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Very profitable PLO mtter over reasonable sample size Very profitable PLO mtter over reasonable sample size

12-05-2014 , 10:39 PM

Have sought staking through this forum before earlier this year which was profitable for both parties and ended on good terms with complete transparency and no problems. Unfortunately my previous backer is unable to take anyone back on atm but will be letting me know if that changes in a week or so.

This year I have played PLO variant MTT's exclusively and have had excellent and consistent results.

The first 130 games/ $6k is from over a year ago the rest is all current

I'm aware that ~2200 games isnt a huge volume the reason for this I spent 6weeks in a ski resort and 5 weeks in Vegas but the results speak for themselves and that is with an unfortunately poor WCOOP.

Links to last stakes
Initial stake on a 40/60 deal as I had not proven myself at the PLO majors on stars/FTP

2nd stake agreed on 50/50 with a full wcoop schedule included

This is what that stake would have looked like without the wcoop

I'm looking to play any PLO variant mtt across stars and FTP with the exception of the 500's, however I had just started playing those towards the end of my last stake where I'd be taking approx 50-60% of my action and selling the rest at 1.1 in the MP. You can see some threads there where I've returned a couple of big scores and have a good rep.

I'm looking for a 60/40 split my favour, however my last stake did not include any tournaments I played <$55BI but am willing to include everything for 65/35

A little more about me. Poker has been my main source of income for the last 6-7 years, I took a 6month break from poker last year and have come back refreshed, focused and a lot healthier and happier. Since returning I have focused exclusively on PLO mtts online and am very happy with my play and ability. I run 4-6miles (6-10Km) before the majority of my sessions and generally eat very well, I believe this also attributes largely to my results. I've put in work on my mental game and am very good at returning to my A game when I realise I'm making poor decisions. I am very happy with the schedule I play (~4-5pm-1-2am) as it allows me to maintain a relatively normal sleep pattern/lifestyle and keeps a good life balance which I was unable to do a couple of years ago.

This is what my usual Saturday schedule looks like (bar the ftops)
Weekdays is the same without the weekly 109 re rentry on ftp, the weekly 82's and 55's and the two earlier 27 KO's

Daily roll is approx $743 during weekdays and $1100-1300 on Saturdays/Sundays sometimes less if I start session later.

I am also happy to mix in a few of the big field holdem events on Sundays as I recently started playing them again and have had some deep runs which have been fun if not a little soul destroying (oh Sunday's how I've missed you! ) but I feel really sharp in them after solely focusing on PLO for so long, it also means I'll play the later PLO mtt's to get some more volume in.

References available on request.


Separate to the above I am also interested in receiving staking and coaching for PLO cash games on a more long term basis
Very profitable PLO mtter over reasonable sample size Quote
