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Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Article: Atheism starts its megachurch

10-13-2013 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
'You can already drink at home' isn't my position. I'm saying that there are already several bars and they already do everything this new bar will do, it has no USP, except perhaps for what it doesn't offer. Also, I can't assume that the SA will do a better job.

If the idea is that the non-religious aspect is it's USP, and that's what will motivate people to go to assemblies on a Sunday instead of what they would normally have done, or that they'll do what they would normally have done but at an SA instead of wherever they'd normally do it, I just don't think that's strong enough to make this sustainable. I predict that this idea will slowly die out, unless I've underestimated the strength of anti-theist feeling.
If a Jewish synagogue opened up near where you live, would you assume that it was trying to pull congregants from the nearby non-Jewish churches? Would you also say that since it isn't doing anything that isn't already available to people in other forms, that this must be its motivation?

I just don't see why viewing it is as just another social club isn't sufficient.

Interesting that in describing what I attempt to do, you would use the word 'evangelize'. Why did you do that?
Because of your view that religion is a great evil that we need to get rid of and thus your attempts to persuade people to give up religion.

So they say, but I'm not taking this at face value. They're making that claim at the same time as referring what they're doing as a 'church', and doing it on a Sunday. I think it's pretty obvious that despite all disclaimers of the type quoted above, that what they're really doing is opposing religion, albeit in a humorous way, but then humour can be a great tool for undermining opponents, especially ones that can be perceived to be as 'serious' as the pious and godly. Hitchens did it all the time.
Yes, I know you are making this assumption. You shouldn't though.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-13-2013 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position

Because of your view that religion is a great evil that we need to get rid of and thus your attempts to persuade people to give up religion.

You are just projecting again....
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-13-2013 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by neeeel
You are just projecting again....

Edit: I mean, that isn't my view about religion.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-13-2013 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position

Edit: I mean, that isn't my view about religion.
No I know, I was being sarcastic, and echoing MBs response to me when I made the same point you did.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-14-2013 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
If a Jewish synagogue opened up near where you live, would you assume that it was trying to pull congregants from the nearby non-Jewish churches?

Would you also say that since it isn't doing anything that isn't already available to people in other forms, that this must be its motivation?
Yes, I know you are making this assumption. You shouldn't though.
It's just a suspicion, I could be completely wrong and in fact the two organisers really have just spotted a need that isn't being met (a sense of community for atheists, Sanderson Jones talks about it here) and purely out of the some sense of goodness, with no intention of it being an alternative to religion, are doing something about it. Heck, maybe they're just doing it for the exposure to boost their own careers, who knows.

I still think it's going to raise awareness of and be a great thing for atheism (if it lasts), or great any form of not being religious, and anything that's great for atheism is a threat to religion, so I'm a big fan.

Originally Posted by Original Position
Because of your view that religion is a great evil that we need to get rid of and thus your attempts to persuade people to give up religion.
It's not like you to put words in people's mouths. I've never said that religion is a 'great evil', I think it's a net negative. I never use the word 'evil'.

What was interesting was that you would use a religious term to describe what you think that I do. I just wondered if you had a purpose in doing that.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-14-2013 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I never use the word 'evil'.
As a point of fact, you've given your personal definition of standard by which you judge "evil" in the past:

Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I don't think I'm capable of evil, by what I understand evil to mean, and I think that what I understand evil to mean is anything so bad that I wouldn't do it.
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
It's not really a definition is it, it's just the standard by which I judge what is evil within my own frame of reference.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-14-2013 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
It's just a suspicion, I could be completely wrong and in fact the two organisers really have just spotted a need that isn't being met (a sense of community for atheists, Sanderson Jones talks about it here) and purely out of the some sense of goodness, with no intention of it being an alternative to religion, are doing something about it. Heck, maybe they're just doing it for the exposure to boost their own careers, who knows.

I still think it's going to raise awareness of and be a great thing for atheism (if it lasts), or great any form of not being religious, and anything that's great for atheism is a threat to religion, so I'm a big fan.
That's fine--you might be right as well. I'm just pointing out that your suspicion is not supported by the reporting and statements of the organizers. It is of course possible that they aren't being completely honest though.

Part of the point I was making was that not all religious groups are evangelistic--Jews are an example. This atheistic religious group seems like an example.

It's not like you to put words in people's mouths. I've never said that religion is a 'great evil', I think it's a net negative. I never use the word 'evil'.
Fair enough. I don't make an important distinction here, but I guess you do. You can substitute "significant net negative" for "great evil" in my post and it make the same point.

