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***Official Staking Discussion Thread: Use this thread for staking advice/questions*** ***Official Staking Discussion Thread: Use this thread for staking advice/questions***

03-12-2012 , 05:42 AM
simplwe question...r those stakees trustworthy? or do i have to do some reaserch about each at a time?
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03-12-2012 , 06:07 AM
Trust no one - your question alone makes you likely to get rolled.
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03-15-2012 , 12:32 PM

Few weeks ago i applied for a staking but didn't know about the make-up. So i decided to cancel the staking.

Unfortunately i every time i try to build a bankroll i have to withdrawl the money at the end of the month, meaning that i have to start all over again (NL2 - NL5).

What i would like to ask is how make-up works?

For example, if i'm being staked and my results aren't what expected (im down like 5 BY) and the backer decide to stop the staking, i owe him the make-up?

If im staked for like 200$ and in the first month i make like 400$, with 50%/50% deal? I'm still on make-up?
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03-17-2012 , 06:59 PM
I have some totally noob questions about staking

What kind of ROI and volume does a backer usually expects? Is there is any standard for that or it completely differs from backer to backer?

I ask this simply to not look like an idiot if I apply for a stake, somebody looking at my application thinking "15% roi, only 300 mttsng's a month and this moran wants to be staked. LOL "

What is a minimum sample size for let's say SnG's for somebody to consider staking a player?
I understand that general thinking is that u need min. 5k SnG's to get a realistic picture of your ROI.
Do backers expect that big of a sample before staking someone?
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03-28-2012 , 06:33 AM
fishy $1100 live mtt with decent structure, what kinda markup is fair for a decent online player but not a soulcrusher (me lol)?
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03-28-2012 , 09:18 AM
Tax advice for running a mtt stable? Do you just 10-99 the horses? In some cases their money actually hits my bank account because I will pay them out of my bank and wait for the cashouts to process etc.
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04-05-2012 , 09:12 AM

Simple staking question here...

If I am going to stake someone in one single large MTT online, what would a fair percentage split be if he cashes? I would appreciate a few honest opinions here on maybe a range that is common. I don't have any experience staking with MTT's and only very little with cash games. Keep in mind it is not an ongoing stake, just a one time thing in which I pay for his entry. Also keep in mind that we both respect each other very much. I want to give him every penny he deserves if he cashes and he wants to give me every penny I deserve for paying for the entry.

Thanks for your time and input.
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04-06-2012 , 09:02 AM
Probably 75/25-90/10 in your favour depending on the MTT and his skill level.
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04-06-2012 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by mjcace
Tax advice for running a mtt stable? Do you just 10-99 the horses? In some cases their money actually hits my bank account because I will pay them out of my bank and wait for the cashouts to process etc.
Just keep strong records that shows how much you've made and how much each horse has made. Just because money enters your bank account doesn't mean it's taxable income. I never issued tax forms and I don't know of any backer that does (for online scores).
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04-06-2012 , 11:20 PM
How do you get "stakes" if you are new to the 2p2 community? Like how does a new player build up enough rep to recieve one?
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04-07-2012 , 12:03 AM
play good poker
make good posts
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04-09-2012 , 04:02 AM
question regarding staking for wsop. Say for example I stake someone in some events at the wsop. I pre register them with my cc online with me as the backer and the player as the horse. Is there any procedures in place where if the horse were to win say 300k, the staker would be guaranteed to get his share. Or is it compltetely on trust??
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04-09-2012 , 09:34 PM
quick question: good friend wants to start playing merge (he has won me lots in the past, about as good of a horse as you can get) and we always did straight 50/50 split. i kind of feel like i should ask for a ~60/40 split b/c there's a realistic chance i never get money b/c of the us government. or i could ask him to split the losses with me IF merge gets shut down and money is lost like FTP. any other options?

am i the only one staking americans thinking this way or is the "standard" stake still 50/50 for a good horse regardless of the added risk of the us government? thanks.
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04-09-2012 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by _UM
question regarding staking for wsop. Say for example I stake someone in some events at the wsop. I pre register them with my cc online with me as the backer and the player as the horse. Is there any procedures in place where if the horse were to win say 300k, the staker would be guaranteed to get his share. Or is it compltetely on trust??
Casino will only pay out the winner. It's on you to get your payout from the player.
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04-11-2012 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by danjd22
How do you get "stakes" if you are new to the 2p2 community? Like how does a new player build up enough rep to recieve one?
Yeah I wonder about this as well. I've written 7 stakers and no one responds even though I'm a solid winning player.

And still I get no responses :-/
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04-14-2012 , 10:00 AM
Hello, I'd like some advice about a small staking deal i'd like to set up with a friend of mine.

I'm giving him 1500$ to play 50$NL 100bb 6max on stars. And try this for 100k or 200k hands. What percentage should i get when profit?

He's a 3 big blinds/100 winner on 25$NL 6max over 700k hands...

