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Anyone want to have a formal debate? Anyone want to have a formal debate?
View Poll Results: Do you want to participate
Yes -- For the atheist side.
11 50.00%
Yes -- For the theist side.
11 50.00%

06-10-2013 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by well named
Zumby/Gangstaman seems like a good start. I have no idea what topics gangsta is interested in though, or anything about his beliefs in order to propose something that might work for those two. Maybe just the debate from the OP?

I would be interested in debating theism vs atheism on the problem of evil, the value of faith, or the general "is it reasonable to be religious" of the OP. I'd also be interested in debating any of the topics I had suggested before.
I'll second zumby vs gangstaman, Faith Is a Virtue
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06-10-2013 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Would we want to make it so a public poll determines the winner of each debate? Or should we have an anonymous moderator?
Public poll is good. Is one of the moderation options to make a thread have a poll but only make it available AFTER a certain amount of time?

Another way you can do it is survivor style. As in if you really get 16 people in a championship debate, the winner of a given debate is determined by votes of the other 14 people. But I somewhat doubt we will get that many structured debates happening.
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06-10-2013 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
I'll second zumby vs gangstaman, Faith Is a Virtue
I'm game if gman is.
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06-10-2013 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
We could do more than one match up a week then. It'd be cool tho to do this tournament style. Three match ups a week. Might take a month and a half to finish, but there'd be some glorious lurking to do during that time.

Would we want to make it so a public poll determines the winner of each debate? Or should we have an anonymous moderator? I'd say OrP for that except we need him to debate.
I think a public poll to determine the "winner" is a poor idea. I think it is better that the debaters agree on a judge. Gentleman's agreement.
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06-10-2013 , 06:13 AM
I'm not sure the debates need judging at all. If they do I'd like a debate moderator though I'm pretty sure the names mentioned so far will be able to honestly evaluate how the debates go.

Given that zumby's agreed and ganstaman seems up for it I'd be very happy with that debate.

I don't use emoticons but if I did I may just post the popcorn one.
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06-10-2013 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by zumby
I'm game if gman is.
I may have been bluffing this whole thing but I'll go along with it.
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06-10-2013 , 08:24 AM
Suddenly very excited!!!
Anyone want to have a formal debate? Quote
06-10-2013 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I think a public poll to determine the "winner" is a poor idea. I think it is better that the debaters agree on a judge. Gentleman's agreement.
This, mostly because a public poll will be an atheist landslide more or less regardless of performance.
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06-10-2013 , 02:19 PM
Hmmm. I would think otherwise given the intelligence and objectivity of RGT regs, but since we could also expect a high degree of unknown lurkers to vote, you may have a point.
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06-11-2013 , 02:45 PM
That's why I kinda like the survivor style voting. It means that there are a) roughly an equal number of atheists and theists (or at least an equal number of those arguing for those sides) and b) all have a vested interest so you don't get any "lol debate between atheists and theist I vote my camp" type folks.
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06-11-2013 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I think a public poll to determine the "winner" is a poor idea. I think it is better that the debaters agree on a judge. Gentleman's agreement.
I think this is a good idea. I think the debaters should consider Original Position. He seems pretty evenhanded.
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06-11-2013 , 09:33 PM
If the plan is for multiple debates, what about a panel of judges?

Say, pick a pool of 5 or 7 judges, and 3 from that pool are chosen to judge each debate. This lets OrP avoid having to judge every debate

Last edited by DeuceKicker; 06-11-2013 at 09:38 PM.
Anyone want to have a formal debate? Quote
06-11-2013 , 10:00 PM
Incidentally, often the best part of the debate is audience questions. (And often the worst). This could also be answered by posters providing short questions and the debaters expected to respond to a few with short answers.
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06-12-2013 , 12:59 PM

I hope this happens. I really enjoy debates that allow time for thoughtful responses. I've heard some excellent debates from the Reasonable Doubts podcast where both sides would consider their opponent's statements, then take a few days to record their counterargument. I imagine the same would happen here. Even if the posters are kept to responding within 24 hours of each other, I'd expect much higher quality than if they had to immediately respond.
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06-12-2013 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

I hope this happens. I really enjoy debates that allow time for thoughtful responses. I've heard some excellent debates from the Reasonable Doubts podcast where both sides would consider their opponent's statements, then take a few days to record their counterargument. I imagine the same would happen here. Especially if the posters were not allowed to respond in under 24 hours of each other, I'd expect much higher quality than if they had to immediately respond.
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06-12-2013 , 01:10 PM
Ganstaman and I (and OrP when he next checks his PMs) have been discussing logistics in PM, just FYI to all. Hopefully will confirm format etc later this evening. Not had any discussion on post-debate judging so if anyone else has thoughts now is a good time to chime in.
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06-12-2013 , 01:11 PM
Anyone want to have a formal debate? Quote
06-12-2013 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by fretelöo
You right, you right.
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06-12-2013 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
Ganstaman and I (and OrP when he next checks his PMs) have been discussing logistics in PM, just FYI to all. Hopefully will confirm format etc later this evening. Not had any discussion on post-debate judging so if anyone else has thoughts now is a good time to chime in.
I would favor a panel of posters, where the panel is given a set of criteria upon which to judge the debate. It will help make the judging "feel" more fair (not that it necessarily wouldn't be fair, but it would at least be appear less arbitrary). Knowing the criteria will also guide the debaters in their approach as well.

Regarding questions "from the audience" I think that the questions should be submitted to the debate moderator, who can then select the best questions. I think this will maximize the signal and minimize the noise.
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06-12-2013 , 02:34 PM
Riffing on the theme, perhaps the best option is to have questions posted in the companion discussion thread (with some easy for the moderator to find identifier) like "FORMAL QUESTION: _____________". Then proceed as per Aaron's suggestion, with a moderator selecting the best questions to pose in the actual debate thread. This way it widens the area for discussion amongst the observers as they can discuss and answer each others questions.
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06-12-2013 , 06:10 PM
Agreed. We should also make sure that the moderator is secretly allied with one of the debaters. It wouldn't be a proper debate unless the moderator was feeding questions that favored their preferred side. Might also need to exercise mod powers to silence the opponent if they make any good points. Not banning, but ninja edits maybe? Let's think this through.
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06-12-2013 , 06:19 PM
sadly, mods cannot make ninja edits. I have some prior experience in this regard
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06-12-2013 , 06:20 PM

We will be using the following format:

- Opening statements (1000 words max)
- 1st rebuttal (600 words max)
- 2nd rebuttal (600 words max)
- Closing statements (400 words max)

The topic is "Faith is a virtue". Opening statements will be posted on Monday with each round of rebuttals etc following around a day later. There will be a rail thread and moderated Q&A. We aren't especially interested in formal judging/voting, but if the forum wants it I'm sure you guys can work out a way to do it.

I think that covers most of the details, but still a few days for further suggestions or w/e.
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06-12-2013 , 06:49 PM
Could we go ahead and nit it up over definitions of the terms "faith" and "virtue"? I don't want to read 1k, 600, 600, and 400 words explaining to the other side that those words don't mean what they think they mean.
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06-12-2013 , 07:00 PM
^+1, though, given that I'm currently proof-reading two dissertations simultaneoulsy, what harm can an additional 2.6k words of people talking by each other do, really.
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