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44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt 44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt

11-21-2008 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
The point is that you are disparaging statistical thinking and model building without realizing that this is exactly what you are doing when you use a HUD to understand/describe an opponent's behavior. Whether you use a single parameter or many, it's philosophically identical.
i was not disparaging it at all, but pointing out how you need many more factors to be accurate. and that using one stat number is not sufficient for an over all game plan. no where did i say it was worthless but that in order guage something accurately more info is needed.
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11-21-2008 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
i was not disparaging it at all, but pointing out how you need many more factors to be accurate. and that using one stat number is not sufficient for an over all game plan. no where did i say it was worthless but that in order guage something accurately more info is needed.
Plenty of people would disagree with you. I'd surmise that you could explain 50% of the variation in player quality (as determined by win rate) with just VPIP, which is quite good by modeling standards. Every additional parameter is marginally less important and therefore less valuable. Look up Akaike Information Criteria if you're interested.
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11-21-2008 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
You are confusing correlation and causation, as well as suggesting that a correlation implies some sort of mechanism. An appropriate use of "correlation" is simply a relationship. As x changes, so does y. There might be an underlying reason, or it could be spurious (happenstance). Doesn't matter. It's still a correlation.
again, i am not confusing it at all. you are misunderstanding me. the fact is that when talking in general terms correlation does have a connotative meaning that does imply a relationship.

What do you think that most people take away from a study like this? certainly they do not look at it through the eyes of a statistician.

but look at it to mean that either religion makes you dumb or that only dumb people could believe in religion.

so yes, i understand your point, but you are not listening to mine. studies like this are not used to show anything to statisticians who comprehend what this means, but to try a use data to pull the proverbial wool over the publics eyes and prove what ever point they were trying to make.

you cannot honestly tell me that a study like this was done for any other reason than to prove an already preconcieved notion that was in someone's head and used completely out of context. What actual good comes from something like this? some guy who hated religion said to himself, "i bet only dumb people are religious, i'll do a study to prove this point" and the rest follows.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
Plenty of people would disagree with you. I'd surmise that you could explain 50% of the variation in player quality (as determined by win rate) with just VPIP, which is quite good by modeling standards. Every additional parameter is marginally less important and therefore less valuable. Look up Akaike Information Criteria if you're interested.
so you would say that a blanket statement can be made about this?

would you say the same thing about 3bet%? can you determin everything that you need to know based on that stat?

i do not think you get the point that i was making.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
but to try a use data to pull the proverbial wool over the publics eyes and prove what ever point they were trying to make.

you cannot honestly tell me that a study like this was done for any other reason than to prove an already preconcieved notion that was in someone's head and used completely out of context. What actual good comes from something like this? some guy who hated religion said to himself, "i bet only dumb people are religious, i'll do a study to prove this point" and the rest follows.
Well, some people believe polling is done to understand how people feel about issues, and creationism is an important one, since creationists continue to try to dictate K-12 curricula in the US. If you really think the Gallop, the largest polling company in the US, did a poll to prove a point and get a citation on Wikipedia, that's not just cynical, that's silly. They were paid to do that poll just like all the others they do.
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11-21-2008 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
so you would say that a blanket statement can be made about this?

would you say the same thing about 3bet%? can you determin everything that you need to know based on that stat?

i do not think you get the point that i was making.
I get exactly the point you're making. You suggest that you need a LOT of information to make good decisions. I disagree. You can make good (but imperfect) decisions with a minimum of data, if it's the right data. Why do you think VPIP is the first number in a HUD?

