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***Official Staking Discussion Thread: Use this thread for staking advice/questions*** ***Official Staking Discussion Thread: Use this thread for staking advice/questions***

10-19-2010 , 06:46 PM
You need to be a good standing 2+2 member for 6 months. PM a Mod in this forum and they will set you good.
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10-19-2010 , 07:30 PM
i have a question about posting in the forum. when we reply to a stake thread do we need to post every single poker account we have even if we've never played on it or haven't used it in years?
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10-20-2010 , 09:13 AM
No, you just need to post a relevant sn. Usually a stars or ftp name, or both.
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10-28-2010 , 02:18 AM
Question for backers:

For those of you that do not play how do you get your money off the site?
I imagine the guys that have a huge stable do not play enough to cover
all the money coming in.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but it has been pestering me for a well.
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10-28-2010 , 04:07 AM
Full Tilt isnt very strict on play/cashout ratios.

Stars on the other hand is quite a pain to deal with sometimes.
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10-28-2010 , 08:39 AM
Hey, so I'm going to be staking a friend to play 100nl 6max for just over 100k hands, a level he has beaten before for about 2.45 ptbb/100 over several hundred thousand hands. It also potentially included allowing him to play 100nl hu. I suggested a 50/50 split where he keeps rakeback if he is up, but if he is down the value of fpp's and the % of milestone bonuses and stellar rewards (he plays on stars) earned during the stake go towards covering losses. He agreed to allow fpp's to cover losses but feels that adding the milestone bonus as a further cover is too much. Particularly he said that it gives an inherent advantage to staking him during a period where he will actually clear a milestone, which does make sense since I expect him to hit 100k vpp's but not 200k. Anyone have thoughts on what is fair? He mentioned that his previous staker had no minimum hand requirements and did not touch his rakeback, only his profit for the month. I know this is true but I think he got lucky and received an exceptionally sweet deal there.

Below is the actual term he had issue with:

The stakee will keep all rakeback if at the end of the staking agreement the stakee is up on the stake. If not, rakeback will go towards covering losses. On pokerstars rakeback will be counted as $.016 per fpp while supernova, $.015/fpp if buying a $1,500 bonus and $.016 if buying a $4000 bonus. Regarding milestones and stellar rewards, the % of the milestone and stellar rewards earned under the stake will be used to calculate rakeback. So, for instance, if the stakee earns the 100,000 vpp milestone but only 20,000 of those 100,000 vpp's were earned during the stake, then up to $200 from the $1,000 milestone bonus will be used towards covering losses. For stellar rewards, the total value is $1,000 and will be determined in the same fashion.
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10-31-2010 , 10:16 AM
Could someone help me with this.

I am from the UK, I backed US player he cashes in live event and now seems to think i need to pay the tax on the winnings.

I dont really understand the numbers here ( w-2 / 1042-S) could someone explain please as i am sure i dont have to pay the tax

Find below part of PM he sent me:

" the US gov't requires non-US residents who make any sort of income in the country to complete a 1042-S. normally i could care less if you didn't, except foxwoods submitted a W-2 to the IRS, and the IRS will expect taxes to be filed on the full profit whether by me or you. i'm not really in the position to pay taxes for income that isn't mine, especially when i had <20% of myself in the package. i'm sorry if this wasn't clear in my thread, i actually was not sure myself how taxes and staking work especially for foreign backers "

Can anyone advise / help me find previous posts on this.

Many Thanks in advance
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11-01-2010 , 02:17 AM
I have marketplace privileges; if I was looking to post an ad seeking a backer for a sne run in 2011 where would I post that?

Thank you.
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11-04-2010 , 06:28 AM
I have marketplace privileges; if I was looking to post an ad seeking a backer for a sne run in 2011 where would I post that?

