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The day I stopped believing in god... The day I stopped believing in god...

03-05-2009 , 04:13 PM
Sounds to me like you never really believed in God, rather you went through the motions. If the simple idea that not everyone believes in God is all it took for you to also not believe in god I have hard time believing that your belief was real to begin with.
I love the way people just assume.

Look there was a period in my life were I questioned the idea of God, and if there was a God I hated Him so much because of every little thing that went wrong in my life or in the world. Most of the questions asked on this forum are the question I asked myself when I was 18-19 I did my own research and read the bible with a open mind.

You think free will is gonna clean up this mess, but free will cannot account for the natural evils in this world. The hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, lack of resources, etc. We can have "free will" without this unnecessary suffering. It almost seems as if God wants us to suffer, but the better explanation is God simply doesn't care. Better yet, the universe simply doesn't care.
I believe on some level that God is reaponsible for these disasters, some maybe even man made like global warming and some maybe the Devil can be counted for. Some of these disasters are described in the bible that might have already happened are that are going to happen.

We can have "free will" without this unnecessary suffering. It almost seems as if God wants us to suffer, but the better explanation is God simply doesn't care. Better yet, the universe simply doesn't care.
You cant love someone without free will!! Agree?

You can however do whatever you feel like doing but most accept the consequences and this in turn causes "suffering".

God does care but not the way you want him to care, you want him to fix every problem in the world just becasue he is God, you want him to fix your problems. Now some problems may be outside of your control of which you can pray for and it may or may not be answered.

Your an adult now does your mum/dad do things for you now that were done for you when you were little? No of course not. Its the same with God. God wants you to make up your mind and fix your own problems with the abilities that he has given you. Life is not fair because of the sin nature in man kind.

This is a good link IMO please read it.
03-05-2009 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
I believe on some level that God is reaponsible for these disasters, some maybe even man made like global warming and some maybe the Devil can be counted for. Some of these disasters are described in the bible that might have already happened are that are going to happen.
I think blaming the devil on the natural evils is the only way out of this problem, but then we're back to why the **** would an all-loving, all-powerful God create the devil to begin with. So I guess it's not a way out.

Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
You cant love someone without free will!! Agree?
I accept this part of your argument.

Originally Posted by RoosterCAD
God does care but not the way you want him to care, you want him to fix every problem in the world just becasue he is God, you want him to fix your problems. Now some problems may be outside of your control of which you can pray for and it may or may not be answered.

Your an adult now does your mum/dad do things for you now that were done for you when you were little? No of course not. Its the same with God. God wants you to make up your mind and fix your own problems with the abilities that he has given you. Life is not fair because of the sin nature in man kind.
You're not addressing natural evils. I accept the idea that free will accounts for man-made evil. If there was an all-loving, all-powerful God do you really think he/she/it would put us on a planet with scarce resources forcing us to fight it out with one another just to survive? Is God the kind of guy that can't watch a movie without tons of bloodshed?

