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44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt 44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt

11-20-2008 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
DS has suggested intelligent people's votes should count more, good idea?
Sounds good, untill you figure out that their family, drinking buddies, friends, schoolmates, co-workers and cash-donators are included by default.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Mikhail's Fortunes
I was looking up Creationism on Wikipedia and found this in the article about Young Earth Creationism:

I knew that most Americans are Christians, but I had no idea that this mind-blowingly inane point of view was held by such a huge portion - in fact a majority - of Christians in the US. Do these people interpret the the entire bible in a literal fashion? This further section of the article would seem to indicate so.

So, if my premise that these same 44% of people who believe man is less than 10,000 years old also hold a literal interpretation of the bible, That leads us to a problem which appears insurmountable. That is the problem of explaining away Noah's Ark. Here are some of the many aspects of the story that render it a logical impossibility:

*The ship was far too big to last for two weeks in the middle of a stormy ocean with rain pouring down incessantly. It would have suffered from leaking and warping among other things.
*There is no way the Ark could have held every single species of the animal kingdom.
*How were all the animals gathered anyway, or did they travel on their own?
*Once the flood ended, how did the animals return to their natural habitats, given that the earth was barren and ravaged by the flood?
*What could the animals eat during the flood and after its conclusion? Surely not each other, but yet carnivores can only eat other animals.

These are just a few of the logical and logistical problems with the story of the ark, but in my estimation they are insurmountable. I have yet to see any specific answers to these problems, but one quote in the article is quite damning to the literalist point of view.

How can different literalists have varying answers? If you start making your own interpretations for the sake of convenience, that's no longer literalist, that's figurative interpretation, and that is why biblical literalism is such an impossibility, because the bible doesn't have all the answers, even if all the answers it dioes have are somehow all accurate. Using a literal interpretation of the bible until it falls apart logically, and then deviating to one's own arbitrary interpretations, is completely dishonest, and I think it would make ay sane person's head explode.

However if there are agreed-upon answers by Young Earth Creationists to the questions I have posed, and the many others about the story of the ark that I have let alone for now, I would like to hear them, most likely so that I may revel in their absurdity and ludicrosity, but possibly so that I may learn something more about howpeople think within the grossly distorted paradigm of biblical literalism.
i think that you should realize that you are hopelessly screwed. it looks like your only option is suicide. .... tough break.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 10:24 AM
[QUOTE=chezlaw;7218693]Its a sad cult of the stupid in the USA. There as a big danger of infection of the rest of the world via cultural imperialism QUOTE]

Yep, you are correct. Athiesm is indeed a sad cult of the stupid. Hopefully their 'infection on the world' will decrease soon.

It sucks to be called names doesn't it?

Last edited by The_Outlaw; 11-20-2008 at 10:47 AM.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Mikhail's Fortunes
I was looking up Creationism on Wikipedia and found this in the article about Young Earth Creationism:

I knew that most Americans are Christians, but I had no idea that this mind-blowingly inane point of view was held by such a huge portion - in fact a majority - of Christians in the US. Do these people interpret the the entire bible in a literal fashion? This further section of the article would seem to indicate so.

So, if my premise that these same 44% of people who believe man is less than 10,000 years old also hold a literal interpretation of the bible, That leads us to a problem which appears insurmountable. That is the problem of explaining away Noah's Ark. Here are some of the many aspects of the story that render it a logical impossibility:

*The ship was far too big to last for two weeks in the middle of a stormy ocean with rain pouring down incessantly. It would have suffered from leaking and warping among other things.
*There is no way the Ark could have held every single species of the animal kingdom.
*How were all the animals gathered anyway, or did they travel on their own?
*Once the flood ended, how did the animals return to their natural habitats, given that the earth was barren and ravaged by the flood?
*What could the animals eat during the flood and after its conclusion? Surely not each other, but yet carnivores can only eat other animals.

These are just a few of the logical and logistical problems with the story of the ark, but in my estimation they are insurmountable. I have yet to see any specific answers to these problems, but one quote in the article is quite damning to the literalist point of view.

How can different literalists have varying answers? If you start making your own interpretations for the sake of convenience, that's no longer literalist, that's figurative interpretation, and that is why biblical literalism is such an impossibility, because the bible doesn't have all the answers, even if all the answers it dioes have are somehow all accurate. Using a literal interpretation of the bible until it falls apart logically, and then deviating to one's own arbitrary interpretations, is completely dishonest, and I think it would make ay sane person's head explode.

