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PSA: Joker88 Quits in Makeup PSA: Joker88 Quits in Makeup

03-15-2011 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
hi joker89,

if you don't want to bicker with random nobodys, why did you come back to the online forum where absolutely nobody likes you? nobody is going to communicate nicely with you, because everyone reading this thread is hoping you will just vanish into thin air never to be heard from in the poker world again.
Thank u
03-15-2011 , 12:25 PM
Ok geniuses, think about this:

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

what you have created here is a false dilemma. you are saying that there are only two possible outcomes in your situation, but you are completely ignoring the outcomes where you do not act like a ignorant little kid.
03-15-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
hi joker89,

if you don't want to bicker with random nobodys, why did you come back to the online forum where absolutely nobody likes you? nobody is going to communicate nicely with you, because everyone reading this thread is hoping you will just vanish into thin air never to be heard from in the poker world again.
Calm down, random internet kid (LOL). The fact that you guys "like" other anonymous internet persons is pretty funny. I actually came to hear what Alex's response would be. I can't help it that random internet kids want attention enough to clutter the thread.

Originally Posted by Potamito
Then why u create this thread if u knew the type of response u were gonna get by the comunity? If ur intentions were to settle this privatetly between u and ur backer why u made it public? ANd why in hell would u want to continue to go against EVERY SINGLE POSTER here? And build yourself basically an awfull reputation and decreasing your chances of been backed by anybody here ever again?
Please, can any of the mods take care of this clown?
You actually think I created the thread? WOW
03-15-2011 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by augie_

what you have created here is a false dilemma. you are saying that there are only two possible outcomes in your situation, but you are completely ignoring the outcomes where you do not act like a ignorant little kid.
Well, we already know you're probably not a star in a debate, but humor me. Let's see some more plausible scenarios.
03-15-2011 , 12:40 PM
Calm down, random internet kid (LOL). The fact that you guys "like" other anonymous internet persons is pretty funny.
ah so we have finally discovered the disconnect. you think that none of this is real and what you do on the internet does not matter! just like most dumb 12 year olds.

many of us have a real name tied to their 2+2 account and occasionally interact with people in real life. it helps when those people do not consider you a scumbag! you still think you have done nothing wrong, but anyone (and i literally mean anyone) who reads this thread is going to avoid you like the plague. so you should probably just assume you are wrong, and then figure out a way for that to make sense in your twisted brain. because nobody that hasn't had a lobotomy is going to agree with you.

scenario 3: you don't quit your stake while in makeup? you are allowed to take a few days off and play when you are not tilted, you know...
03-15-2011 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
ah so we have finally discovered the disconnect. you think that none of this is real and what you do on the internet does not matter! just like most dumb 12 year olds.

many of us have a real name tied to their 2+2 account and occasionally interact with people in real life. it helps when those people do not consider you a scumbag! you still think you have done nothing wrong, but anyone (and i literally mean anyone) who reads this thread is going to avoid you like the plague. so you should probably just assume you are wrong, and then figure out a way for that to make sense in your twisted brain. because nobody that hasn't had a lobotomy is going to agree with you.

scenario 3: you don't quit your stake while in makeup? you are allowed to take a few days off and play when you are not tilted, you know...
Do you even understand anything I said? You actually "like" anonymous personalities online. If you think the personalities you encounter on the internet reflect reality, you're slower than I thought

Go re-read my two scenarios. Your "scenario 3" clearly shows you didn't comprehend what I posted.

Anyway, enough with the random third-party losers. I want to see Alex's response. You'd honestly continue to stake me with the noted incentive?

I don't think what the majority of people on this forum think holds much merit. These are the same people who cry if someone slowrolls them LOL
03-15-2011 , 12:50 PM
Augie: gl trying to convince this idiot he is wrong.
03-15-2011 , 12:58 PM
Bye scammer/thief.
03-15-2011 , 01:00 PM
If you think the personalities you encounter on the internet reflect reality, you're slower than I thought
amazingly, i have met dozens of people in real life after interacting with them on the internet! in fact, a large majority of my real life friends at this point i first met on the internet.

now i can see why you would not understand that, because you are just a common scammer and not an actual internet poker player. the scammer does not reveal himself in real life, he lurks in the shadows, attempting to collect as much free money as he can before the jig is up.

if you were a decent, thinking, and rational person, you would take a moment to consider why 100% of people disagree with you and you are standing alone. to your credit, you might truly not understand why what you did was wrong. ignorance is bliss, as they say.

you don't get mad at a little baby for eating white-out. you don't get mad at a very young puppy who pees on the floor. you have to educate them first, because it's impossible to make the correct decision if you do not have the baseline knowledge.
03-15-2011 , 01:00 PM

Other than being a total dolt (and I mean this in a nice way, of course) in resolving this situation, you were perhaps even more of an idiot for being staked in the first place. You've mentioned twice now that you have no incentive to play seriously when in makeup -- because, of course, you can just play out the rest of the 100k hands poorly and be off the hook -- which begs the question: Why the hell did you enter into a backing deal in the first place? Are you really that stu -- Nevermind, no need to answer that last one.
03-15-2011 , 01:07 PM
are u really this stupid? u think just cuz ur in makeup u can quit cuz u wont make money? if thats the case everyone would leave in makeup.. congrats on never getting staked again
03-15-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Joker89

Anyway, enough with the random third-party losers. I want to see Alex's response. You'd honestly continue to stake me with the noted incentive?
Bolded for emphasis. This is what you should have done, you should have contacted Alex and said you were having a hard time and what would he like you to do. Maybe he would have had you change sites. Maybe he would have had you take a week off. Maybe he would have just let you out of your accumulated makeup. But it's HIS DECISION TO MAKE. Not yours.

