My name is Erik, I'm 27yo, and I live in Toronto. I'm an over-analytical, depressive (sometimes), type of individual that will probably never be satisfied in life. I have a degree in Social Science, and I just got married. I had a decent salary job as a quality assurance manager at a condominium restoration company for the past year, and I literally quit two weeks ago because I was unhappy. I gave up the salary, the company car, security, everything... I'm going all-in on poker because this is what I want to be Great at, and it's what I am good at.
Throughout university I played a lot of live poker, was a regular poster on Cardrunners, and eventually became a forum moderator there. A year ago I started playing on Bodog and have had some success at 6max NL.
I've had great coaches such as Tyman89, TMckendry, and Matt Janda. I've approached the game from an exploitative point of view for a long time, and have had great coaching from players who view poker through that lens. However, recently I've been trying to approach the game from a GTO standpoint. Hence, Matt Janda.
What I'm looking for:
I want a Great player that is much better than myself to stake and coach me. I want to stress that I want to be coached, not just have someone throw money at me and do a group chat twice a week.
I'd like an Elite player to take an emotional and financial interest in me. I'd like that person to feel like they helped mold and shape me into a great player at the end of it - and feel good about themselves.
We can start at midstakes, but my goal is to move up to the highest limits possible at 6max NL and stay a winner there.
Have you ever seen Whiplash? I'm that guy.