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Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity?

09-06-2011 , 02:41 PM
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity?
No god in buddhism, no myth, more analysis, room for any "scientific" explanation of anything.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-09-2011 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Aigyptos
I don't really get this. Why should a religion forgive other religions? Obv the religion itself states that it is the supreme religion, so why should it 'forgive' other religions, which are consequentially not perfect, and what do you mean with forgiving?
This +1000.

It's obviously in every religions best interest to promote themselves and not other religions.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:24 AM
I don't "look down" on Christianity. I meet with equal skepticism all supernatural claims, no matter where they derive.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-14-2011 , 12:33 AM
I can't speak for Mahanyana or Theravada much, but I can say that supernatural aspects being discussed are being a bit overemphasized. As far as Zen Buddhism goes, it's about as unimposing as any idea or philosophy I have ever encountered. The only thing I can say about Zen is that I have said too much.

Originally Posted by batair
Weren't the Tibetan Buddhist fairly harsh on non Buddhist when setting up their kingdom?

The thing i dont like about Buddhism is the getting rid of self stuff and denial of pleasure. Whatever though i would probably have more problems with them if i lived in a Buddhist country but they really dont affect my life like Christians do so they are really not problem for me.
First off, there is no self to get rid of, and that doesnt mean what you think it means. And, only those who practice Theravada would advocate denying pleasure. It is called the Middle Way because you are centered. You are balanced, not through your own will, but because to one who is awakened, it comes naturally.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-14-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by thaaxis
First off, there is no self to get rid of, and that doesnt mean what you think it means. And, only those who practice Theravada would advocate denying pleasure. It is called the Middle Way because you are centered. You are balanced, not through your own will, but because to one who is awakened, it comes naturally.
Then those are the ones i would disagree with.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-18-2011 , 08:34 PM
Buddhism in 2500 years history had so many forms, teachers and offsets, that everything you say about Buddhism is true. Some radical forms like Zen (or some zen masters) even contradict Buddha and all buddhist canon.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-20-2011 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by PavelC
Buddhism in 2500 years history had so many forms, teachers and offsets, that everything you say about Buddhism is true. Some radical forms like Zen (or some zen masters) even contradict Buddha and all buddhist canon.
I would like to hear more about this. Obviously, some masters will have seemingly radical views, but would you say that the majority of Zen masters condradict Buddha's core teachings? If so, how?

Buddha himself did say to only come to conclusions based on your own reasoning and experience, and that it applied to his teachings as well.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by thaaxis
I would like to hear more about this. Obviously, some masters will have seemingly radical views, but would you say that the majority of Zen masters condradict Buddha's core teachings? If so, how?

Buddha himself did say to only come to conclusions based on your own reasoning and experience, and that it applied to his teachings as well.
Many of new zen students coming to zen masters were formerly buddhist monks dissatisfied with their progress.
Common practice in traditional buddhism was mechanic repeated sutras several hours in day and worship of Buddha.
Zen masters having difficult job return mental zombies to life often chose shock therapy, they banned even thought about buddha and often declared Buddha and his lore as unwanted and confusing .
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by PrinceOfPokerstars
I know look down may not be the right word but I think you guys know what I mean. And I don't mean someone who is a Buddhist because they're parents were or all of the unrelated customs that've been attached on culturally but someone studying and practicing it seriously.

To me the obvious problem with Christianity is that it's just wild faerie tales. There are so many things requiring incredible faith. Some people call themselves Christians while saying they don't believe in supernatural phenomenon. Which I don't get because if there is a creator God involved in our existence why can't he perform miracles?

A lot of people do the same with Buddhism. Ditching anything supernatural and using it as a philosophy or psychology. But I'm obviously not talking about that.

To me it seems like within Buddhism there are really only 3 things which may require faith to believe in.

The first is Buddhist cosmology regarding realms of existence. To me this could fit in fine with science because it's basically saying there are beings elsewhere in existence, that live in states of greater pleasure or pain than us, and the details of their existence can be quite different than ours. I don't see why this couldn't be happening on a planet in another galaxy, or a different multiverse. To me it sounds like something reasonably plausible.

The other two, karma and rebirth, aren't so much. To me karma is getting back the kind of intentions you put out over a time frame long enough to require rebirth. I don't think of it as a watered down if you are nice to people they'll be nice to you thing, but some kind of law that evens out our actions.

To me this is even harder to believe in than rebirth. I believe the Buddha himself said not to dwell to much on it because it's incredibly complicated and will drive you crazy.

Rebirth I have an easier time with because I've always wondered where my consciousness comes from and how it is I'm experiencing myself instead of someone else. I guess rebirth doesn't really answer that. But I think of it as consciousness is a part of the universe breaking away as an individual entity to experience itself through living matter, when the matter dies the ego consciousness still exists on some level and rather than rejoining the universe it finds a new physical host to keep grasping at ego.

This obviously isn't scientific and may sound as crazy as Christianity but to me it feels more thought out and genuine. Maybe in the future science will find evidence for rebirth or even karma but I'm pretty sure it'll never prove tenants of the Abrahamac religions.

