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Christians will have their heads explode Christians will have their heads explode

02-27-2011 , 07:07 PM
I love theses alien threads there such a tell.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
I admit that I was talking about physical extraterrestrials who reside in this spacetime universe with us. Basically beings like us who could of course be more scientifically advanced. The nature of physics is such that it does not look like faster than light travel is going to happen within those restrictions.

If you talk about another universe with radically different physics, then all bets are off. Of course, something that speculative is not something I expect to see. And there is the argument that if they are not restricted by the limitations of our spacetime, why assume that time is a barrier at all. They could be here now. But they aren't. My bet is that they are not coming.
To accept the possibility of life from another place... you must release restrictions as we know them.

Is it possible that something exists that is so profound that our brains can not even fathom the possibility?

What if your brain was a computer that could read FORTRAN all day. Introducing another language to it would be impossible. Sure... someone could eventually change the computer to accept other languages but as it stands... FORTRAN is the only thing it can read.

Even as technology progresses... that particular computer (your brain) would stand still in time... limited to only the language of FORTRAN.

It in no way means that something else...anything else... does not exist.. But in that box...that particular computer... only FORTRAN.
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02-27-2011 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by duffe
I don't know. I think there's probably a great deal of inhabitable planets with life out there but the emergence of intelligent life, at least with reference to how intelligent life emerged on earth, seems to require quite a few 'accidents' of a cosmic scale. So, without something like the K-T Extinction Event, I'm thinking intelligent life would probably not have emerged on earth or any other planet. Prior to K-T, nature seemed to be heading in one direction, where I'm thinking intelligent life would not have developed... then an accident happened.

It seems like a window needs to open up. Then while it's open certain accidental events need to occur, otherwise the existent species either reach a reproductive equilibrium with nature or go extinct, without developing what we generally consider higher intelligence. It's like some cosmic accident needs to occur to disrupt the status quo of nature. For example, if human life were to go extinct tomorrow, I seriously doubt what we consider intelligent life would ever again emerge on earth.
I understood the question as "assuming we do contact other intelligent life, is it more likely to be above or below our own level of technology?"

This seems more related to the question "will we contact other intelligent life?"
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
To accept the possibility of life from another place... you must release restrictions as we know them.
What do you mean with place? Somewhere in this universe? Then your statement is certainly wrong.
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02-27-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
Seems pretty unlikely that we will ever encounter an extra-terrestial species. The speed of light barrier is theoretically pretty robust. There is nothing that indicates that it will be breached. Given that, maybe some sort of radio communication but unless they are very close (100 ly or less) it will not be much of a communication. That is not a very large sphere given the size of the universe so there may not be any species capable of communication within that sphere.

Most likely, we are on our own.
This might be the most mentally narrow post in this entire least a close second to JoeyKKK.

You're limiting our communication technology to the first 100 years of it's infancy?

You do understand that technology keeps improving, right? What will we be using to communicate in 300 years?

The odds of us being alone in the universe has infinity higher odds than there being other life out there.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by blurred
This might be the most mentally narrow post in this entire least a close second to JoeyKKK.

You're limiting our communication technology to the first 100 years of it's infancy?

You do understand that technology keeps improving, right? What will we be using to communicate in 300 years?

The odds of us being alone in the universe has infinity higher odds than there being other life out there.
I really have no basis to calculate the odds of intelligent life out there, but even if I concede it as given there are still problems. Everything we know about physics tells us that the speed of light is an absolute maximum for the speed of transmission of a signal. It doesn't matter what the details of the technology are, the limitation is still there.

How much physics have you studied? I ask that so I have a feeling for what kind of discussion we can have.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by schef
What do you mean with place? Somewhere in this universe? Then your statement is certainly wrong.
This may be the most inaccurate statement ever... including most of mine and ALL of Howards.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
This may be the most inaccurate statement ever... including most of mine and ALL of Howards.
Why is it inaccurate?
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 09:47 PM
"To accept the possibility of life from another place... you must release restrictions as we know them." <--- This is wrong?