3bet% is informative, but much less so than VPIP. It might explain 20% (guess) of variance in bb/100 by itself. BUT it would probably only explain 10% additional variance when combined with VPIP. DUCY?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
Well, some people believe polling is done to understand how people feel about issues, and creationism is an important one, since creationists continue to try to dictate K-12 curricula in the US. If you really think the Gallop, the largest polling company in the US, did a poll to prove a point and get a citation on Wikipedia, that's not just cynical, that's silly. They were paid to do that poll just like all the others they do.
if you think that a study like this was just done for pure informational purposes and had 0 alterior motive, then you are just being naive.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 03:27 PM
if it's the right data.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
if you think that a study like this was just done for pure informational purposes and had 0 alterior motive, then you are just being naive.
Evidence, please.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
if you think that a study like this was just done for pure informational purposes and had 0 alterior motive, then you are just being naive.
You're claiming that the GSS is conducted under an ulterior atheist motive? Really?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
I think a survey which determines a persons biblical literalism, an estimate of what THEY think their IQ is, and their actual IQ, would be very interesting.
You mean compare biblical literalism to the difference in the IQ measures right? I also think that would be interesting. Probably would work best to control for absolute IQ level, since I think dumber people will tend to overestimate their IQ more, regardless of their religious beliefs.
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11-21-2008 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
You're claiming that the GSS is conducted under an ulterior atheist motive? Really?
that is not what your link went to. your link was exactly what i have been talking about.

Update II: Many links into this entry are labeling this a "study." It wasn't a study, I literally took 10 minutes before I went to sleep to collect the data and produce the chart. The data on literal interpretation of the Bible is from a book which you can read via Google. The IQ scores are from the General Social Survey as reported by The Inductivist. I already knew that this sort of correlation existed, it's pretty unsurprising as I noted. The same pattern shows up if you use post-graduate eduation as the dependent variable. And I spot checked SAT scores by denomination, and again the association shows up. All that being said, the title was obviously tongue-in-cheek.
this guy had a motive to begin with.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
that is not what your link went to. your link was exactly what i have been talking about.

this guy had a motive to begin with.
The guy did not conduct the studies!!

If you think his biases somehow came through in reporting data from other studies, then feel free to point out what he did incorrectly. A bunch of hand waving about how this guy expected to find this correlation is irrelevant.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Justin A
The guy did not conduct the studies!!

If you think his biases somehow came through in reporting data from other studies, then feel free to point out what he did incorrectly. A bunch of hand waving about how this guy expected to find this correlation is irrelevant.
again you are not paying attention. first i did not say that he did anything incorrectly, but talked about his motivation to set something up like this.

try looking at all of the comments that follow. they all clap their hands at what they claim they all ready new, and i can assure you that by the tone of the comments what they thought they new was not a statistical correlation, but that religious people are dumb and no one that is smart would be fooled to believing something like that.

the motivation is everything. if you do not see it then it is simply because you like what a study like this implies, so you give it a pass.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
the motivation is everything. if you do not see it then it is simply because you like what a study like this implies, so you give it a pass.
Nothing ever written, no research ever performed, no idea ever conceived is done in a vacuum, ignoring prior biases and beliefs. To think so is naive. This is not the same as being objective/dispassionate/unbiased in one's methodology.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by FlopYouDead
I think every species is impossible. It would have to be genus.
Do you seriously require me finding two examples of species that are within the same genus that are so vastly different that it would be insane to think that they evolved from one pair over a couple thousand years?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
i guess i should have been more specific to what i had a problem with. sometimes i forget that not everone sees the exact same thing as me. i thought the link would be obvious to what sort of point i was getting at. but apparently not. i just get mad when people try to use statistics to back themselves up, when there are so many issues with them inherently, when used to just blindly prove a point.
Do you REALLY not understand how ridiculous of a point this is? Basically, you are saying that because YOU do not understand statistics, that NOBODY understands statistics, everyone misuses them, they cannot be trusted, and they are by their very nature useless and misleading. No one is using them to BLINDLY prove a point...that is precisely the issue. They are using them to ILLUSTROUSLY prove a point.

