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Atheism in trouble? Atheism in trouble?

02-19-2011 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by hard2tel
Kinda surprising that 2% of people who attend church weekly believe God had no part in human development.

Nice post.
The 2% might be people who go there only for the social experience.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-19-2011 , 08:39 PM

There are some interesting graphs there. The main point being that while a high percentage of people say they are Christians it seems less and less are going to church.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-19-2011 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by lew189
Atheism correlates with intelligence and education
Re-fixed. No need to thank me, I know you're not an atheist, I'm prepared to make allowances for your intellectual deficiencies.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-19-2011 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by hard2tel
Kinda surprising that 2% of people who attend church weekly believe God had no part in human development.
More surprising to me is 24% of those who 'seldom or never' attend church accepting special creation within the last ~10k years. Bizarre.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-19-2011 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP

Repeated indoctrination and reinforcement is effective.
A perfect description of higher education.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
There have been several threads in the forum over the past several years predicting the end of theism in X number of years. Looks like atheism is the real loser:

This calculates to the end of atheism in 1251 years. Maybe Dawkins and Harris can speed things up.
I know Francis Collins said he was jarred by the vitriolic quality of atheism while he was in his atheist period. The group hostility they expressed bothered him alot.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I know Francis Collins said he was jarred by the vitriolic quality of atheism while he was in his atheist period. The group hostility they expressed bothered him alot.
Sanctimonious self righteousness, on the other hand, is quite the appealing character trait.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 03:35 AM
Until the Gods or God introduces himself or we find out the universe had a creator atheism wont be in trouble.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 10:41 AM
I am not sure why, but one of the things that annoys me so much recently is when somebody opposes atheists to agnostics. Like, "there are X atheists in the world, but there are also Y agnostics". Why?! Many atheists describe themselves as agnostics. Is it really that hard to understand that agnosticism and atheism are not on the same dimension? So, it's not like this:

Theists ---- Agnostics ---- Atheists

but rather this:

Please people...
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 11:59 AM
lol this thread.

how many christians are actually christians? I have an iranian uncle who is a "sunni muslim" however he drinks gambles and has christmas dinner (he lives in the UK now).

all these statistics are worthless.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
There have been several threads in the forum over the past several years predicting the end of theism in X number of years. Looks like atheism is the real loser:

This calculates to the end of atheism in 1251 years. Maybe Dawkins and Harris can speed things up.
Even if this is true (which I don't think it is), it would be more an indicator that scientific education is on the decline, not atheism.

Also, of course there are more Christians, Muslims, etc. being born every day. For one thing, they have more kids than secular families (birth control is taboo, remember?). There are also more of them to begin with to have kids.

Anyway, this website is either too dumb itself, or is intentionally twisting the figures to dupe the gullible religious. I agree that religiosity is on the rise in certain parts of the world (mostly suppressed areas), but atheism and secular thinking is also on the rise in educated and advanced parts of the world. I do agree it's worrisome and I think we all should be worried about the rise in Islam. Sorry if that sounds prejudiced, but they seem more likely to be fundamentalists and they scare me more than Christians who have at least seemed to drop most of the barbaric stone aged thinking and middle age traditions from their ideologies.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Lol, i bet this is like when the Pope came to the UK and talked about how many Catholics we had just looking at baptism records ignoring that the majority dont go to church and many are no longer religious.
According to baptism records, he can count me in as also being a Catholic.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Neue Regel
(makes sense that secular societies tend to have lower birthrates)
This is no doubt true. So what does this mean for the future? Forget religious/atheism for a sec. Let's say more Muslims were born than Christians or any other religion. Does this mean than Islam will take over the world? Can a smaller group remain influential? I would hope so, but it's worrisome.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by la6ki
I am not sure why, but one of the things that annoys me so much recently is when somebody opposes atheists to agnostics. Like, "there are X atheists in the world, but there are also Y agnostics". Why?! Many atheists describe themselves as agnostics. Is it really that hard to understand that agnosticism and atheism are not on the same dimension? So, it's not like this:

Theists ---- Agnostics ---- Atheists

but rather this:

Please people...
Good luck with that, man. It's like building sand castles right at the edge of the ocean.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 01:08 PM
Grunching a little, but regardless of whether people who identify themselves as atheists are trending up or down or remaining steady, it seems to me that people who identify themselves are religious are trending toward secularism.

As science gets bigger, god(s) get smaller, and religious practices become less and less "holy."
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
According to baptism records, he can count me in as also being a Catholic.
How to officially leave the Catholic Church
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-20-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
This is no doubt true. So what does this mean for the future? Forget religious/atheism for a sec. Let's say more Muslims were born than Christians or any other religion. Does this mean than Islam will take over the world? Can a smaller group remain influential? I would hope so, but it's worrisome.
Yeah cos Christian nations have been doing a great job. Oh wait!
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-22-2011 , 07:16 PM
If 100% of people believe something, that doesn't make it fact.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-22-2011 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by tiger_hall
If 100% of people believe something, that doesn't make it fact.
no but it would make it pretty tough to tell the difference
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-23-2011 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by NotReady
A perfect description of higher education.
Heck, just last week I saw a professor promising temporary paradise to students in his sociology class if they beat fetuses to death with a copy of "Language and Mind".

That said, I think your rise in believers has likely more to do with population growth than conversion.

As is common in these silly debates however, we'll merely disregard sound method and common sense and say that the Earth's population of 1,815,400,257,090,000 individuals in 3250 is going to be a bigger problem than theological differences.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-23-2011 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by JackHighFlop
The 2% might be people who go there only for the social experience.
I go for all the whores.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-23-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by JackHighFlop
The 2% might be people who go there only for the social experience.
A lawyer friend of mine is an atheist who attends church every Sunday. He does it to bring in new clients and to give himself the image of a "god fearing man" when he eventually decides to run for public office.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-23-2011 , 02:47 PM
How can atheism be in trouble when it was always the underdog? Religions were losing the faithful ever since Copernicus. Science has opened the eyes of people and given them answers to questions otherwise thought to be the cause of the supernatural. For example, questions like why are there wanderers(planets) in our sky? Since nobody had a good answer, people developed supernatural explanations. Now we have new information and don't need supernatural explanations many questions. Also, that quote you got are statistics from a catholic website. How can that not be biased.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-23-2011 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
A lawyer friend of mine is an atheist who attends church every Sunday. He does it to bring in new clients
is his name saul?
Atheism in trouble? Quote
02-23-2011 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Neue Regel
is his name saul?
I was watching the episode where that character is introduced with a mate of mine, and I cracked up as soon as I heard his name. Had to explain it to him. Best comedy lawyer since at least My Cousin Vinny IMO.
Atheism in trouble? Quote