The fact that you say it is wrong makes it wrong? You can't accept that higher knowledge may exist elsewhere?

The limits of our knowledge could in no way be superseded by something else?

The fact that you can't comprehend this statement validates my claim.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyDiamonds
"To accept the possibility of life from another place... you must release restrictions as we know them." <--- This is wrong?


The fact that you say it is wrong makes it wrong? You can't accept that higher knowledge may exist elsewhere?

The limits of our knowledge could in no way be superseded by something else?

The fact that you can't comprehend this statement validates my claim.
The first two parts of his post were a question:

What do you mean with place? Somewhere in this universe? Then your statement is certainly wrong.
He wanted to get some clarity about what you meant by "place". The last comment seems to mean that if place is in this universe, then your expectation of removing restrictions (presumably things like the velocity of light, etc.) is almost certainly wrong.

His statement seemed pretty reasonable to me.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
The first two parts of his post were a question:

He wanted to get some clarity about what you meant by "place". The last comment seems to mean that if place is in this universe, then your expectation of removing restrictions (presumably things like the velocity of light, etc.) is almost certainly wrong.

His statement seemed pretty reasonable to me.
Understood. Restrictions on this "place" are what they are (as we know them). Restricting other unknown places to the rules and physics of this "place" the world as we know it... are IMO unreasonable.

My proposal is that there may be things we don't understand and are unable to comprehend and those things may exist on another 'place".

It's also possible that those very things could exist here...on this place... but we don't have the technology to create or understand them.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
I really have no basis to calculate the odds of intelligent life out there, but even if I concede it as given there are still problems.
Wrap your mind around this for a minute.
In this photo there is 10,000 separate galaxies, and the picture represents a section of the sky the size of a dime held 70 feet away from you.

Everything we know about physics tells us that the speed of light is an absolute maximum for the speed of transmission of a signal. It doesn't matter what the details of the technology are, the limitation is still there.
Locomotion in regards of a being physically moving from point A to point B may be outdated in the future. Think in terms of wormholing and dimension transitioning.
How much physics have you studied? I ask that so I have a feeling for what kind of discussion we can have.
I probably can't impress you with my lack of formal physics education, but I did date a girl for 7 years who has a degree in physics and was a physics instructor. Years of deep discussions on just about everything with her has given me a pretty broad exposure fwiw.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by blurred
Wrap your mind around this for a minute.
In this photo there is 10,000 separate galaxies, and the picture represents a section of the sky the size of a dime held 70 feet away from you.

Locomotion in regards of a being physically moving from point A to point B may be outdated in the future. Think in terms of wormholing and dimension transitioning.

I probably can't impress you with my lack of formal physics education, but I did date a girl for 7 years who has a degree in physics and was a physics instructor. Years of deep discussions on just about everything with her has given me a pretty broad exposure fwiw.
I realize that there are a lot of stars out there. You realize that they are a very long way away from us.

Even if the probability of intelligent life out there was unity, I would still bet that we will never interact with them.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
I realize that there are a lot of stars out there. You realize that they are a very long way away from us.

Even if the probability of intelligent life out there was unity, I would still bet that we will never interact with them.
Never is really BIG word.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
I realize that there are a lot of stars out there. You realize that they are a very long way away from us.

Even if the probability of intelligent life out there was unity, I would still bet that we will never interact with them.
Back to being narrow remind me of people 150 years ago looking up at the moon and never thinking we'd ever walk on it, nor would it occur VERY soon. Of course, humans flying around in the air hadn't even become a reality yet, so a lot of people couldn't even entertain the idea..........
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by blurred
Back to being narrow remind me of people 150 years ago looking up at the moon and never thinking we'd ever walk on it, nor would it occur VERY soon. Of course, humans flying around in the air hadn't even become a reality yet, so a lot of people couldn't even entertain the idea..........
Holy cow... is someone else making the same point I made?
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by blurred
Back to being narrow remind me of people 150 years ago looking up at the moon and never thinking we'd ever walk on it, nor would it occur VERY soon. Of course, humans flying around in the air hadn't even become a reality yet, so a lot of people couldn't even entertain the idea..........
There is a difference. The moon was technically out of reach but not theoretically prohibited. Faster than light travel is more than technically difficult.

