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Recommended SNG Learning Path at CardRunners Recommended SNG Learning Path at CardRunners

03-09-2014 , 11:08 AM
As of 03/01/2014, CardRunners currently offers 358 videos aimed at Single Table Tournament Poker.

Here’s our SNG Learning Path highlighting some video series that will help get you started:

For Beginners:
$16 Buy-in or lower, or generally losing/break-even players

Key Instructors: Sippin_Criss, lallez0r, PrimordialAA

- Replayer: Guide to 180-man SNGs (3 parts) – lallez0r replays a 180-man victory, reviewing the key hands that led up to the final table. Topics include opponent profiling, exploiting weak players, and blind vs blind play.

- Replayer: SNG – Sippin_Criss replays a 9-man SNG filled with hero calls and hero folds.

- Heads Up SNG From Scratch (2 parts) – PrimordialAA brings a series meant to be a great starting point for people making the move from 9-man SNGs to HU SNGs.

For Intermediate Players:
$55 Buy-in or lower

Key Instructors: Collin Moshman, Braminc, MachtiSonni, Faarcyde

- Classroom: ICM And Beyond – MachtiSonni discusses deviating from ICM. Topics include shoving strategies, math, and even Michael Bolton.

- The Odd Couple (4 parts) – Faarcyde and Braminc team up and review play in a 45-man SNG.

- The Quickie: Calling Range Quiz – Collin Moshman quizzes the viewer on calling ranges versus regs. He talks about optimal calling ranges in-game when software can’t provide an answer

- SNG Payout Analysis (6 parts) – Braminc discusses late-game strategies and the math behind the bubble factor.

- Live Sessions: Multi-Tabling SNGs – Collin Moshman 12-tables live on PokerStars. Topics include shoving ranges, ICM, and more.

For Advanced Players:
$55+ Buy-in

Key Instructors:, Braminc, MachtiSonni, oasis00, PrimordialAA

- Live Sessions: $109 SNGs – MachtiSonni plays a variety of SNGs filled with regs. Key topics include c-bets, limping, and more.

- Classroom: The EV Line – Braminc discusses the EV line and the myths and misconceptions surrounding the misunderstood stat.

- Live Sessions $109 HU SNGs Versus a Reg – oasis00 4-tables a reg on PartyPoker. Topics include exploitation, tendencies, and in-game adjustments.

- Live Sessions: NLHE HU SNG – PrimordialAA fires up two tables of high-stakes HU SNGs and illustrates why he’s one of the best.
03-15-2014 , 06:15 PM
I think these are all new, but in terms of older videos, Jackal made a great and extremely detailed guide to SNG's. The SNG System
03-16-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by rkv
I think these are all new, but in terms of older videos, Jackal made a great and extremely detailed guide to SNG's. The SNG System
Yep - I focused on 2011 and later for the video paths, but we have some great stuff in the archives.
