Hi all
About me:
I'm Simon, 22 years old and from the UK.
Been playing poker for 6 years now and has been my main source of income for like 4 years now.
My poker story is basically like everyone's, played a ton of hands done well and kept on moving up. now your probably asking yourself why I need a stake,
Well at the start of the year i decided to go for SNE on stars playing 6 max PLO which I'm not brilliant at and lost a bunch and gave up the SNE chase.
What I am Looking for:
Someone to back me for 100NL-200NL we can discuss cut and all that in private. I'm open to play on any site I am supernova on stars and about 90vpps away from a 2k+ bonus I think.
Stats and all that...
Well I only have 1 that I'm in contact with don't think I have ever been staked on here but the guy who I know is called invertible on 2+2 he hasn't backed me but he knows I'm a legit guy.
On part time poker I won like 6k and shipped to backer his cut asap! You can ask him about me but I'm not sure he will remember me or if he is still around.
Other than that you can check my past I'm pretty sure there is nothing to be worried about.
I did put another thread up about a HUPLO stake which didn't get too much interest hence why I'm making this 1 I'm still open to it though.
Si777 on stars
UnitedAs1 on merge
right I think that's it I have skype so please ask for my skype if interested.