My question:
Is it ok to apply for a stake by pm'ing the link to the thread i made in marketplace about me searching backing to potential backers, looking for horses?
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11-04-2010 , 06:33 PM
Probably best not to send unsolicited PM's Emaa. If you're responding to thread created by a backer I'd respond in the method outlined in their OP.
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11-06-2010 , 07:04 PM
Is there an easier way for backers to search for a bunch of players on stars playing tournaments at once instead of just selecting them one by one in the search feature?

I'd appreciate any suggestions
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11-06-2010 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Jasonfp
Is there an easier way for backers to search for a bunch of players on stars playing tournaments at once instead of just selecting them one by one in the search feature?

I'd appreciate any suggestions
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11-07-2010 , 06:32 PM
A good friend of mine who has some money wants to stake me in live cash games until i feel i want the deal to end, basically doing me a huge favor. The agreement is 60/40 stakee/backer and he basically keeps me in action. Whats the best way to go about this?
We agreed that giving me the bankroll all up front is pointless and he can just keep me with five buy ins in my pocket at all times, and since there is no make up, i would just supplement any losses to the bankroll with his winnings then settle up with him? Then give him back his 5 buy ins at the end of the staking since it will always be his money? Does this make sense? I'm having some trouble figuring out how a staking deal like this works where hes doing me a favor more so than a business deal.... any help would be much appreciated.
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11-07-2010 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by ItsOnlyChips
thanks for the help
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11-10-2010 , 12:20 AM
I have a horse who I got on a downswing. He has lost close to $7k between 100-200nl, most of which has been at 100nl, about $1k of which was on my money. His lifetime winrate on ptr for 100nl is still about 2.3 or 2.4 ptbb/100 over almost 400,000 hands despite this massive downswing. I'm trying to help him get out of it but tbh I'm not much of a 6max player (play mostly ssnl hu with decent results but have >100k hands of 100nl 6max with about 1ptbb/100). Any thoughts on what I can do? I've been making him do detailed analysis of hands, and am thinking of hiring one of our common friends as a coach?
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11-14-2010 , 12:33 AM
Hiring a coach seems like a good idea. Make sure hes legit and the horse is capable of taking advice and criticism from his friend. How long you believe you will be staking him would be a big factor in my decision of sticking with the horse or not. Will he leave on his own after he learns some new things and starts crushing? That hurts your end.
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11-16-2010 , 02:42 AM
hey guys, new to this forum. i'm asking for a friend whos thinking about staking BUSK9 on Ultimate bet (profile below) but has no idea where to start/industry standards for mtts ( as far as percentages and things). Also, can anyone vouch for the credibility of this player? he seems very unknown and my friend is hesitant about sending on the chance of getting scammed.
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11-17-2010 , 04:50 PM
is it standard for a backer to have stakees login information ?
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11-17-2010 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Matty_PEE
is it standard for a backer to have stakees login information ?
Not standard by any means but it does happen and sometimes is requested. IMO there's a huge underlying issue with either you or the backer if a partner is asking for your log in info as a prerequisite to being staked. If it's the latter then look elsewhere.
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11-17-2010 , 05:16 PM
Also, has anyone had any experience with the type of backer that is only taking horses who sign up through them as an affiliate? Would love to hear from anyone who's done this, both positive and negative. Feel free to PM me with the story if that's better. I'm specifically looking for cases of abuse, or to gauge how common the whole thing is. Thanks
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11-17-2010 , 07:17 PM
Quick question: I'm being staked under a standard 50/50 profits+rakeback deal. Full Tilt took a long time to process a couple of my bank transfers, so they gave me $50 for the inconvenience and transferred it directly into my account. Is all $50 mine or is the staker entitled to half?
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11-19-2010 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Matty_PEE
is it standard for a backer to have stakees login information ?
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Not standard by any means but it does happen and sometimes is requested. IMO there's a huge underlying issue with either you or the backer if a partner is asking for your log in info as a prerequisite to being staked. If it's the latter then look elsewhere.
I don't believe requesting a players login info is unreasonable. It is up to the player to decide who to trust. It depends on your situation and the backers standards. Do your part to protect yourself by not having bank/cc info linked to your account. You must clear your funds out first. Obviously don't give your info to unproven backers but many backers in this community require that information. The people you want to be backed by will not risk their reputations over whatever small amount of $ they could possibly gain from accessing your account. Most importantly make sure you are dealing with reputable people which can be figured out by their standing in the community etc.

