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Belief and Cult Belief and Cult

04-04-2010 , 08:17 PM
I have pretty dynamic beliefs. I think there is most likely some form of a God and in the teachings of Thoman Aquinas it (God) is most likely infinite.

My beliefs are not grounded in religion by any means. I thoroughly dislike Jewish and Christian beliefs (mainly due to the first testament).

I think that God is most likely energy. The reason for this is everything that exists is energy in one way or another. I think that God actually has no power. God is actually irrelevant. We have free will because God is powerless. God actually holds no thought or opinions on anything because God is an infinite cycle of energy that allows existance to occur but cannot influence it.

Anyway, the point is my beliefs are reasoned through what I think. Not what some gown wearing old men tells me to believe. With their outdated policies and countless scandals.

How many people hold beliefs about God that are not standard or part of a religion, but are entirely of their own manufacture? Or I am just very weird coming up with my own ideas?
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by turn & fall
I have pretty dynamic beliefs. I think there is most likely some form of a God and in the teachings of Thoman Aquinas it (God) is most likely infinite.

My beliefs are not grounded in religion by any means. I thoroughly dislike Jewish and Christian beliefs (mainly due to the first testament).

I think that God is most likely energy. The reason for this is everything that exists is energy in one way or another. I think that God actually has no power. God is actually irrelevant. We have free will because God is powerless. God actually holds no thought or opinions on anything because God is an infinite cycle of energy that allows existance to occur but cannot influence it.

Anyway, the point is my beliefs are reasoned through what I think. Not what some gown wearing old men tells me to believe. With their outdated policies and countless scandals.

How many people hold beliefs about God that are not standard or part of a religion, but are entirely of their own manufacture? Or I am just very weird coming up with my own ideas?
I agree with your definition of god, you've just renamed it energy. Grats, your an atheist.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Douper
I agree with your definition of god, you've just renamed it energy. Grats, your an atheist.
Atheists believe in the absence of any God.

I do believe that there is a power out there. That caused everything. But I do not believe it is particually relevant or has any control.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by turn & fall
Atheists believe in the absence of any God.

I do believe that there is a power out there. That caused everything. But I do not believe it is particually relevant or has any control.
why do you believe this?
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by turn & fall
I do believe that there is a power out there. That caused everything. But I do not believe it is particually relevant or has any control.
I agree completely, I just think the label is wrong.

When you say god, most people think omnipotent, just like how when I say bacon you think delicious.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 09:18 PM
Yeah OP is an atheist. There probably was a powerful energy out there that caused everything. Energy exists everywhere and is the foundation of everything.

That's great. Why call it "God"?

I agree with you though. I do believe there is a God out there. He doesn't control everything. He does however control his opponents with ferocious wrestling and is the best damn fighter the world has ever seen. Some call him GSP, I call him God. Semantics imo.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 09:30 PM
Without me having to go look up terms or anything, is this just deism?
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Without me having to go look up terms or anything, is this just deism?
It's close

from wikipedia's Deism page:

Critical elements of deist thought included:
Rejection of all religions based on books that claim to contain the revealed word of God.
Rejection of reports of miracles, prophecies and religious "mysteries".
Constructive elements of deist thought included:
God exists, created and governs the universe.
God gave humans the ability to reason.
God wants human beings to behave morally.
OP hasn't really clarified his position on the bold points.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 09:54 PM
God is energy? Like M*c^2? That's God?
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Without me having to go look up terms or anything, is this just deism?
Its more like a type pantheism i think.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Its more like a type pantheism i think.
Almost, but the OP views god as a creator, while pantheists view god as creation :P

It's a damn fine line though, I question if most theists actually fit under the category or denomination they proclaim.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Douper
Almost, but the OP views god as a creator, while pantheists view god as creation :P

It's a damn fine line though, I question if most theists actually fit under the category or denomination they proclaim.
Ok maybe more like Panentheism.

The term "Panentheism" was formally coined in Germany in the 19th Century, as a means of reconciling Pantheism with outright theism. Whereas in Pantheism (All=God) God and the universe are synonymous, Panentheism (All IN God) holds that God is omnipresent in the Universe, but also extends beyond the Universe and created the Universe. Thus Panentheism is highly compatible with traditional theistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity or Islam, whereas Pantheism is not compatible with these.[20][21]
Belief and Cult Quote
04-04-2010 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Ok maybe more like Panentheism.
sounds good. I tend to get a knee jerk reaction in a case like this, it's an example of the undistributed middle fallacy, Christian theists often will say AHA! he's not an atheist, therefore he's a one of us! Meanwhile, the OP has more in common with us than with them.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 12:14 AM
Yeah i guess, as long as he doesn't start speaking for his energy God telling me how live in accordance with its rules its all good.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by turn & fall
Atheists believe in the absence of any God.
This is not a correct definition. Many atheist believe that a god does not exist.
But, an atheist is someone who lacks belief in a god or gods.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 02:06 AM
Or I am just very weird coming up with my own ideas?
you arent weird, this is totally standard for any intelligent person with an open mind (my apologies if any theists take offense to that phrasing i couldnt think of a better way to put it, no disrespect intended, being 'close minded' is not necessarily bad).
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by turn & fall
I have pretty dynamic beliefs. I think there is most likely some form of a God and in the teachings of Thoman Aquinas it (God) is most likely infinite.