I will not debate that if you were tilted, mad at the world, frustrated you were in makeup, etc etc, that you may have played poorly and quitting alex may have actually saved him money. I will mention that if you don't think you can deal with the repercussions of being in makeup... that you don't take a staking deal involving makeup. Quitting him on your own accord and possibly saving him money does not make you a hero. It makes you a scumbag.
03-15-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Potamito
Dont understand why this guy was able to create a second account here after been banned...Why isnt a mod taking care of this? Why can someone create as many account as they want after scamming the comunity and still be a part of it?
Would you like us to go to his house and find his computer?

He had made the first post with the new account all of 34 minutes before you posted this, and yours was the first post report. It was dealt with about 40 minutes later.

Originally Posted by JL514
Bolded for emphasis. This is what you should have done, you should have contacted Alex and said you were having a hard time and what would he like you to do. Maybe he would have had you change sites. Maybe he would have had you take a week off. Maybe he would have just let you out of your accumulated makeup. But it's HIS DECISION TO MAKE. Not yours.
03-15-2011 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Joker89
I don't think what the majority of people on this forum think holds much merit.
That is an easy out. Unfortunately, it is not the majority of people, it is everyone who thinks you are wrong.

The story get upset that you are 3K in the hole, and you must play for free until you make up the 3K deficit. Well, the people who have agreed to a contract, and have any moral compass, play out the agreed upon deal, to the absolute best of their ability. To try and claim you were so stressed out you couldnt play is a BS excuse to get out of the stake.

There are poor guys out there tens and hundreds of thousands in make-up who work as hard as they can to reward the stakers faith in them, with at least an honest try.

If you had problems such as you could not feed your family, kicked to the streets, etc, then I am sure many stakers would understand and try and help a guy work out of the situation.

But you just act immature, and take zero responsibility for your actions. You can not even work hard for a guy who handed you free money, just because you get down a few K. Just add one more idiot to the list of poker losers who take advantage of those who provide money to those who really need it in the poker community.
03-15-2011 , 05:58 PM
Well I have heard IP bans are possible...
03-15-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by pageh656
Well I have heard IP bans are possible...

in before joker90 or is he IPbaned now?
03-15-2011 , 06:04 PM
Joker is perfect name for this guy
03-15-2011 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Would you like us to go to his house and find his computer?
I'll get my coat...and the torches...
03-15-2011 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Would you like us to go to his house and find his computer?

Originally Posted by Rainbow Warrior
I'll get my coat...and the torches...

I get it i get it, i´ll try to be more aware of this stuff on future post
03-15-2011 , 11:00 PM
Too bad this guy doesn't have a more unique name. He'd love it when he realized a google search of his name brought up how morally corrupt he is and that what he does here does indeed matter in real life.
03-16-2011 , 12:12 AM
So I hear Gary Johnson from Hunter college, NY is a scammer and a thief.

scammer Gary Johnson

oh gawd this guy is too dumb to even trainwreck

gbye scammer
03-16-2011 , 02:20 AM
Firstly, the number on the profit of the first stake was wrong. It was about 2100, not 2800. I don't know if Joker is still reading this thread, but in case he is, here is my answer to his question. I advised him once or twice casually to take a break if he needed it with no mention of ending the stake. He said he didn't need it, but did once hint at quitting in makeup prior to ending the stake, to which I expressed that I would be upset if he did. I also considered the idea of restructuring the makeup (i.e. making it 80/20 my favor for the -3k, and then lessening his share over the next period) so that at least he can get some kind of withdrawal during the stake). I did not discuss this option with him though as I did not want to mention something like that unless I was sure I was ready to go through with it.

I thought about reducing the makeup also, and have offered that in the past, specifically to my stakee Ricflair, who got into a huge amount of makeup relative to the stakes he was playing (2.2k at NL 50 and 100). Ricflair denied the offer and eventually has made most of it back playing NL 50. For transparency's sake ricflair is a personal friend, but my offering him a reduced makeup was a business decision as I felt it would encourage him to play better and more. Ricflair was super slow and depressed about it, but he eventually came through. I will not claim that I was considering this option out of charity to Gary, but because I thought it could possibly be the most +EV option for me also. I also was thinking of getting Gary a coach to help him through the struggles and I discussed this with him, and it would not have affected his split.

