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Anyone want to have a formal debate? Anyone want to have a formal debate?
View Poll Results: Do you want to participate
Yes -- For the atheist side.
11 50.00%
Yes -- For the theist side.
11 50.00%

06-05-2013 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I'm against such a debate. The way I see it going down, things quickly fall apart because of the size of the gap between the idea of design and any sort of empirical measurement. I haven't look at it in several years, but from what I saw, people just weren't able to bridge the gap in any meaningful way (despite their best efforts).

I should add that I'm in *favor* of the idea that design can be detected. Philosophically, the idea of intelligent design is not unreasonable. However, the absence of a meaningful evaluation mechanism creates an insurmountable barrier for the affirmative case for ID.
As far as I can see it, one of the huge issues for Intelligent Design is the 'Intelligent' part. Maybe we could have a Sloppy Design v Evolution debate
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06-05-2013 , 10:05 AM
the atheist line up looks formidable. Hopefully we use the all-kill format for this
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06-05-2013 , 10:49 AM
I'm signed up for the theist side. On the off-chance that this would be interesting, I have more interest in the "big questions" ("does god intervene" etc) than the smaller ones.
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06-05-2013 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
I vote against OrP. He is very verbose and incoherent in his arguments. We need someone with a sharper mind.
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06-05-2013 , 04:27 PM
My thoughts on topics.

I think some of the most interesting debates will be ones where the allegiances of the audience will not be divided simply by their position on theism. For example "There is purpose in an atheistic universe" is a topic where I can think of atheists who disagree as well as theists who agree.
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06-05-2013 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
I would be absolutely fascinated in a second concurrent debate that had cwocwoc on the theist side vs. say jibninjas repping the atheist side.

For the main event, I'd be inspired to read almost any other combinations in debate (zumby vs OrP would be great, no offense to any of the others), but part of me would like to see zumby (or OrP) vs a well-qualified theist (try as I might, I find it hard to think of ganstaman as a theist!). There just needs to be the possibility of someone ending up crying!
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06-06-2013 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
I'm willing to debate for either side. I think you should open it up for alternative topics as well though--God's existence, non-existence has been fairly well beaten into the ground.
this seems like a much better [more interesting] thing to argue. I'd love to argue either topic.
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06-06-2013 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I'm signed up for the theist side. On the off-chance that this would be interesting, I have more interest in the "big questions" ("does god intervene" etc) than the smaller ones.
freewill/determinism/in-determinism, etc. awesome! I love talking/debating things like that!
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06-06-2013 , 04:41 AM
Topic suggestions: a) is deism any more rational than theism b) positive vs negative theology.
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06-06-2013 , 02:57 PM
dibs on negative theology
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06-07-2013 , 06:58 AM
I like reading zumbys posts so I vote for zumby.
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06-07-2013 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by well named
dibs on negative theology
I took a course on medieval philosophy a long time ago, sort of embarrassing how little I remember but I do remember being interested in the idea of negative theology (Maimonides comes to mind); formulating it as 'positive theology vs negative theology' is almost certainly crude but if anybody can come with a more focused debate topic on the theme I think it can be very interesting (and it would not be an atheist/theist debate which is a plus). For or against "God/God's attributes can be described positively" could work I guess.
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06-07-2013 , 02:15 PM
Alright, we need to start voting or we'll never get this off the ground.

I vote Zumby vs. Gangstaman.
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06-07-2013 , 03:22 PM
I vote for whoever is willing to argue for the opposite of their stance.
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06-07-2013 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by jokerthief
Alright, we need to start voting or we'll never get this off the ground.

I vote Zumby vs. Gangstaman.
I'd prefer to choose the debaters after the topic has been decided.
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06-09-2013 , 11:24 AM
OrP vs Zumbo sounds epic, but I suspect my head would a'splode.

I also would enjoy Zumbo vs Ganstaman.
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06-09-2013 , 12:15 PM
I'd be more interested in a 'Saturnalia' encounter where I argue for Generic Theism versus some game theist poster who argues for atheism (or at least against GT). It's more of a challenge.
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06-09-2013 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
I also would enjoy Zumbo vs Ganstaman.
That would entail fewer head explosions, but then also less value, right?
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06-09-2013 , 03:54 PM
I think someone needs to just make a decision. Otherwise, this will never happen.
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06-09-2013 , 05:46 PM
Perhaps a good way moving forward is for people to say "I, so and so, would like to debate topics A, B or C and have the time to do so starting on date D, would anyone like to oppose?".
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06-09-2013 , 05:47 PM
Why don't we do randomized match ups leading up to a championship debate? Zumbo vs gangstaman, OrP vs uke_master, etc. The winner of each debate progresses to the next round. One match up per week.
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06-09-2013 , 06:38 PM
i can't do anything for a couple weeks but sure...
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06-09-2013 , 08:28 PM
Zumby/Gangstaman seems like a good start. I have no idea what topics gangsta is interested in though, or anything about his beliefs in order to propose something that might work for those two. Maybe just the debate from the OP?

I would be interested in debating theism vs atheism on the problem of evil, the value of faith, or the general "is it reasonable to be religious" of the OP. I'd also be interested in debating any of the topics I had suggested before.
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06-09-2013 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Why don't we do randomized match ups leading up to a championship debate?
We do have 16 posters that voted to take part, which is a great number for a tournament set up.
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06-09-2013 , 11:20 PM
We could do more than one match up a week then. It'd be cool tho to do this tournament style. Three match ups a week. Might take a month and a half to finish, but there'd be some glorious lurking to do during that time.

Would we want to make it so a public poll determines the winner of each debate? Or should we have an anonymous moderator? I'd say OrP for that except we need him to debate.
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