However if there are agreed-upon answers by Young Earth Creationists to the questions I have posed, and the many others about the story of the ark that I have let alone for now, I would like to hear them, most likely so that I may revel in their absurdity and ludicrosity, but possibly so that I may learn something more about howpeople think within the grossly distorted paradigm of biblical literalism.

YAAAAAAAWN!! Yet ANOTHER tired, boring and biased thread attacking Creationism.
You Athiests really need to get over yourselves with your narrow minded propaganda.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Its a sad cult of the stupid in the USA. There as a big danger of infection of the rest of the world via cultural imperialism QUOTE]

Yep, you are correct. Athiesm is indeed a sad cult of the stupid. Hopefully their 'infection on the world' will decrease soon.
That would appear to the stupid as a relevent point but as we know its the young earth creationists who correlate with low intelligence.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 10:34 AM
You don't really have to attack creationism.

What is usually attacked is the silly notion that creationism is actually saying something, which it doesn't.

D: "zomg, a butterfly!"
U: "god made it"

C: "what is god?"
Y: "very few people know, and those who claim to know rarely agrees."
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by The_Outlaw
That would appear to the stupid as a relevent point but as we know its the young earth creationists who correlate with low intelligence.
Oh really? You sound like such a typical elitist.
To call people who disagree with you 'stupid' or 'lacking intelligence' only proves how little intelligence you have.
Arguing with a closed minded individual such as yourself will only serve to raise my blood pressure.
You are officially on my 'ignore list'.
Good day to you Sir.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

Oh really? You sound like such a typical elitist.
To call people who disagree with you 'stupid' or 'lacking intelligence' only proves how little intelligence you have.
Arguing with a closed minded individual such as yourself will only serve to raise my blood pressure.
You are officially on my 'ignore list'.
Good day to you Sir.
you did not actually counter his point.

as to why young earth creationists are dumb:


also there is no empirical evidence that it is not. only evidence from old books. written by people who weren't even there anyway.

and like, so much of this evidence's validity is only debated by young earth creationists, who usually have no expertise in the field of determining the validity of this evidence anyway.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by The_Outlaw
That would appear to the stupid as a relevent point but as we know its the young earth creationists who correlate with low intelligence.
that is just not true. believing the young earth creation theory has nothing to do with ignorance of science. people of extreme intelligence still believe this to be true.

it really has nothing to do with science. most intelligent people that believe this still cling to the fact that God could have accelerated the process and that things like light might not have always been constant. the reason that they make these assumptions is because they believe that if the universe is 14 billion years old, then that some how negates the bibles truthfulness. so it is more just faith on there behalf than lack of any knowledge. if God exists could he have made the earth 10,000 years ago and made it look like it is really old, yes.

with that said, i do not see a reason to believe this. if the earth and universe are as old as science says, it really has no effect on the bible or it's truthfulness. so i think that it is not a lack of scientific knowledge of these people, but a misunderstanding of the bible.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mikhail's Fortunes
I'm sorry, do I need to ask permission before I can question the almighty Bible? I've already given up on trying to persuade those whose stance on religion I disagree with. I've taken the opposite approach, in that I'm trying to let them persuade me. Give me some reasons why I should accept this part of the bible literally in light of the questions I've posed. I'm giving proponents of this view an opportunity to persuade me to see things their way. Have at it.
my point in that statement had nothing to do with you. i was merely pointing out that the data that they collected was not complete. who knows how accurate it was at all.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck

you did not actually counter his point.

as to why young earth creationists are dumb:


also there is no empirical evidence that it is not. only evidence from old books. written by people who weren't even there anyway.

and like, so much of this evidence's validity is only debated by young earth creationists, who usually have no expertise in the field of determining the validity of this evidence anyway.
There is no longer any reason to counter any discussion with a person who decides to start calling people with an opposing viewpoint names like 'stupid' or 'lacking intelligence'.
It then immediatly ceases to bear any resemblance of an intelligent conversation between two mature individuals at that point and then simply becomes a childish tyrade between two opposing viewpoints.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:42 AM
hmm weird that my last post says im quoting chezlaw. im not ldo
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by The_Outlaw

There is no longer any reason to counter any discussion with a person who decides to start calling people with an opposing viewpoint names like 'stupid' or 'lacking intelligence'.
It then immediatly ceases to bear any resemblance of an intelligent conversation between two mature individuals at that point and then simply becomes a childish tyrade between two opposing viewpoints.
its childish name calling accompanying valid points.

