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omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #165 omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #165

04-18-2021 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Arsenal are trash, bro. Just like every other team because football sucks.

Except Manchester United, obviously.
u just jinxed them
04-18-2021 , 04:24 PM
Arsenal have Lacazette and Obamayang
04-18-2021 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
Arsenal have Lacazette and Obamayang
04-18-2021 , 05:33 PM
04-18-2021 , 05:35 PM
04-18-2021 , 05:36 PM
orioles have capitulated in the 10th of a 0-0 game
04-18-2021 , 07:31 PM
04-18-2021 , 07:31 PM
04-18-2021 , 08:41 PM
04-18-2021 , 08:43 PM
04-18-2021 , 08:51 PM
04-18-2021 , 08:54 PM
04-18-2021 , 09:00 PM
04-19-2021 , 01:42 AM
What's the deal with this super league ****?
04-19-2021 , 10:02 AM
Super league is a stupid idea. Trying to turn football in to some stupid America style big bullshit show.
04-19-2021 , 10:05 AM
Oh, while I'm on an F the USA vibe, I watched the indycar race last night.. Do you American's realise how ****ed up your **** is?

You could tell when the American broadcast was on an ad break, because all commentary went dead silent. All you could hear was the cars on track.

No word of a lie, I think you guys had like 20 ad breaks, while we didn't have a single one. Truly pathetic.
04-19-2021 , 10:47 AM
thinking car racing is representative of america is like thinking dabs is representative of james bond
04-19-2021 , 10:59 AM
So true. It's not like you also have ad breaks during every other sporting event. It's not like you cram two sets of ad breaks in to a 30 minute tv show.

It's a perfectly normal country where tv isn't almost 50% ad breaks.
04-19-2021 , 10:59 AM
Oh, wait..
04-19-2021 , 11:02 AM
Then there's the ads themselves. You'd think American's live on deaths door according to your ads. "Ask your doctor for this medication today!"

Adverts for drugs. Stay classy, USA.
04-19-2021 , 11:10 AM

a major part of the success of the nfl is there's literally more ad time than actual play time with all the start and stops
04-19-2021 , 11:29 AM
Also, I am exactly like James Bond.
04-19-2021 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Super league is a stupid idea. Trying to turn football in to some stupid America style big bullshit show.
Blaming tUSA for their own sporting problems. Never change Eurololop

Originally Posted by Da33le
No word of a lie, I think you guys had like 20 ad breaks, while we didn't have a single one. Truly pathetic.
This is a legit criticism. Ads in tUSA truly suck ass.
04-19-2021 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Super league is a stupid idea. Trying to turn football in to some stupid America style big bullshit show.
if i visited england and asked for a fish & chips meal "american style" what do you think they'd serve me?
04-19-2021 , 12:04 PM
fish and chips meal + a big mac + 64 oz pepsi and 20 minutes of commercials per hour
