and God's purpose for him. Add this silly belief with access to military resources and other destructible means and you have potential for some serious mayhem.

Now put an atheist in that position... oh wait this country is so ****ed up that atheists cant get that high in power. Its amazing that all you need is a belief in the Christian God (no college degree, no political background, etc...) and you can be president. That is all the we require of our politicians. Its good to see they've done such a great job.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by HIV
Theists, seriously, just take mushrooms once. Just once. That's all I ask. Seriously, taking mushrooms for the first time literally bumps your intelligence level measurably. Not very much, but for most of you it's all you need to push you into that bracket of "understanding".
I second this and take xtc at least once. You'll feel like this lady but without having a stroke.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by nittyit
You stated "I agree that this is true of Christianity. It does bring division. And it doesn't claim to do otherwise." So according to you Christianity will always bring division. You are ok with a religion that shows intolerance... nice. Additionally, didn't God give his only begotten son to cure the world in a sense?
Yes, but hardly the sense you imply.

LOL so religion serves as the crux for inevitable arguments? Well in that case I believe in Christ! If the world was free from superstition it would eliminate many needless fights and arguments. It would be refreshing to see what we would fight over after that.
You can accept the reality of the sinfulness of man, or you can reject it.

Absolutely... if you are so small minded and arrogant to think that God has a special place and purpose for you then you must be small minded and arrogant enough to think that it would your duty to carry out God's will (Armageddon) if the conditions were correct.
I'm curious to know what you know about "Armageddon."

Edit: The bolded part represents a false implication that is probably rooted in your understanding of "Armageddon." It will be useful to the discussion for you to flesh it out.
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Yes, but hardly the sense you imply.
??? Please emphasize

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
You can accept the reality of the sinfulness of man, or you can reject it.
Huh? What does this have to do with what I said? You are all over the map.

Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I'm curious to know what you know about "Armageddon."

Edit: The bolded part represents a false implication that is probably rooted in your understanding of "Armageddon." It will be useful to the discussion for you to flesh it out.
Armageddon is a place rather than an event but it is widely used to describe an "end of times" event. The way that I am using it now is in reference to Revelations. Someone who believes that Revelations will occur could refer to such events as Armageddon. Should I have used "events in Revelations" as a better way to describe my point? Armageddon typically means end of times... Revelations and its events in a nutshell or a catastrophic world ending event... capiche?
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
01-21-2009 , 03:09 AM
Absolutely... if you are so small minded and arrogant to think that God has a special place and purpose for you then you must be small minded and arrogant enough to think that it would your duty to carry out God's will (Armageddon) if the conditions were correct.
I'm curious to know what you know about "Armageddon."

Edit: The bolded part represents a false implication that is probably rooted in your understanding of "Armageddon." It will be useful to the discussion for you to flesh it out.
How is this a false implication? You believe in the Bible right?
Evidence For Your Religion (Outside Of Your Holy Book) Quote
