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Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists

10-18-2009 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by Oshenz11
There may be other reasons to attribute those qualities to God, but as Arouet says, they are certainly not implied even if God created the universe.
I think due to the fact that there's probably no way to quantify those attributes necessary for the creation (assuming created) of the universe that we assign infinity to them. That if it's there, it has to be infinite.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-18-2009 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by Oshenz11
Along the same line, if we take it as fact that God created the universe, and since we have no idea what it takes to create a universe, why does he even need to be really really really powerful, knowledgeable and intelligent? Why wouldn't "modest power, a wee bit of knowledge, and a modicum of intelligence" do? Or for that matter, "just enough power, no knowledge and no intelligence at all"?
Officially: Metaphysics, butchered physics, attributing values to unknowns, pretending to grasp infinity.

Unofficially: It doesn't fit with the protester's religion.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
I think due to the fact that there's probably no way to quantify those attributes necessary for the creation (assuming created) of the universe that we assign infinity to them. That if it's there, it has to be infinite.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Perhaps the failsafe is there to not only prevent us from destroying the universe but also serves the purpose of being a hint, clueing us in that God does indeed exist.
For someone who loves his children so much that he has saved a place for them in heaven, and who communicated so directly with the OT patriarchs, God nowadays sure seems to prefer tragically subtle clues.

You'd think that a supremely intelligent being would understand that you need evidence that cannot be explained through any means beyond the fact that he exists. Instead, we only see "evidence" that does not require his existence to be true.

Catch yourself whenever you use that word "perhaps." Are you explaining or rationalizing?
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Oshenz11
Because it's impossible to comprehend some finite power behind something that's possibly infinite? I can't do it, but if you can, you're a better man than I.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
humans were created ~6k(?) years ago
Actually this is never claimed by the Bible, and is only believed by that hilarious subsection of people who are Biblical Literalists who also have no theological background AND lack even a casual understanding of basic Jewish writing techniques.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:18 AM
Ok, I'm still confused. This started with my point that, even assuming an entity created the universe, since we have no idea what it takes to create a universe, we cannot know what qualities are possesed by that entity. Then you said:

Originally Posted by Hardball47
I think due to the fact that there's probably no way to quantify those attributes necessary for the creation (assuming created) of the universe that we assign infinity to them. That if it's there, it has to be infinite.
I read that to say you agree with my point above ("no way to quantify") and then you assign infnity to them - even saying it has to be infinite. I asked "Why?" since that seemed at odds with your own point. You replied with:

Originally Posted by Hardball47
Because it's impossible to comprehend some finite power behind something that's possibly infinite? I can't do it, but if you can, you're a better man than I.
If that is impossible, how is it possible to comprehend an infinite power behind something that's possibly infinite? Or are you just saying that whatever created the universe had to be "greater" than the universe in order to create it? If so, then we can just agree to disagree, because I have no problem with an effect exceeding a cause or a creation exceeding the creator. And that certainly doesn't make me better - just different.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
In SMP there is a thread about the Large Hadron Collider and its bad luck. Apparently a couple of physicist are speculating that the Higgs particle the LHC is designed to look for might be so abhorrent to nature that the universe is essentially conspiring against its creation.

If the universe had such a failsafe would that imply the universe had an intelligent designer?
It is a ridiculous idea that has pretty much a 0% of being correct. So you can pretty much draw any conclusion you want if the off chance that it is true.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
It is a ridiculous idea that has pretty much a 0% of being correct. So you can pretty much draw any conclusion you want if the off chance that it is true.
Can you concieve of an off chance event that would convince you of God's existence?
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Can you concieve of an off chance event that would convince you of God's existence?
Probably an infinite number of things.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-19-2009 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
I love you, Stu.

amazing op (didnt actually read the post just going on title lol)

waiting for the inevitable:

"Does my penis cause problems for atheists?" thread
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-21-2009 , 09:12 PM
Stu, your titles are so fun! I wish I could give you a big hug !
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-22-2009 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Actually this is never claimed by the Bible, and is only believed by that hilarious subsection of people who are Biblical Literalists who also have no theological background AND lack even a casual understanding of basic Jewish writing techniques.
If you add up all the begats, the conclusion that the earth is only some thousands of years old is inescapable. Although it is true that the bible never makes this claim directly.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:07 AM
Is Stu a giant level?
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-22-2009 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Oshenz11
Or are you just saying that whatever created the universe had to be "greater" than the universe in order to create it? If so, then we can just agree to disagree, because I have no problem with an effect exceeding a cause or a creation exceeding the creator.
That's all I'm saying. We throw around words like finite and infinite just to get a relative idea of magnitude. It could very well be such that God used some finite power out of his toolbox of infinite powers to create this universe. I mean, to us it would likely be indistinguishable.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-22-2009 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by 2incher
Is Stu a giant level?
It's called Stu's Law.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-23-2009 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
It's called Stu's Law.
Invalid link.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-23-2009 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
Invalid link.
Thanks for pointing that out. Here it is:

Stu's Law: No matter what Stu says, it's impossible to tell whether he is trolling or not.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-24-2009 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Thanks for pointing that out. Here it is:

Stu's Law: No matter what Stu says, it's impossible to tell whether he is trolling or not.
LOL poor Stu.

FWIW, Stu's Law can be broken.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
10-24-2009 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
LOL poor Stu.

FWIW, Stu's Law can be broken.
Yes Stu is poor. If you want to donate, you can transfer money to me at Pokerstars.
Does the fact that the universe hasn't spontaneously exploded yet cause problems for atheists Quote