Not everything you dont understand is witchcraft.
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11-21-2008 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
i agree. i made too much of a blanket statement there and you are right it was wrong. my problem is more this the supposed implications of these types of studies. And maybe madnak was not trying to imply anything but simply pointing out. people like vhawk try to take these studies and use it to say you would have to be stupid to believe in religion. there are many things that could be said about a study like this. for one, you could infer that people of a certain intelligence are to arrogant to believe in religion. that is just as valid of a claim as someone like vhawks claim. and the stats clearly show that, right?
I didnt actually ever make that claim, but if thats the best counterargument you've got then I wish I had. You are chasing ghosts here. I could make all sorts of inferences and assertions based on the OBSERVED, REAL correlation between stupidity and religion. But those would just be my inferences and assertions. They might even be unsupported. What IS supported is that people who are stupid are more likely to be religious, and vice versa.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
i was not disparaging it at all, but pointing out how you need many more factors to be accurate. and that using one stat number is not sufficient for an over all game plan. no where did i say it was worthless but that in order guage something accurately more info is needed.
Sufficient for what? Accurate isnt some digital quality of the universe. Nothing is either "accurate" or "not accurate."
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by FlopYouDead
I think every species is impossible. It would have to be genus.
Which species of each genus? How do you define genus? IS it feasible for every extant species to have undergone sufficient speciation events (especially for those species-rich genera) in 2000 years to account for current levels of diversity?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 06:36 PM
''The Ararat Anomaly''......enough said.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 06:37 PM
"Purple monkey dishwasher"....enough said.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
"Purple monkey dishwasher"....enough said.

You are a ''troll'' and you are also officially 'Ignored'....enough said.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-21-2008 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
Do you seriously require me finding two examples of species that are within the same genus that are so vastly different that it would be insane to think that they evolved from one pair over a couple thousand years?
My original intention was not to defend the historicity of Noah's ark, but to bash pedantry. I have a visceral reaction to people trying to assert the impossible. In other areas of research people have learned to not do this. If the Bible debunkers made these sweeping pronouncements in any other area they'd be run out of the community on a rail.

How is the Bible bashing cottage industry able to produce such an endless string of immutable verdicts of impossibility? Based upon what? Situations in which the parameters can be interpreted various ways (the specifics of a story outline as told in an ancient tongue), where we have very little data concerning the historical circumstances, and where so-called scientists with little time, few resources, questionable expertise and no peer review or independent validating testing are falling over themselves pronouncing impossibility after impossibility.

It's junk science. And what purpose does it purport to serve? The Bible is the story of an Almighty God for whom all things are possible. What is even the point of demonstrating that some such event is empirically impossible? To show that you'd need a supernatural force? The whole point of the book is that there is supernatural force!

And when you look at the types of things they try to prove impossible, and why they're that's tilting. Why not just point out Noah is purported to be 600 years old and leave it at that? Or that a supernatural man in the sky is purported to have been involved at all? Once a person believes in God, what's hard about believing anything else? That a man can't build a boat, or he can't catch a bee, or feed a horse?

It's all so stupid. People employing themselves in this way, spending good money and wasting their lives trying to "prove" these things are by definition idiots, imo.
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11-21-2008 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
again you are not paying attention. first i did not say that he did anything incorrectly, but talked about his motivation to set something up like this.

try looking at all of the comments that follow. they all clap their hands at what they claim they all ready new, and i can assure you that by the tone of the comments what they thought they new was not a statistical correlation, but that religious people are dumb and no one that is smart would be fooled to believing something like that.

the motivation is everything. if you do not see it then it is simply because you like what a study like this implies, so you give it a pass.
You seem to be trying really hard to take away from the findings by this person and you are reaching for non existent manifestations of bias. The survey is clearly not biased. The regression analysis done by a separate party who obviously does have a bias against biblical literalists is using mathematical modeling techniques which are not biased. Unless you are accusing him of blatant data manipulation (either modification or exclusion of some data) then your arguments regarding bias is useless.

You also throughout this thread have attacked the use of statistical models and have asserted that you understand how they work. However, subsequent posts following that assertion have shown that you truly do not understand regression models.
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