Originally Posted by grey&furry
Just from surfing other posts on the religion, God and Theology forum, it seems (especially on the post about atheist pics) that atheist feel they have to prove their point by posting hurtful comments, and pics of christians.
It's sort of like how all parents eventually lose their cool when dealing with their 3 year old child. You can only stay level-headed for so long before snapping at them.
Rinse and repeat.
While i see those comments, i don't see christian posters berating atheists. They either get references, or try to give ppl information while atheist just post pics of anti-christianity. As you may have guessed, im Christian, but my best friend is agnostic, so im in no way not going to be mean to atheist.
anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Actually, theists are usually the ones that start with the insults because the arguments they're making often don't make any sense. They get frustrated because they generally
can't provide references for the stuff they're backing up.
The typical atheist insult towards a theist is a criticism of they're ability to think logically, and is almost always valid.
While we have theists like Big Erf saying stuff like we're lucky he doesn't practice voodoo because if he did he'd be bending Hopey's leg back the wrong way. (lol)