In the end, all that matters is that you are comfortable with giving out the info. If you can provide the info a certain backer requires that is good, if not find a different backer who does not need that info. Be good to your backers they will be good to you.
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11-19-2010 , 03:46 AM
IMO everything you just said there can and should be applied to both ways. I guess this is because I'm a winning player and don't steal so I feel just as worthy in a partnership as the backer. Backing can be very lucrative as well and sometimes it seems backers are put many steps above horses. IMO it's a partnership and a horse is no less then a backer.

I'm not saying there is anything inherently wrong or much to be concerned with, as far as your account, I was more leaning towards the point that if someone feels they need your log in info then there is obviously a lacking of trust and is a flawed relationship right from the get go if that's an issue.

BTW, my backer has my log in info and it's not because he ever asked for it. I'm just stating that to further highlight the point that it's not about the actual log in info or account issues, it's about someone feeling they need this in order to have a relationship/partnership.
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11-19-2010 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Also, has anyone had any experience with the type of backer that is only taking horses who sign up through them as an affiliate? Would love to hear from anyone who's done this, both positive and negative. Feel free to PM me with the story if that's better. I'm specifically looking for cases of abuse, or to gauge how common the whole thing is. Thanks
This is something I still really love to hear anyone's thoughts on. To give an example scenario I'll use something that I seem to have gotten myself in, but am not going to mention names at this point. I'm going to wait a few more days to make it over a month, then it's probably the right thing to do to warn others because there is a potential for abuse here.

Without going into too much detail, I applied for and was accepted for a stake. The prerequisite to this was that I play and open on a brand new account on a site I've never played before, through the backer, as the backer is also an affiliate. The only other prerequisite was a certain reference that was not included in the application.

I opened my account and let the backer know and waited for us to begin. I waited no less then 3 weeks without contacting him because I figured he was professional and had good reason for not contacting me. After three weeks I finally contacted him because I started to wonder wtf. He then tells me the certain reference had not contacted him yet. This is after I has already shown him many references including decades of play, 100's of trades and some escrows I was asked to do, former staking deals, personal info, on and on.

Since he wants to put everything on one reference only, that is fine. What is not fine imo is not contacting me to tell me what the hold up is. I found out that the reference he wanted over looked my request to contact him (I had asked him a couple times at least, but he has his own stable so is pretty busy and we talk everyday so I can see how he overlooked it).

Anyway that was a week ago and this ref confirmed that he contacted him. I still have heard nothing. In fact, I'm not going to be doing this deal anymore, but my only concern now is that there is a potential for abuse here in that someone could be accepting deals under the prerequisite that a horse has to open an account under them but once that's done they either drop contact or drop the agreement. I also was going to open an account at this site on my own, without this deal, but now am in a spot where I am tied to an affiliate that I don't feel like supporting because of the way this was set up.

1. Deal is made to do a stake
2. Prerequisite is for the horse to open an account through the backer's affiliate and for current backer to PM added backer as only ref requested.
3. Horse follows his obligation immediately on both.
4. Horse waits 3 weeks to finally ask wtf is going on and backer who made no attempt to contact horse or the reference then tells horse that one thing is holding it up (contact from said ref)
5. Horse again contacts ref and ref contacts backer.
6. Horse is again waiting with no contact and can only be wondering if he was duped into opening an account through the backers affiliate for monetary gain of the backer with no intention of completing his side of the agreement.

Sorry that's long, hope the cliffs help. Really not sure what to do from here guys but I've decided after a month that others should be warned. Thanks for any input
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11-19-2010 , 10:37 AM
thx for the responses
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