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Ben Franklin's Intergalactic Theory Ben Franklin's Intergalactic Theory

10-15-2009 , 11:18 AM
I recently stumbled across this intriguing letter from Ben Franklin. It's regarded as proto-Mormonism since it shares similar ideas. The ideas are actually from Lurian Kabbalah and concepts related to the ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt and Greece.

A few months ago a former Mormon told me that he believed Ben Franklin and Marie Antoinette were the great-grandparents of Joseph Smith (based on some evidence). He said that the Mormon Church originally was intended to be the American Mystery School and implied that Franklin had passed on knowledge from secret societies to Smith.

He also told me about this Mormon concept about becoming your own God and creating your own galaxy. Please note 99.9% of Mormons have no knowledge of this but it's clear that their history is mixed with freemasonry.

I'm not interested in debating organized religion (I think they are all bad). I am curious what people think of this letter, considering it was written nearly 300 years ago by one of America's most brilliant minds.

Ben Franklin, First Principles (Nov 20, 1728)

I believe there is one Supreme most perfect Being, Author and Father of the Gods themselves.

For I believe that Man is not the most perfect Being but One, rather that as there are many Degrees of Beings his Inferiors, so there are many Degrees of Beings superior to him.


I CONCEIVE then, that the INFINITE has created many Beings or Gods, vastly superior to Man, who can better conceive his Perfections than we, and return him a more rational and glorious Praise. As among Men, the Praise of the Ignorant or of Children, is not regarded by the ingenious Painter or Architect, who is rather honour'd and pleas'd with the Approbation of Wise men and Artists.

It may be that these created Gods, are immortal, or it may be that after many Ages, they are changed, and Others supply their Places.

Howbeit, I conceive that each of these is exceeding wise, and good, and very powerful; and that Each has made for himself, one glorious Sun, attended with a beautiful and admirable System of Planets.

It is that particular wise and good God, who is the Author and Owner of our System, that I propose for the Object of my Praise and Adoration.
Ben Franklin's Intergalactic Theory Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by krushing
I'm not interested in debating organized religion (I think they are all bad). I am curious what people think of this letter, considering it was written nearly 300 years ago ....
That, or it's as old as the website it was published on. Do you have some independent verification? It reminds me of the "prophecy of George Washington" you can find on various websites. But nowhere else.
Ben Franklin's Intergalactic Theory Quote
10-15-2009 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Praxising
That, or it's as old as the website it was published on. Do you have some independent verification? It reminds me of the "prophecy of George Washington" you can find on various websites. But nowhere else.
It's real.

Library of Congress, Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion-

The works of Benjamin Franklin (1882)-
Ben Franklin's Intergalactic Theory Quote
10-15-2009 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by krushing
It's real.

Library of Congress, Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion-

The works of Benjamin Franklin (1882)-
I don't mean to harp on this, not saying it isn't but what are these links supposed to prove? The second is to an Amazon books page. The first doesn't show this doc that I can find.

I don't care, either, really.
Ben Franklin's Intergalactic Theory Quote