I'm not asking God to fix every problem, I'm not even asking him to fix human evil. How bout just one problem? The moving tectonic plate problem. Does it not bother you at all that it is so easy to imagine a God who is more loving and powerful than the God you worship?
03-05-2009 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I had a couple of Christian friends who don't read the bible regularly enough. They were both anxiety ridden people. Very nice people but they seem to worry about everything. Christ in his Sermon on the Mount said not to worry. Plus the bible says to take one day at a time. Its hard to get overwhelmed in the world if you know that. Of course, it was several years before I picked up on that little jewel because the bible is littered with them and anxiety isn't my particular problem. We work on ourselves one problem at a time like a geometry problem. So I mentioned to them they are not suppose to worry all the time and both of them said they're going to stop worrying so much. That is the wisdom of the bible in action.
This paragraph puts me on life tilt. As an atheist, I don't believe in any God... and Splendour, earlier you accused some atheists of only hating the Christian God, that is patently false. Now on this board there is a lot of Christian/Atheist discussion, but it doesn't mean we won't pick apart holes in Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, etc.
But to get to the point, let me tell you why some Christians piss me off beyond belief. One, I'm most familiar with them since I live in a nation with a large Christian population. Two, the whole idea that life "is in God's hands" is such an effing cop out. Don't worry about what's going on around you, because you are God's child and you'll be with him in Heaven! BS!!!! You only have 1 life to live and it is here on Earth... if you waste your life or don't attempt to make things here on Earth better because you have some silly idea that God is going to rescue you one day, you are in for a really big surprise. And you are wasting my time and every other person of logical mind on this planet's time. Here's an idea... let's fix things for the here and now because this is all we have. I'm honestly worried about the world my son is going to live in. I'm trying to help make it a better place. And unfortunately, one of the biggest obstacles in this world right now is religion. It is an obstacle to progress, it is an obstacle to peace, it is an obstacle to logical and forward thinking. And while the invisible guy in the sky might make you and all the other closed-minded Christians feel all warm and fuzzy, the rest of us are trying to deal with the issues at hand, because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO FOR EVERYONE, not just a select group of people!!!
03-05-2009 , 06:05 PM
^ its official. rgt is now a pog subforum.
03-05-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Bulletproof Monk
^ its official. rgt is now a pog subforum.
LOL! It's funny to me to think that while OH is battling religion on the intrawebs, his missus is triangle choking someone at a MMA gym. Nothing wrong with it... just a funny picture in my head!

And BTW...


(what's the odds of a Religion themed WW game getting stared here? It could be epic!!! )
03-05-2009 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Patton4
This paragraph puts me on life tilt. As an atheist, I don't believe in any God... and Splendour, earlier you accused some atheists of only hating the Christian God, that is patently false. Now on this board there is a lot of Christian/Atheist discussion, but it doesn't mean we won't pick apart holes in Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, etc.
But to get to the point, let me tell you why some Christians piss me off beyond belief. One, I'm most familiar with them since I live in a nation with a large Christian population. Two, the whole idea that life "is in God's hands" is such an effing cop out. Don't worry about what's going on around you, because you are God's child and you'll be with him in Heaven! BS!!!! You only have 1 life to live and it is here on Earth... if you waste your life or don't attempt to make things here on Earth better because you have some silly idea that God is going to rescue you one day, you are in for a really big surprise. And you are wasting my time and every other person of logical mind on this planet's time. Here's an idea... let's fix things for the here and now because this is all we have. I'm honestly worried about the world my son is going to live in. I'm trying to help make it a better place. And unfortunately, one of the biggest obstacles in this world right now is religion. It is an obstacle to progress, it is an obstacle to peace, it is an obstacle to logical and forward thinking. And while the invisible guy in the sky might make you and all the other closed-minded Christians feel all warm and fuzzy, the rest of us are trying to deal with the issues at hand, because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO FOR EVERYONE, not just a select group of people!!!
You just made a big mistake in this post. You equated all atheists with yourself.

I can name posters who have posted that they hate the Christian God but I'll leave it at this maybe some will step up to the plate themselves. I can think of 4 or 5 candidates right off the top of my head.

And I never said we didn't have responsibility to make the world a better place why did you jump to that conclusion? You just drew an extenuated false conclusion. My friends weren't worrying about world conditions they were worrying about personal matters.

People pay a stress price for worrying with ulcers, etc. Not to mention they are a psychological drain on their associates with their pessimism and anxiety. I never said people shouldn't plan for the future or do charitable activities. You read too much into it.
03-06-2009 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Just pointing out that this is a piss-poor reason to believe in God. Argument from incredulity ftw.

What I've noticed is the arguments that ostensibly solve these conundrums only seem to satisfy someone who already believes. (This should be the first clue that something's not right)

Since it appears you believe in the Christian God...

Do you not see a problem with an all-loving God that will send you to hell if you don't believe in him? Does this not seem contradictory to you?

