Originally Posted by nattybongo
Ok, so i've been playing poker for about 3years now and I need to improve my game.
Im a break-even player with some moderate success and was thinking about getting a coach. But after a look around on here I found out that it's best to invest in a training site and work on my game before I need a coach.
Im currently playing micro stake games (NL10/NL25 FR, $5 MTT/SnG's) and both my ring game and MTT game need improving but i'm not sure which training site to sign up for.
I've been looking at CardRunners and they seem to have the best cash game selection but what is there MTT selection like?
I've also been looking at DeucesCracked and they seem to have a good cash game selection too.
But what I mite do is since CR is asking for $240 for 6 months, I mite join DC for 6 months at $147 to improve my cash game and join PokerPwnage for 6 months for $150 to improve my MTT game. Adding up to $297. And since I live in the UK this will only cost me approx £200 for 6 months at 2 great poker training sites with good communitys.
Our micro stakes instructors are sick. Between Verneer, MDoranD, Citizenwind & [vital]Myth alone you're getting more than your money's worth.
Our current MTT instructors are some of the best in the game, including mement_mori, augie and Matt "jacksup" Matros. MeatBuoy also makes small stakes MTT vids, and recently recorded a $3 90 man video. The videos in our library from Mike "Timex" McDonald and Matt "mlagoo" LaGarde are awesome and still useful. Even some of the oldest MTT videos we offer, from Isaac "Mr. Menlo" Baron, Aaron Been and adanthar are still helpful despite some changes in the MTT world.
With CR you can get cash and MTT content, plus SNGs, PLO, and Mixed Games, in case you decide you want to branch out further. For $360 you can learn cash and tournaments for a whole year.
You can also sign up for CR for free through Truly Free Poker Training if you play on Full Tilt. Check out
this thread for more info.