I was considering all these options and was ready to at least hire a coach, and possibly do the others. However while I was thinkg this over I received the email mentioned in the OP. I discussed with a friend that I was considering telling him I would reduce the makeup or ask him to take a break but please come back and finish after the break. My friend said "Are you joking? From this email he obviously does not care about you or your agreements, you absolutely cannot work together anymore." Another friend advised me to just wait some days and see if Joker contacted me again to try to make any attempt at sorting things out one way or another, either through offering to play for me again at some point in the future or negotiate a settlement of a % of the makeup in the future. I waited for a bit and eventually posted negative feedback.

I'm hesitant to use the words scammer or thief, but it is a breach of a clear agreement. I know Joker says I should think through my agreements more, but if I didn't have that clause which he didn't agree with about not quitting in makeup I would have a whole lot of people quitting me in makeup and saying "it's not against the agreement." Gl to me not taking huge losses staking, much less turning a profit, under those circumstances. As for that I should think through my agreements more, it's really the responsibility of both parties to be totally ok with them and committed to completing them before they enter them.

Anyhow, I'll live and learn.
03-17-2011 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by mjcace

in before joker90 or is he IPbaned now?
Here I am, buddy. I was busy sleeping.

Originally Posted by Rainbow Warrior
I'll get my coat...and the torches...
C'mon, man, you can't forget the pitchforks.

Originally Posted by Rasputin420
So I hear Gary Johnson from Hunter college, NY is a scammer and a thief.

scammer Gary Johnson

oh gawd this guy is too dumb to even trainwreck

gbye scammer
You're going to upset the thousands of Gary Johnsons out there.

Originally Posted by alex23
Firstly, the number on the profit of the first stake was wrong. It was about 2100, not 2800. I don't know if Joker is still reading this thread, but in case he is, here is my answer to his question. I advised him once or twice casually to take a break if he needed it with no mention of ending the stake. He said he didn't need it, but did once hint at quitting in makeup prior to ending the stake, to which I expressed that I would be upset if he did. I also considered the idea of restructuring the makeup (i.e. making it 80/20 my favor for the -3k, and then lessening his share over the next period) so that at least he can get some kind of withdrawal during the stake). I did not discuss this option with him though as I did not want to mention something like that unless I was sure I was ready to go through with it.

I thought about reducing the makeup also, and have offered that in the past, specifically to my stakee Ricflair, who got into a huge amount of makeup relative to the stakes he was playing (2.2k at NL 50 and 100). Ricflair denied the offer and eventually has made most of it back playing NL 50. For transparency's sake ricflair is a personal friend, but my offering him a reduced makeup was a business decision as I felt it would encourage him to play better and more. Ricflair was super slow and depressed about it, but he eventually came through. I will not claim that I was considering this option out of charity to Gary, but because I thought it could possibly be the most +EV option for me also. I also was thinking of getting Gary a coach to help him through the struggles and I discussed this with him, and it would not have affected his split.

I was considering all these options and was ready to at least hire a coach, and possibly do the others. However while I was thinkg this over I received the email mentioned in the OP. I discussed with a friend that I was considering telling him I would reduce the makeup or ask him to take a break but please come back and finish after the break. My friend said "Are you joking? From this email he obviously does not care about you or your agreements, you absolutely cannot work together anymore." Another friend advised me to just wait some days and see if Joker contacted me again to try to make any attempt at sorting things out one way or another, either through offering to play for me again at some point in the future or negotiate a settlement of a % of the makeup in the future. I waited for a bit and eventually posted negative feedback.

I'm hesitant to use the words scammer or thief, but it is a breach of a clear agreement. I know Joker says I should think through my agreements more, but if I didn't have that clause which he didn't agree with about not quitting in makeup I would have a whole lot of people quitting me in makeup and saying "it's not against the agreement." Gl to me not taking huge losses staking, much less turning a profit, under those circumstances. As for that I should think through my agreements more, it's really the responsibility of both parties to be totally ok with them and committed to completing them before they enter them.

Anyhow, I'll live and learn.
You're right. It was 2800 total profit and you took 2100 of it. My mistake. As you can see, I can choose not to pay anything. Personally, I believe I saved you money by stopping there. Not to mention the extra month in a half of your money being held up. It's not as if I am a random stakee. You profitably staked me before and Tiago profitably staked me before that.

Anyway, I did have in mind paying you the money back mostly because you've been screwed over so much by other stakees.

Funny that the geniuses of this forum want me to pay you back with monopoly money apparently. Obviously I don't have the money to pay right now, but you'll get it back. It IS funny to see these simpletons cry over a matter that doesn't concern them.

"Oh, he's playing 100nl and 200nl, why can't he pay back." Probably because I don't want to have to give him most, if not all, of my bankroll. You truly are dumb if you believe I'm going to cripple myself when I don't have to do so. It is interesting to see how many of these kiddies don't know what "scammer" and "thief" mean. This forum is truly entertaining specifically because of how dumb a lot of you act (assuming you're acting).

Now, unless there was some deadline stated in the contract about when I needed to pay back make-up, I see nothing more to discuss.

I await to see how long someone responds with "Huh, what, hey! He supposed to be banned! Why he postin?!?!"
03-17-2011 , 11:51 AM
Huh, what, hey! He supposed to be banned! Why he postin?!?!
03-17-2011 , 11:57 AM
He did it again
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