As of 03/01/2014, CardRunners currently offers 358 videos aimed at Single Table Tournament Poker.
Heres our SNG Learning Path highlighting some video series that will help get you started:
For Beginners:
$16 Buy-in or lower, or generally losing/break-even players
Key Instructors: Sippin_Criss, lallez0r, PrimordialAA
Replayer: Guide to 180-man SNGs (3 parts)
lallez0r replays a 180-man victory, reviewing the key hands that led up to the final table. Topics include opponent profiling, exploiting weak players, and blind vs blind play.
Replayer: SNG
Sippin_Criss replays a 9-man SNG filled with hero calls and hero folds.
Heads Up SNG From Scratch (2 parts)
PrimordialAA brings a series meant to be a great starting point for people making the move from 9-man SNGs to HU SNGs.
For Intermediate Players:
$55 Buy-in or lower
Key Instructors: Collin Moshman, Braminc, MachtiSonni, Faarcyde
Classroom: ICM And Beyond
MachtiSonni discusses deviating from ICM. Topics include shoving strategies, math, and even Michael Bolton.
The Odd Couple (4 parts)
Faarcyde and
Braminc team up and review play in a 45-man SNG.
The Quickie: Calling Range Quiz
Collin Moshman quizzes the viewer on calling ranges versus regs. He talks about optimal calling ranges in-game when software cant provide an answer
SNG Payout Analysis (6 parts)
Braminc discusses late-game strategies and the math behind the bubble factor.
Live Sessions: Multi-Tabling SNGs
Collin Moshman 12-tables live on PokerStars. Topics include shoving ranges, ICM, and more.
For Advanced Players:
$55+ Buy-in
Key Instructors:, Braminc, MachtiSonni, oasis00, PrimordialAA
Live Sessions: $109 SNGs
MachtiSonni plays a variety of SNGs filled with regs. Key topics include c-bets, limping, and more.
Classroom: The EV Line
Braminc discusses the EV line and the myths and misconceptions surrounding the misunderstood stat.
Live Sessions $109 HU SNGs Versus a Reg
oasis00 4-tables a reg on PartyPoker. Topics include exploitation, tendencies, and in-game adjustments.
Live Sessions: NLHE HU SNG
PrimordialAA fires up two tables of high-stakes HU SNGs and illustrates why hes one of the best.