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Atheism is winning in the United States Atheism is winning in the United States

03-25-2009 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by sobefuddled
The most recent scholarsip surrounding Lincoln is that he was NOT and atheist. He was a seeker. He came down on the side of no particular denomination although he at varying times appears to have participated in the liturgical life of more than one Christian church. He was born into a Baptist family. The preponderance of evidence seems to indicate that he believed in God but was not convinced that any partcular religion was the "right" religion. Lincoln's rift with hs father is believed to have had religious roots but that has never been proven.
Agree that recent scholarship (well, I might pick at the term "recent," since this debate has been ongoing) has made Lincoln appear less stridently atheist than some thought. His beliefs appeared to fluctuate quite a bit. However, by the definition many of us use for atheism (which you would describe as the agnostic position, though I disagree with that definition), Lincoln's "seeking" having not led him to God would make him an atheist.
03-25-2009 , 10:41 AM
If you mean faith in the existence of God then I submit you are mistaken.
You realise this isn't a matter of opinion? The statistics exist.

I belong to the school that says agnosticism is actually a more intellectually honest position than atheism which says quite definitely, with no evidence to support the statement, that there is no God
Wikipedia says:

Atheism is the philosophical position that deities do not exist, or that rejects theism. In the broadest sense, it is the absence of belief in the existence of deities.
There's overlap between the definitions of "agnostic" and "atheist". I would rather be labeled an atheist because I am an atheist with regard to all the major religions on Earth. I don't assert that God doesn't exist, but I do assert that YOUR God doesn't exist.
03-25-2009 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Agree that recent scholarship (well, I might pick at the term "recent," since this debate has been ongoing) has made Lincoln appear less stridently atheist than some thought. His beliefs appeared to fluctuate quite a bit. However, by the definition many of us use for atheism (which you would describe as the agnostic position, though I disagree with that definition), Lincoln's "seeking" having not led him to God would make him an atheist.
I'm not an expert by any means, but my impression is that Lincoln was atheist or at least agnostic early in life, but turned Christian over the course of the civil war.
03-25-2009 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by sobefuddled
You know, this is simply not true. Many of the men of the 15th through the 19th century were students of the "enlightenment." Yes, there were sectarian wars going on and yes many of the early settlers of this country were refugees from the "War of the Roses" and other sad examples of victimization of christians by christians who didn't get the message. In fact, at this time in history the arguments among atheists, agnostics and christians were as heated as-no more heated than-this one. Men were as highly intelligent in those days as they are today. Fewer of them were highly educated but that does not mean they were not intelligent.
Did you know that the massive westward-ho movement in this country was fueled inpart by religious intolerance experienced by some in the established colonies of PA, VA and MD? The arguments you-all are having here are not new.
Uh, this is just wrong. The Enlightenment was nothing like atheistic.
03-25-2009 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I'm not an expert by any means, but my impression is that Lincoln was atheist or at least agnostic early in life, but turned Christian over the course of the civil war.
This is contested. It's hard to tell where a politician stands on these things, I suppose.
03-25-2009 , 11:17 AM
Yeah I've read all the wiki stuff. It's far from clear. I think the clearest thing is that he was atheist or agnostic in early life. For instance:

In 1846, when Lincoln ran for congress against Peter Cartwright, the noted evangelist, Cartwright tried to make Lincoln's religion or lack of it a major issue of the campaign. Responding to accusations that he was an "infidel", Lincoln defended himself, without denying that specific charge, by publishing a hand-bill in which he stated:

That I am not a member of any Christian church is true; but I have never denied the truth of the Scriptures; and I have never spoken with intentional disrespect of religion in general, or of any denomination of Christians in particular... I do not think I could myself be brought to support a man for office whom I knew to be an open enemy of, or scoffer at, religion.
That is worded extremely carefully to avoid identifying himself as Christian.

