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**CLOSED**Looking for MTT stake at ABI **CLOSED**Looking for MTT stake at ABI

08-03-2010 , 03:16 PM
Hi! This is gonna seem like a wall of text I'm sure, but bare with me. Reading the following might be worth a lot of money to you.

My name is Adam, 21 years old from Sweden. Last year I grinded MTTs on and off for most of the year and had some decent results, but switched to NL50 HU late in the year because I wanted to try something new. I quickly advanced to NL100 HU where I kept winning and then decided to take out almost half my roll to buy a high-end computer and a 3 month trip to Tanzania where I will work as a volunteer between mid sept - mid dec.

I then proceeded to go on a downswing on NL100 and had to move down in stakes, and eventually switched to SNGs. Safe to say, the SNG god hates me for some reason. I almost gave up poker but decided to leave $200 in my account and play $20 HU SNGs until I had $500. Then I switched to $6 HU SNG shootouts (thread about this adventure in the PG&C forum: and had built up my roll to $2k in 1½ month before going on the most brutal downswing of my life. I lost 50 buy-ins in something like 4 days on the $23 level and while I could theoretically go back to grinding the Happy Meal stakes again, I can't really see that happening before my trip.

So that leads us to why I'm posting here. I'm initially looking for a short term stake for MTTs, since I'm leaving in 1½ month. If everything works well between you and me, I don't see a reason why we can't continue when I come home again if you would like to do so.

I'm willing to give you a very good deal. This is for the following reasons: 1) it's (initially) a short term deal in MTTs which means variance, 2) I'm not really active on these boards and understand that you would probably hesitate to stake an unknown. So, for taking these risks, I am gonna compensate you. Here's my idea:

You stake me for an initial two weeks. You get a 75-25 deal in your favor. After this period, we can discuss how to move along further. If we do continue, I will still give you the 75-25 deal no matter what, up until my trip in september. Additionally, I will give you 50% of any possible tournaments I enter via FPPs. This includes everything from buying MTT tickets in the VIP store to qualifying through FPP sattelites.

I've made a document of the schedule of tournaments I'm interested in playing in. It features 44 daily tournaments that start from 10:40 to 23:40 CET and I don't plan to play every single one every day. The reason I have included so many is that I would like to have the option to start my session at any time during the day, while offering you as a staker a clear cut document over which tournaments you are staking me for. The schedule has a total buy-in of $890.60 and an average buy-in of $20.24 (1 rebuy 1 add-on for every rebuy mtt calculated). You can find it here.

I work by far the best when I'm relieved of the stress of a strict time or game schedule to play every day. I feel it is in both of our best interests to give me the freedom of choice to start grinding at any time, while still having a good set of tournaments scheduled. Also, there can be a few days when I will not be able to play.

Sounds good? By now, I'm sure you want to see some straight up numbers. Here are links to my OPR for Stars and Full tilt:

If they for some reason don't work, I'm Miracle Mule on both sites.

Shoot me a PM or reply in this thread with any questions or offers.

Last edited by JL514; 08-05-2010 at 06:29 PM.
**CLOSED**Looking for MTT stake at ABI Quote
08-03-2010 , 03:29 PM
i know i have no place posting in here. i just want to drop my vouch for op, knowing him well irl.
**CLOSED**Looking for MTT stake at ABI Quote
08-05-2010 , 06:22 PM
Found someone.
**CLOSED**Looking for MTT stake at ABI Quote
