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Option 1: Horse partner needed - Option 2: Selling Horse makeup Option 1: Horse partner needed - Option 2: Selling Horse makeup

08-06-2010 , 02:43 PM
I'm considering one of two options with a horse I'm currently staking:

Option 1: Taking on a partner.
Option 2: Selling 0-100% of his makeup at a discounted price.

The horse is called PsYcOsNiPeR on 2+2 and Pokerstars: and he is being staked for 12/180 turbo SNGs. His SNG stats on sharkscope are excellent (see below).

Games 7903 - Av. Profit $2 - Av. Stake $10 - ROI 25% - Profit $19,209

Option 1: Please PM me with your MSN or Skype details so we can discuss terms.

Option 2: I'll run this like an auction. The best price / quantity will win. Only serious offers please. Option 2 will be cancelled if I proceed with option 1.

Additional notes:

The makeup is currently $2,100. PsYcOsNiPeR is happy for me to implement the above and will vouch for this by posting on the topic if needed.

PsYcOsNiPeR is a quality player, person and horse. He’s paid promptly on settlements, put in a lot of volume and is very dedicated to the stake. He also has over 3,000 posts on 2+2, has been staked by reputable people before and has great references.

I have very reputable references on this forum. I have bought and sold numerous shares on the marketplace before, paying all profits out promptly. Anyone opting into option 1 or 2 will have complete access to the horse and me. I’m a very professional, flexible and an easy person to work with.



Last edited by kingal3x; 08-06-2010 at 03:05 PM.
Option 1: Horse partner needed - Option 2: Selling Horse makeup Quote
08-06-2010 , 04:29 PM
pm sent
Option 1: Horse partner needed - Option 2: Selling Horse makeup Quote
08-06-2010 , 04:45 PM
Nate's a great player as he will tell you so, wish you guys the best
Option 1: Horse partner needed - Option 2: Selling Horse makeup Quote
08-08-2010 , 07:29 AM
MODS can close this thread. Thanks to everyone who showed an interest.
Option 1: Horse partner needed - Option 2: Selling Horse makeup Quote