What was interesting was that you would use a religious term to describe what you think that I do. I just wondered if you had a purpose in doing that.
Just thought it was accurate. You are definitely the person most interested in converting people to atheism on this forum.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-22-2013 , 05:01 AM
More on this as it grows:

Godless Congregations for All: The Sunday Assembly Global Platform

(Includes a 0:3:40 long video about what they're doing)

Originally Posted by Original Position
Fair enough. I don't make an important distinction here, but I guess you do. You can substitute "significant net negative" for "great evil" in my post and it make the same point.
I think there's a big difference between 'net-negative' and 'evil'. For one thing, I don't think 'evil' can include good things, where net-negative is clearly saying that there is both good and bad. Also, I'm not a fan of the word 'evil' because of it's religious connotations and the perspectives on what I'm saying that it could inadvertently cause in a religious person (because I mostly talk to Christians). Why risk bringing the devil into the conversation if it can be avoided, once he pops his head up, there's really no coming back from it.

I did see your post back when you made it, just in case you were wondering, and I'm not attempting to resurrect that conversation, just to clarify why I think there's a difference.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-22-2013 , 05:48 PM
I watched the vid. Seems weird IMO how they blatantly piggy back on religion. Their tag line is something like " all the best parts of religion" or something like that.

If secular people want to get together and do good for society I don't see harm in that. It wouldn't be my cup of tea though if I was an atheist. I think getting together and singing pop songs would be kinda lame, but thats just me.

The more they are grounded in humanitarian goals will make it easier for people to rally around their cause/movement.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-23-2013 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I think there's a big difference between 'net-negative' and 'evil'. For one thing, I don't think 'evil' can include good things, where net-negative is clearly saying that there is both good and bad. Also, I'm not a fan of the word 'evil' because of it's religious connotations and the perspectives on what I'm saying that it could inadvertently cause in a religious person (because I mostly talk to Christians). Why risk bringing the devil into the conversation if it can be avoided, once he pops his head up, there's really no coming back from it.
I don't think evil is a religious term, but if you don't want me to use it in describing your own views, then fine.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-23-2013 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
I watched the vid. Seems weird IMO how they blatantly piggy back on religion. Their tag line is something like " all the best parts of religion" or something like that.

If secular people want to get together and do good for society I don't see harm in that. It wouldn't be my cup of tea though if I was an atheist. I think getting together and singing pop songs would be kinda lame, but thats just me.

The more they are grounded in humanitarian goals will make it easier for people to rally around their cause/movement.
Presumably you don't think it is lame to get together and sing contemporary praise songs though?
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-24-2013 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Presumably you don't think it is lame to get together and sing contemporary praise songs though?
I often do think it is kinda lame.

I guess the bonus of the atheist sunday morning things is it would be kosher to have a couple beers under your belt which would make it more fun.

Just generally not a fan of singing in groups I guess.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-26-2013 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
I often do think it is kinda lame.

Just generally not a fan of singing in groups I guess.
Music can unite a group and strengthen it's belief. That may not be the whole purpose of songs at the SA since there's purportedly no focus on being atheist but it's certainly the case in religious groups. The bible commands people to sing, why? I think that hymns serve several purposes, they reinforce doctrine, they provide a language for worship, they allow for direct and indirect worship of your deity, they invoke a condusive frame of mind (perhaps of devotion and acceptance) and a sense of belonging which is something I've experienced myself many times.

For many it's a harmless sing-a-long and quite enjoyable and hymns are often very beautiful, or stirring, but that's not accidental or natural IMO because for me they're yet another tool to influence the minds of the faithful, to reinforce faith, and help the survival of religious memes, so the authors have a specific result in mind in the same way that they do when they write national anthems.

Originally Posted by LEMONZEST

I guess the bonus of the atheist sunday morning things is it would be kosher to have a couple beers under your belt which would make it more fun.
Do you often use hard drugs like alcohol in the morning? I'm shocked... I think the SA offers tea and cake, cos they're British, dontcha know.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-27-2013 , 01:32 PM
Personally, I think this is a great idea and I support it wholeheartedly. If there's one thing I know, it's that nothing will make you reconsider your position on the church faster than having to constantly be around other godless heathen.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-28-2013 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
Personally, I think this is a great idea and I support it wholeheartedly. If there's one thing I know, it's that nothing will make you reconsider your position on the church faster than having to constantly be around other godless heathen.
You mean that it will cause people to realise the huge benefits of being godless?
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
10-31-2013 , 05:01 PM
Neil Degrasse Tyson on atheism:
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
11-13-2013 , 03:29 AM
It's pretty interesting to watch the liberal media promote this. They keep calling them "megachurches." A megachurch is supposed to have 2000 or more members, and often have that much attending on a Sunday. None of these "churches" meet either requirement from what I see.

So, what they are doing is posting images from The Reason Rally a while back, which did draw big numbers.
Article: Atheism starts its megachurch Quote
