Seeking Mid-stakes MTT backer...strong mini ftops showing.
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 27
ElCid926 on FTP
Had a strong mini ftops including
64/14,500 for $700 in main event
19/1900 in Omaha heads up for $250
57/3000 in $30r 6max for $450
170/3400 in HU Shootout for $150
for 2009 i show a profit of $5,667 through 643 games. ROI of 40% avg buy in $22
I had some success in the mini ftops tournaments, and am looking to play $20r's $30r's $55-$109 freezeouts. If anyone is interested in discussing a backing relationship please pm me.
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 27