In later years things are less clear but my best judgement is that he was Christian.
03-25-2009 , 11:24 AM
this is being nitty, but I hate the title of this thread. If atheists were 51% of the US and growing, then it would be winning. title misrepresents
03-25-2009 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Agree that recent scholarship (well, I might pick at the term "recent," since this debate has been ongoing) has made Lincoln appear less stridently atheist than some thought. His beliefs appeared to fluctuate quite a bit. However, by the definition many of us use for atheism (which you would describe as the agnostic position, though I disagree with that definition), Lincoln's "seeking" having not led him to God would make him an atheist.
I agree and also want to mention that during these times renouncing belief in any theistic god was political and social suicide. Isn't it quite obvious that guys like Lincoln, Jefferson, Franklin, etc. would never mention such an idea but rather keep it to themselves.

It still holds true today. Sad really.
03-26-2009 , 06:19 AM
yes religion will be the like the pagan gods are to christians in about a century.

but not to worry there will be other reasons for the human race to divide itself and fight... race is probably gona be the next divider imo

unless we get some aliens to hate

no not illegal aliens you rednecks..
03-26-2009 , 10:32 AM
yes religion will be the like the pagan gods are to christians in about a century.
Keep an open mind. Question. Listen. There are answers. Man is more than just rational. He is more than simply carbon. Love is not rational. But it heals. And it is real. Be skeptical of him who tells you he has the only right answer. ism's are not healthy. They shrink our spirit. Keep what is good. Question the rest. Life is not black and white.
03-26-2009 , 11:01 AM
Atheism will probably get no more than a toehold in the U.S. along with a lot of other pagan customs rampant in the U.S. right now.

The U.S. is descended from the tribe of Manasseh which was part of another tribe the tribe of Ephraim (the British Empire).

Both of them are through the House of Joseph who descended from Rachel who was Jacob's most loved second wife. He was duped into marrying Leah first by his father-in-law Laban.

But I figure the U.S. will return back to God after its wanderings because there is an old King of Judah with the same name as the tribe's. The old King wandered greatly into evil was given over to an enemy for correction then the old King turned and repented. That has quite a prophetic ring to it even though it is just a parallel.
03-26-2009 , 11:09 AM
03-26-2009 , 11:14 AM
Not crazy at all. God has seeded the world like his field and he manages the crop rotations.
03-26-2009 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by subandi
03-26-2009 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
As usual you have to make a meaningless non sequitur instead of letting people read the links I provided above.
03-26-2009 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
As usual you have to make a meaningless non sequitur instead of letting people read the links I provided above.
[ ] non sequitur
[ ] prevented people from reading the links you probably barely read yourself
03-26-2009 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
[ ] non sequitur
[ ] prevented people from reading the links you probably barely read yourself
If divine providence is managing world migrations that is big news!!!!!

But be a good little atheist lap dog and make sure nobody gets that info to check it out because you have the right to decide for everybody right?

My links are by someone trying to track divine providence at work and that is of HUGE IMPORTANCE if world history parallels the prophecies.
03-26-2009 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
If divine providence is managing world migrations that is big news!!!!!

Originally Posted by Splendour
But be a good little atheist lap dog and make sure nobody gets that info to check it out because you have the right to decide for everybody right?
I guess you didn't read it the first time, but I am pretty sure that I am unable to prevent people from clicking the links you provided. The main obstacle you face is not me magically preventing people from reading what you write (BTW I am referring to the magic you don't believe in, not the magic you do believe in). The main obstacle is that every post of yours is a big batch of crazy.

Originally Posted by Splendour
My links are by someone trying to track divine providence at work and that is of HUGE IMPORTANCE if world history parallels the prophecies.
Yeah but it doesn't, so we can all chill out.
03-26-2009 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Autocratic

I guess you didn't read it the first time, but I am pretty sure that I am unable to prevent people from clicking the links you provided. The main obstacle you face is not me magically preventing people from reading what you write (BTW I am referring to the magic you don't believe in, not the magic you do believe in). The main obstacle is that every post of yours is a big batch of crazy.

Yeah but it doesn't, so we can all chill out.

