We kick off the week with the fourth part of
citizenwind and
NxtWrldChamp’s on-going series. The two of them are seated at four $100NL 6-max tables. In this video, shown from citizenwind’s perspective, he plays unconventionally to throw off his fellow CR Pro. He discusses pot controlling, postflop play, and dynamics.
Returning with another video is
JBaller88. In the video he plays four tables of $200NL and discusses floating, aggression, and the necessary preflop adjustments according to gameflow and table dynamics.
The first video at CardRunners featuring strategy at PLO8 Sit and Go’s premieres.
Predator006 fires up four SNGs ranging from $16 to $60 and discusses how SNGs play differently than the PLO8 Cash games. He hones in on weak-tight opponents and focuses on post flop play and hand-reading.
Part 3 of the popular LeakFinder series featuring CR Heads Up Championship winner
Marshall28 and fellow pro
iRock. In this segment of the LeakFinder, Marshall28 plays four tables of $1000NL and iRock plays critic. They discuss non-standard lines to keep opponents guessing and some characteristics of these stakes.
Playing two tables of $5/$10 Limit Holdem, CardRunners Pro
doughnutz discusses adjustments, playable hands based off table position, and hand ranges.
Part 2 of the in-depth Leakfinder series between
mindcirkus and CardRunners Brand Manager
Alex Huang. The video features play at both the popular shallow games as well as the 100bb games on PokerStars at $100PLO.
Fresh off his nearly $1 Million week,
skjervoy returns with another PLO video for High Stakes Friday.
Back with his second series at CardRunners,
mement_mori releases a new High Stakes MTT video.
Firing up some 45-man SNGs,
Collin Moshman discusses his approach to these games. He emphasizes the importance of stats when playing these games and closely analyzes the numbers using Holdem Manager’s Replayer.
Finally, as always, spend your Sunday with
Andrew Wiggins and
Taylor Caby in the fan favorite Count the Zeros. There's not much else going on during Sunday afternoons, you might as well spend it with us.