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MTT Player ready to put in volume seeks a stake. MTT Player ready to put in volume seeks a stake.

04-07-2011 , 03:38 PM
Who am i and what do i want?

Hi. My name is Tim, I am 24 and from England. I am looking for a stake in the 2.20 180 man tournaments as well as filtering in some 180 3'rs and any other micro/low mtt's we both feel happy with adding.

Poker history and current commitments?
I have been playing online for a few years but have never been able to put in serious volume due to work commitments. Although I am still employed, those long days/weekends are no more an issue so I have alot more grinding time spare.

I believe myself to be a pretty solid player but feel I could benefit from being backed by someone who has knowledge in the games mentioned above.
As I've stated before I haven't put in a great deal of volume but for what I have played I am a winning player and have decent enough results.
I currently 10-15 table when playing and normally run games continuously as appose to playing sets.

I am honest and reliable and will be on time for any meeting arrangements we have planned, unless I inform you before hand in good time.

Staking History.

I was staked for the 2.20 180 mans for a sample of 330 games. My backer was happy to continue the arrangement but I had to end it due to the work commitments stated previously. I can give the name of this backer out in PM if required.

Here are my lifetime stats on Stars:

Thanks for reading.

PM me for any additional info.

Stim1986 on Stars.
MTT Player ready to put in volume seeks a stake. Quote
04-08-2011 , 02:03 PM
Pm sent
MTT Player ready to put in volume seeks a stake. Quote
04-08-2011 , 05:34 PM
Hey Tim,

Take a look at my staking thread below. We are currently looking to pick up more players and you may be a compatible fit in our group. A stake under us will provide you vast potential in improving your poker game and moving up accordingly, with bonus incentives along the way.

If you are interested, please PM me your skype name and we can discuss further. Best of luck!
MTT Player ready to put in volume seeks a stake. Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:58 PM

Looking for a backer for either of the following:

- 180 mans at the lowest stakes with the intention of moving up when we both feel the time is right.

- Small stakes 18/27/45 man tourneys on Stars at the lowest level ($3.50) whilst aiming to move up to the 7 's.

Please PM so we can discuss further.
MTT Player ready to put in volume seeks a stake. Quote
