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Seeking Rush NL Backer Seeking Rush NL Backer

04-21-2011 , 01:35 PM
About me

21 year old Uni student from London, Canada. Graduating in a week, but applied for grad school. Played poker for 8 years, online for the past 4. Mainly played micro MTTs on stars & tilt, having my first serious binks in summer '09 for over $4k in 3 separate rebuy tourneys.

Also getting married this summer. Together with grad school, needless to say don't have much of a personal bankroll anymore.

Why Rush?

Rush is my main game. Love to play it because I never get sick of the grind, and easy to beat by exploiting the weaknesses of others.

I started playing rush cash because of my experience with rush MTTs and sngs. My FT stats are here, (StuckinARutt on FT) where you can see many of my rush sng and MTT results.

When I got into rush ring games, I found them very easy. I don't let the beats get to me, because I know the huge volume I put in will overcome it. After playing ~30k hands on my own, I bought PT3 with my winnings and started tracking my results and using stats against my opponents. You can read about my $100 journey playing rush in my goal thread here. I had beaten 5nl rush over 40k hands for over 100% ROI in the span of less than 2 weeks. I was ready to move up and try to beat 10nl even quicker and get to 25nl, but exam period and bills caught up with me.

This 40k hands was in the midst of exam season. Now that summer is just around the corner, there is no limit to the volume I can put in, but alas no bankroll to do so.

The Plan

I feel that starting over at 5nl is a waste. I would like to start at least at 10nl. The bankroll is up to the backer, but ideally I like a 40 buyin rule. However, I am comfortable grinding with 60bb+ stacks, so I would be comfortable grinding 25nl with $15 buyins and a br of $600.

I always welcome coaching. There are always ways I can better my game and extract the most money from opponents. I am always on msn, but do not have skype. If it is absolutely necessary I can get it.

Have been an active member of the marketplace for over a year. Have sold thousands in packages (both succesful and unsuccesful) and bought thousands in packages myself. I like to think I have built up a respectable reputation in the world of micro MTT packagin buying/selling, and would hate to jeopardize said reputation

Feel free to contact me via PM. Cheers,

Last edited by StuckinARutt; 04-21-2011 at 01:51 PM.
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