But speculate all you want. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by RLK
There is a difference. The moon was technically out of reach but not theoretically prohibited. Faster than light travel is more than technically difficult.

But speculate all you want. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
I don't think you're listening.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by blurred
This might be the most mentally narrow post in this entire least a close second to JoeyKKK.

You're limiting our communication technology to the first 100 years of it's infancy?

You do understand that technology keeps improving, right? What will we be using to communicate in 300 years?

The odds of us being alone in the universe has infinity higher odds than there being other life out there.
The problem I have accepting your theory is that if there's intelligent life out there, it's not unreasonable to assume their technology is thousands if not millions of years ahead of our own. So, if FTL travel or communication is possible, why haven't we heard from them? It just seems if you assume we'd find them in a million years, we'd have to assume they would have found us by now. That we've had no such encounter, seems to suggest that either there's no one out there, or FTL travel/communication isn't possible (in +millions of years).
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by blurred
Back to being narrow remind me of people 150 years ago looking up at the moon and never thinking we'd ever walk on it, nor would it occur VERY soon. Of course, humans flying around in the air hadn't even become a reality yet, so a lot of people couldn't even entertain the idea..........
You dont think physicists knowledge that they have been gathering for a few hundred years will hold for a few billion more? What are you blind? We are the bees knees and know everything that we need to about our and all the other possible lifeforms limitations when it comes to space travel.

Well.... that is if physicists say the light barrier will never be broken or circumvented in the first place. Oh and they also have to discount cryogenics and putting people in long stasis because that could get us pretty far out there too.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by duffe
The problem I have accepting your theory is that if there's intelligent life out there, it's not unreasonable to assume their technology is thousands if not millions of years ahead of our own. So, if FTL travel or communication is possible, why haven't we heard from them? It just seems if you assume we'd find them in a million years, we'd have to assume they would have found us by now. That we've had no such encounter, seems to suggest that either there's no one out there, or FTL travel/communication isn't possible (in +millions of years).
You make a good point.....
We're all in a race of evolution after the beginning of time as it pertains to us, aka The Big Bang. An advanced form of life would have had to evolved more quickly than us to be beyond our technological advances.

There also other theories, such as perhaps human beings are not unlike that indigenous tribe in the Amazon that we've all agreed to not infect with the modern world. Perhaps that's how the aliens view us, or have decided to deal with us......or perhaps we're an alien ant farm....or perhaps we are of alien descent, only to arrive here on a meteor in some microbial state....but I'm guessing, space is just beyond massive, and thinking of it in terms of neighbor association is more than difficult, but definitely plausible. I think time is our best friend.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-27-2011 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by batair
You dont think physicists knowledge that they have been gathering for a few hundred years will hold for a few billion more? What are you blind? We are the bees knees and know everything that we need to about our and all the other possible lifeforms limitations when it comes to space travel.
It's scary how much we both think alike.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-28-2011 , 12:05 AM
That might not be good im a little out there.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
02-28-2011 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by blurred
Perhaps that's how the aliens view us, or have decided to deal with us......or perhaps we're an alien ant farm....or perhaps we are of alien descent, only to arrive here on a meteor in some microbial state...
If they're out there, I suppose another reason they haven't found us is that they aren't looking because they have more important things on their mind. If we assume they're a million years advanced, it's not unreasonable to assume they've conquered mortality and are more worried about and directing their resources towards dealing with something like the heat death of the universe than exploration.
Christians will have their heads explode Quote