Last edited by tmcdmck; 11-20-2008 at 11:44 AM. Reason: zomg stupid quote function
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

that is just not true. believing the young earth creation theory has nothing to do with ignorance of science. people of extreme intelligence still believe this to be true.

it really has nothing to do with science. most intelligent people that believe this still cling to the fact that God could have accelerated the process and that things like light might not have always been constant. the reason that they make these assumptions is because they believe that if the universe is 14 billion years old, then that some how negates the bibles truthfulness. so it is more just faith on there behalf than lack of any knowledge. if God exists could he have made the earth 10,000 years ago and made it look like it is really old, yes.

with that said, i do not see a reason to believe this. if the earth and universe are as old as science says, it really has no effect on the bible or it's truthfulness. so i think that it is not a lack of scientific knowledge of these people, but a misunderstanding of the bible.
That's not my quote. I don't know how that showed up as my quote. Some mistake in qouting a post from someone else I guess. I apologize for the confusion. I actually do believe in Creationism.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:45 AM
"Literal to some extent" is a contradiction. It's like being a little pregnant. Literal means, as it was wirtten in the literature. What you are positing is that the story is allegorical, like how the book Animal Farm is an allegory of Russian Communism and the overthrow of the Czar. This is a far less radical view, in my opinion, than the view that the bible should be taken literally. You aren't left having to defend a ship that was too large to be structurally sound and yet not nearly big enough to hold every single animal species that has ever existed.
what i meant was that , although i believe the account, i do not necessarily believe that every detail was included. so even though i believe that what it does say is what happened, i think that it is quite obvious that not all of the details of it were included. there are some people, probably the people that you are referring to, that might say that every detail is in the account and nothing can be added. that is why i believe it literal to some extent.

The point of the flood account was to inform of the situation. not to be a scientific account of what happened.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Mikhail's Fortunes
My point was, parts of the story that weren't sufficiently addressed in the bible, were being disputed by people who claim the bible is indisputable. So the notion that the bible is indisputable truth can be disproven by their own actions.
first off, their beliefs have no actual bearing on the bible. if they misunderstand, then that does not render the bible false.

my question to you, why would the bible need to address all points surrounding the flood?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:49 AM
yeah, the quoting seems to be all messed up this morning.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
its childish name calling accompanying valid points.
If someone must resort to name calling during a debate, then any point that they may have had is immediatly negated by their immaturity.
We are supposed to be adults here.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 12:10 PM
no. points do not get negated by accompanying immaturity.

points stand or fall based on how valid they are. accompanying immaturity is unfortunate, but irrelevant.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by The_Outlaw
I actually do believe in Creationism.
None of us are surprised by this.

Just to be clear:

You believe that the Earth is 6000-10,000 years old?
You believe that dinosaurs roamed the Earth within the last 10,000 years?
You don't believe in the fossil record?
You believe that god made the Universe appear older in order to test our faith?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
impeachable as well.
Goes without saying.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
my point in that statement had nothing to do with you. i was merely pointing out that the data that they collected was not complete. who knows how accurate it was at all.
Statisticians can give it a good stab.

We're talking about the Gallup Poll, that's about as close to a random sample as we can get.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen
i think that you should realize that you are hopelessly screwed. it looks like your only option is suicide. .... tough break.
Don't do it, OP - otherwise the proportion of YECs in America will get even higher.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
Statisticians can give it a good stab.

We're talking about the Gallup Poll, that's about as close to a random sample as we can get.
that is why i do not like statistics in this fashion. i think that it is too easy to skew the data to prove a point.

even if the data is somewhat accurate, i still think that it is irrelevant. peoples belief in young creationism really has nothing to do with science, but a believe that this particular issue is necessary to their believe in the bible and God.

oh, and the original comment was supposed to be cheeky
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-20-2008 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
Statisticians can give it a good stab.

We're talking about the Gallup Poll, that's about as close to a random sample as we can get.
While they generally do good work, I don't think they're immune to statistical deviance.

If this is accurate, then wow. Grandpa Lemur was one ugly bastard anyway.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