You may respect Buddhism more (or disrespect it less) than the God religions because it's meditation and manner of ethics seems to create less violent, kinder, gentler followers. And Buddhism isn't very concerned with converting, nor does it demand blind faith as the Buddha said to investigate his teachings yourself, come to your own conclusions, and not believe something simply because he said it. Which is a far cry from most other religions.

But beyond that, do you think that the Buddhists supernatural beliefs are as insane and irrational as Christians? I think most Buddhists who haven't grasped karma or rebirth through direct experience have a degree of agnosticism regarding the teachings. Do you think this is the same as people who think God probably created the universe, is hearing thoughts and answering prayers, etc?
"The stoic bears, the Epicurean seeks to enjoy, the Buddhist and the Hindu stand apart disillusioned, the Muslim submits, but only the Christian exalts."

- E. Stanley Jones
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 12:52 PM
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity?

I do not look down on anyone's beliefs. How can I ask others to respect by beliefs if I do not respect theirs?
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by MidyMat
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity?

I do not look down on anyone's beliefs. How can I ask others to respect by beliefs if I do not respect theirs?
So you respect white supremacists beliefs? Like if i said all non whites should be slaves to whites you would respect that belief?
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by batair
So you respect white supremacists beliefs? Like if i said all non whites should be slaves to whites you would respect that belief?
I have but only one word for the jump in topic you just took _ WOW!!!
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:12 PM
Right. You dont respect some beliefs.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Right. You dont respect some beliefs.
You don't seem to understand that you can respect a person without respecting his beliefs.

Tolerance isn't a strong sign of virtue like you seem to think.

Am I suppose to be so tolerant of your beliefs I let you do anything even if it may not be good for you?

Not all beliefs are equal. Tolerance is just a buzz word to force someone into accepting that they are.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
You don't seem to understand that you can respect a person without respecting his beliefs.
You dont seem to understand i understand that. I was specifically talking about respecting beliefs. I dont respect some beliefs. Please dont move my goalposts.

Tolerance isn't a strong sign of virtue like you seem to think.

Am I suppose to be so tolerant of your beliefs I let you do anything even if it may not be good for you?

Not all beliefs are equal. Tolerance is just a buzz word to force someone into accepting that they are.
Yeah i agree tolerance and turning the other cheek towards someones beliefs is bad sometimes. Which is why i dont respect all beliefs.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-21-2011 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by batair
You dont seem to understand i understand that. I was specifically talking about respecting beliefs. I dont respect some beliefs. Please dont move my goalposts.

Yeah i agree tolerance and turning the other cheek towards someones beliefs is bad sometimes. Which is why i dont respect all beliefs.
Tolerance is in opposition to purity and unity. You can't have peace without purity and unity.

Tolerance fosters conforming to the world but Christians are only to conform to Jesus Christ.

Tolerance is luke warm.

The Meaning of the Word, "Laodicea"

The word "Laodicea has two meanings. One meaning refers to the spiritual condition of the Church. The other is about its historical destiny. This is true of the Church of Laodicea. The word "Laodicea", like the Church of Thyatira, is formed from two Greek words. These words are laoV, which means "people", and dikazo, which can mean either a personal opinion or a decree, i.e. a sentence, given by a judge. Therefore, we find that the word "Laodicea" can mean both "people's opinions" or "people judged".

People today are living in a "Laodicean" Age. Jesus said "To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with Me on My throne...".

You don't overcome the world by conforming to it when the world peer pressures you with buzz words.

Who you gonna listen to? God or every person with an opinion that he probably had forced on him by the world?

You know God doesn't brain wash people nearly as much as people do via tv and radio. Most people only spend an hour a week at church versus 15 to 20 a week in front of the boob tube.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-22-2011 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Tolerance is in opposition to purity and unity. You can't have peace without purity and unity.

Tolerance fosters conforming to the world but Christians are only to conform to Jesus Christ.

Tolerance is luke warm.

The Meaning of the Word, "Laodicea"

The word "Laodicea has two meanings. One meaning refers to the spiritual condition of the Church. The other is about its historical destiny. This is true of the Church of Laodicea. The word "Laodicea", like the Church of Thyatira, is formed from two Greek words. These words are laoV, which means "people", and dikazo, which can mean either a personal opinion or a decree, i.e. a sentence, given by a judge. Therefore, we find that the word "Laodicea" can mean both "people's opinions" or "people judged".

People today are living in a "Laodicean" Age. Jesus said "To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with Me on My throne...".

You don't overcome the world by conforming to it when the world peer pressures you with buzz words.

Who you gonna listen to? God or every person with an opinion that he probably had forced on him by the world?

You know God doesn't brain wash people nearly as much as people do via tv and radio. Most people only spend an hour a week at church versus 15 to 20 a week in front of the boob tube.
What do you consider "the world"?
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
09-23-2011 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by thaaxis
What do you consider "the world"?
Sorry I don't do definitions.

I'm just a humble bible student and not a devotee of philosophy. If I were a philosophy student I would over analyze everything and miss out on the key verses that God is saying to me.

Like this one:

Proverbs 9:

6Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.

7He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.

8Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.

9Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.

Most atheists use their philosophy in the guise of questions to get on the road of mockery. It's a ruse to lead people down a road a really wise person wouldn't want to take.
Do you guys "look down" on Buddhism same as Christianity? Quote