My beliefs are not grounded in religion by any means. I thoroughly dislike Jewish and Christian beliefs (mainly due to the first testament).

I think that God is most likely energy. The reason for this is everything that exists is energy in one way or another. I think that God actually has no power. God is actually irrelevant. We have free will because God is powerless. God actually holds no thought or opinions on anything because God is an infinite cycle of energy that allows existance to occur but cannot influence it.

Anyway, the point is my beliefs are reasoned through what I think. Not what some gown wearing old men tells me to believe. With their outdated policies and countless scandals.

How many people hold beliefs about God that are not standard or part of a religion, but are entirely of their own manufacture? Or I am just very weird coming up with my own ideas?
Could you be any more disingenuous in your use of the word god here? You know that when 99.9999% of the world uses the word god they don't mean it in the sort of way you're using it here, but you chose to use it anyway, I guess, just in case you need backup.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Dying Actors
why do you believe this?
I will start off with religion to answer this question. I live in the UK. I live close to a church, a bishops palace and a Cathedral. This structures are trully amazing and the effort that must have gone into building them in the past must have been astronomical.

The church in my local village is right in the centre. Where the land prices must have been the highest. It also covers the most within the village except the school. This building must have cost a lot of money to make.

The Bishops palace is even more epic. It has a 70m drive. Its own lake. And owns half the farming land around it. The god dam Bishop controlled so much land before.

Worcester Cathedral is just amazing. If it was to be built today it woul certain be considered a building worth talking about. Thr huge pillars. The intricate detail. And you guessed it, right in the centre of the City. Where the land prices are the highest.

What does this tell me about religion. It is all about money. That is the bottom line. In the padt Religion controlled the markets. They were essentially enfocing a type of communism where by they commanded the markets. American's will likely find this hard to understand because the Chruch there never had the same economic power. But rest assured they did and they abused it (like anyone with too much power).

Another thing that backs up my concept that religion is all about money. Priests are not allowed to marry. The real reason for this is because the Chruch did not want its money being lost through families. It has nothing to do with purity or any of that bull****. They just wanted to keep the money and the power.

Thankfully in the UK Christianity is being marginalised. Its power is diasapating. Although they still have some clout. The archbishop is allowed in the the House of Lords to speak which in my opinion is a ****ing disgrace that somebody who was not even elected is allowed to influence the governing of a democracy.

When I see the world I see free will. People literally doing what they please. I see lots of suffering and lots of happiness. I see humans and animals behaving in their own interests. Not once have I seen something occur and thought, that was God. There is no imperical data that proves to me God has any influence.

Although it still leaves the question how did everything start. I think that God is just the thing that got the ball rolling. God created our existance, otherwise what the **** did. There must have been a first mover? One thing that got existance started. When god started the universe lets suppose it made some pretty planets and stars. Some random stuff happened on earth and life started. The starting force (God) is most likely unaware or does not give a **** about Earth. And even if it did care. I cannot see how it could influence things that are now set in motion.

I want to make this clear. To me God is not like somekind of being we can relate to. Just the thing which got time and space going. Because if it was not something then what the hell was it?
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 07:00 AM
the fact that you are thinking for yourself is very encouraging, and seperates you from a lot of people.

In terms of your use of the word god, do you believe this being has any bearing on your soul/spirit/essence? Or is it purely a creation energy that has no connection to humans in any other capacity. Are your views spiritual at all?

I have a lot of beliefs that deviate from mainstream religious thought, I find religions to be guilty of removing personal responsibility and instead of encouraging people to become fully self-aware to a deep level, which they must do before they can start to even have a handle on anything spiritual, they kind of advocate subscription to their club for a free pass. kind of seems lacking and a bit lazy to me. like most of the real spiritual meat that a person can actually physiologically experience has been removed and replaced by empty dogma and lip service. you're right about the money too. Jesus Christ walked the desert with sandals and a shawl, he didn't live in a gigantic mansion with rolling gardens and maids etc.

if you think it's at all relevant to your life you need to explore it though.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 07:41 AM
In terms of your use of the word god, do you believe this being has any bearing on your soul/spirit/essence? Or is it purely a creation energy that has no connection to humans in any other capacity. Are your views spiritual at all?
I suppose I do not have any spirtiual connection.

I have tried mediating before. What I found was troubling.

I was angry over something and rightly so. I decided to meditate to try to calm down. And I did calm down. But I also began to not care about what had happened. I had lost my drive to deal with the situation. Meditating had not made my happy but had just numbed the emotion.

Malcolm X 'Anger is a gift' made a lot of sense to me after that experience.

I am somebody who expresses my anger quite a lot. Over small things I like to saying 'fcuking ****' and not care too much. What I have found is that when really bad stuff happens I do not get too angry and start hitting people but still retain rational thought even though a lot of people might consider me to be angry. I just let it out.

I am not very spiritual. I find it hard to apply spirituality to my life because it has not been particually practical.

I much prefer to think. I really enjoy using logic.
Belief and Cult Quote
04-05-2010 , 10:58 AM
So God speaks to ppl how???
Belief and Cult Quote