You haven't even had the time to read it lapdog. I barely posted it and you posted because you think this is your personal chat board (you could go to a chat room you know) and it takes a lot of time to read 30 pages on prophecy as they relate to world and possible future event scenarios.
03-26-2009 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
You haven't even had the time to read it lapdog. I barely posted it and you posted because you think this is your personal chat board (you could go to a chat room you know) and it takes a lot of time to read 30 pages on prophecy as they relate to world and possible future event scenarios.
My bad, I sometimes forget that you take yourself seriously. Here is something you said:

"The U.S. is descended from the tribe of Manasseh"

Here is something the Wiki you linked to said:

"As part of the Kingdom of Israel, the territory of Menasheh was conquered by the Assyrians, and the tribe exiled; the manner of their exile lead to their further history being lost. However, several modern day groups claim descent, with varying levels of academic and rabbinical support. The Samaritans claims that some of their adherents are descended from this tribe. Further afield, in northeast India, the Kuki-Chin-Mizo Jews claim descent from Menasheh, and call themselves Bnei Menashe; in 2005 Shlomo Amar, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, announced that he regarded this claim to be true, which under the controversial Law of Return allows them to migrate to Israel, as long as they formally convert to Israel's official form of Judaism."

So if you were linking to the Wiki to support your point, I don't really get it. If you were linking to the Wiki because you are a linktard, then it makes perfect sense.

So after making that up, you said:

"But I figure the U.S. will return back to God after its wanderings because there is an old King of Judah with the same name as the tribe's."

Makes perfect sense. I mean, I'd argue with you, but since you are speculating ridiculous BS, I don't see the point.
03-26-2009 , 12:18 PM
I linked the wiki so people can see that the U.S. was at one time a part of Britain as British colonies.

That is not that hard or crazy an analogy for people to draw unless they have decided to categorically dismiss something out of hand because they THINK skepticism dictates it.

But if God is managing the world then the best place to see it is in trends. Migrations show trends. Sometimes the trends of people that migrated to the U.S. were even similar to the Israelites exodus from Egypt.

People came to the U.S. originally because of religious persecution or for slavery related reasons. I bet a lot of African Americans relate to the bible because they can see the Israelites in slavery and coming out of it and that is exactly what they did.

A lot of Americans were in 7 year indentured servant status which is a type of slavery. Usually it lasted 7 years which is similar to the biblical standard for slavery before they earned their freedom.

We even had a penal colony: Georgia. Sinners are like convicts. In Gods eyes we are all convicts until we acknowledge and obey him.

Even Australia started out as a British penal colony.

God often reduces people to barebones because people will not even acknowledge him until the going gets rough. He warns us about usury also but we continue to try to drag interest out of people which ultimately gets both the borrower and the lender in trouble. A lot of convicts in earlier times were convicts because of poverty, debt and usury but God even tells us to be kind to those in prison. Since a lot of migrants are coming out of or going into prison I find it miraculous of God to state in the bible to be kind to prisoners like he is managing their transition period so it will not be so onerous. Its people that decide to get ugly and make it onerous. Not God.

Last edited by Splendour; 03-26-2009 at 12:22 PM. Reason: changed word to penal in 2 places.
03-26-2009 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I linked the wiki so people can see that the U.S. was at one time a part of Britain as British colonies.
03-26-2009 , 12:36 PM

Serious question. Has anyone ever advised you that you are schizophrenic?
03-26-2009 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Well if you look at the link you will see Manasseh is a linked tribe to Ephraim. Almost a tribe split off. I didn't say that well in the previous post.
03-26-2009 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV

Serious question. Has anyone ever advised you that you are schizophrenic?
Don't insult me because you're biblically illiterate and can't conceive of a God working in this world.

You have to spend a lot of time thinking about biblical connections to understand the smallest thing about prophecies and how they relate to the world.

Some people will only turn to be saved when they are broken because they haven't been raised correctly or have the love of God in their hearts. So if God manages the world in such a way that more people are ultimately saved then that is a merciful God whether or not you like the methods.

God's 3D not the presto chango magician puppet you atheists want.

Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll correct you.
