Who am i and what do i want?
Hi. My name is Tim, I am 24 and from England. I am looking for a stake in the 2.20 180 man tournaments as well as filtering in some 180 3'rs and any other micro/low mtt's we both feel happy with adding.
Poker history and current commitments?
I have been playing online for a few years but have never been able to put in serious volume due to work commitments. Although I am still employed, those long days/weekends are no more an issue so I have alot more grinding time spare.
I believe myself to be a pretty solid player but feel I could benefit from being backed by someone who has knowledge in the games mentioned above.
As I've stated before I haven't put in a great deal of volume but for what I have played I am a winning player and have decent enough results.
I currently 10-15 table when playing and normally run games continuously as appose to playing sets.
I am honest and reliable and will be on time for any meeting arrangements we have planned, unless I inform you before hand in good time.
Staking History.
I was staked for the 2.20 180 mans for a sample of 330 games. My backer was happy to continue the arrangement but I had to end it due to the work commitments stated previously. I can give the name of this backer out in PM if required.
Here are my lifetime stats on Stars:
Thanks for reading.
PM me for any additional info.
Stim1986 on Stars.