I'm new to staking... any advice?
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04-17-2012 , 04:44 AM
Can someone quickly explain make up?
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04-18-2012 , 04:38 AM
I have about $5,000 I would like to invest but I'm not too experienced with this and I'm afraid I would get scammed or pick someone who doesn't suit me. I also suck at poker so I wouldn't be able to provide any coaching or HH review. Are there experienced staking groups in which I can invest that will find the right players and coach them?
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04-18-2012 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
Can someone quickly explain make up?
The amount the horse lost since the last profit split. The amount the horse has to win till he gets a piece of his winnings again, until then it goes all to the backer.
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04-19-2012 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by scrolls
quick question: good friend wants to start playing merge (he has won me lots in the past, about as good of a horse as you can get) and we always did straight 50/50 split. i kind of feel like i should ask for a ~60/40 split b/c there's a realistic chance i never get money b/c of the us government. or i could ask him to split the losses with me IF merge gets shut down and money is lost like FTP. any other options?

am i the only one staking americans thinking this way or is the "standard" stake still 50/50 for a good horse regardless of the added risk of the us government? thanks.
I stopped staking after black friday but can you simply tell your friend you're concerned about the added risk and talk out a way to deal with it?

Originally Posted by YouFaiil
Can someone quickly explain make up?
This has been done a million times in this thread, use the search

Originally Posted by chinagambler
I have about $5,000 I would like to invest but I'm not too experienced with this and I'm afraid I would get scammed or pick someone who doesn't suit me. I also suck at poker so I wouldn't be able to provide any coaching or HH review. Are there experienced staking groups in which I can invest that will find the right players and coach them?
Coaching is not required for staking. I have staked some players that were much better than I was. Just know this going in and don't tell people you'll coach them. It's relatively easy not to get scammed, pick well known horses with lots of references that don't have a past history of shadiness or tilt problems. Research prospective horses A LOT. Get them on skype, talk to them, feel them out and don't commit unless you feel secure. Start out with a small bankroll so your exposure is not huge and build it as you feel more comfortable.

Originally Posted by Amstul Brojt
Hello, I'd like some advice about a small staking deal i'd like to set up with a friend of mine.

I'm giving him 1500$ to play 50$NL 100bb 6max on stars. And try this for 100k or 200k hands. What percentage should i get when profit?

He's a 3 big blinds/100 winner on 25$NL 6max over 700k hands...

I'm new to staking... any advice?
Typical deals are 50/50 on profits and typically include value from fpps. He's a friend and a proven winner which would tilt more in his favor, but you are putting him into a higher game where he is not proven. 50/50 is fine.
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04-20-2012 , 03:12 AM
Whats the ratio of real winning non-tiling players who actually pay their stakers vs scammers and 0 or minus ev horses?

1 to 10?
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04-20-2012 , 07:20 PM
So I am hoping to find some information quickly so I don't have to look through all 110 pages of this thread. Regardless, here is my situation:

I am playing the ME this year and was looking for some sort of agreement between friends and family that are interested in backing? I have read briefly about a markup and that makes sense with travel costs, etc...but I also want to be fair to family/friends who are interested.

So what is relatively common and how are taxes typically worked out?

I am a lawyer, so I may take the agreement on p.1, but does anyone have a form agreement a little better suited to family/friends?
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04-20-2012 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by DEECH
So I am hoping to find some information quickly so I don't have to look through all 110 pages of this thread. Regardless, here is my situation:

I am playing the ME this year and was looking for some sort of agreement between friends and family that are interested in backing? I have read briefly about a markup and that makes sense with travel costs, etc...but I also want to be fair to family/friends who are interested.

So what is relatively common and how are taxes typically worked out?

I am a lawyer, so I may take the agreement on p.1, but does anyone have a form agreement a little better suited to family/friends?
1) It's a horrible idea to mix poker and gambling with friends and especially family that may not understand.

2) Just use the markup system but charge what you feel is a low and fair price

3) An email stating the amount of money you were paid and the amount share that person receives should be enough.
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04-21-2012 , 02:37 AM
Hi sorry for the newb post. Don’t know too much about staking.

Never really staked anyone online before. (Only ones I've done are small $10-$50 tournies)

Was wondering how the process was when staking someone for say the Sunday Millions, I'm sure if they cash for a small number it's no biggie. My question is when they score for a big number how do protect myself to make sure my horse transfers me my share of the $. Is it all based on trust or you give your horse to sign something before hand?
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04-22-2012 , 10:48 PM
I have a question for the mods here. Iam new to staking and i had some reactions for staking. The stable contacts me on Skype and after 1 day they said to me; We are not expanding our stable so we not gonna stake you (ok i understand). After a couple of hours i still see the topic on 2+2, so they where lying to me (no problem but i like people that are honest to me). After i said that, he said the next thing;

Please do not contact me or apply for a stake from me again. If you do I will post about it in the negative feedback thread.

My question is; Can he do that because i just ask to be honest?
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