Also, why would an all-loving, all-powerful God create a planet with actively moving tectonic plates causing tons of unnecessary suffering from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc. Venus doesn't have any active plate tectonics. Why couldn't God make earth more like venus?

oh, i get it. even though you have a high confidence of the non-existence of God, you still find it imperative to burn many many calories to share your viewpoint with others who might believe in God. you insist or reiterating thousands of facts and arguments that these other people have blatantly chosen to ignore, and for what?

is it your mission to "set these people striaght"?

do you just need to hear the sound of your own voice (view your own comments on the interwebz?)

you have nothing better to do?

goddam, apparently you dont understand how annoying it is for us stuck in the middle, listening to the pointless blathering back and forth. because if you did, you would shut the **** up.

goddam, isn't there a wall you can talk to?
03-06-2009 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
oh, i get it. even though you have a high confidence of the non-existence of God, you still find it imperative to burn many many calories to share your viewpoint with others who might believe in God. you insist or reiterating thousands of facts and arguments that these other people have blatantly chosen to ignore, and for what?

is it your mission to "set these people striaght"?

do you just need to hear the sound of your own voice (view your own comments on the interwebz?)

you have nothing better to do?

goddam, apparently you dont understand how annoying it is for us stuck in the middle, listening to the pointless blathering back and forth. because if you did, you would shut the **** up.

goddam, isn't there a wall you can talk to?
Says the guy who spends his time grading an 11 year old girl's genetics on a gambling forum

Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
i agree, but when she was 11, she looked 7. for her to look 17 when she is 15 is a HUGE biological turnaround.

obviously make up, long straight hair, and budding bosoms help tremendously, but still. that **** is kinda creepy how fast it happened.

kinda like jessica simpson getting fat.
03-06-2009 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
oh, i get it. even though you have a high confidence of the non-existence of God, you still find it imperative to burn many many calories to share your viewpoint with others who might believe in God. you insist or reiterating thousands of facts and arguments that these other people have blatantly chosen to ignore, and for what?

is it your mission to "set these people striaght"?

do you just need to hear the sound of your own voice (view your own comments on the interwebz?)

you have nothing better to do?

goddam, apparently you dont understand how ing it is for us stuck in the middle, listening to the pointless blathering back and forth. because if you did, you would shut the **** up.

goddam, isn't there a wall you can talk to?
Oh i get it. It's ok for religious people to go around trying to convince everyone that their beliefs are true, but us non believers should just stfu makes perfect sense.

Last edited by batair; 03-06-2009 at 01:53 AM.
03-06-2009 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
oh, i get it. even though you have a high confidence of the non-existence of God, you still find it imperative to burn many many calories to share your viewpoint with others who might believe in God. you insist or reiterating thousands of facts and arguments that these other people have blatantly chosen to ignore, and for what?
Most of the time I read the arguments of others, but sometimes I like to post myself for the mental exercise. I understand that I am not gonna convert anyone.

Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
is it your mission to "set these people striaght"?
My mission is to do whatever it takes to entertain myself.

Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
do you just need to hear the sound of your own voice (view your own comments on the interwebz?)
Viewing my own comments does make me feel toasty inside.

Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
you have nothing better to do?
Unfortunately I don't.

Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
goddam, apparently you dont understand how annoying it is for us stuck in the middle, listening to the pointless blathering back and forth. because if you did, you would shut the **** up.
Ha! You know you can always put me on ignore. I'm pretty certain you won't be missing out on much.

Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
goddam, isn't there a wall you can talk to?
I do talk to myself sometimes. It's pretty pathetic. Posting on the internets makes me feel less crazy.

Thanx for your response. It was very amusing. Feel free to rant on any of my posts in the future. I lead a very boring life.
03-06-2009 , 05:22 AM

FWIW if you have a temper like mine you should talk to pillows or couches instead of walls. That way if the argument escalates you don't hurt your hand in the ensuing scuffle.
03-06-2009 , 09:54 AM
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