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omg omg omg 99 omg omg omg 99

04-27-2011 , 05:09 PM
It'd be sick if he actually was a terrorist and became like the new Hitler.
04-27-2011 , 05:09 PM
When he was a young boy, Arnold was well-behaved and pleasant to have conversations with. When anyone would ask him: "Say, young fellow, what is your name?", he would respond with "Arnold, Marjorie, Karen and Patrick, Sir. All four of us."

However, once he reached puberty, his way of acting became less and less that of your typical adolescent shrimp and more that of a 40 year old rapist from, say, Zurich.
04-27-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Abe008
Does that mean he is a terrorist?
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter
04-27-2011 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Tartufo
However, once he reached puberty, his way of acting became less and less that of your typical adolescent shrimp and more that of a 40 year old rapist from, say, Zurich.
04-27-2011 , 05:11 PM
Did you know 8hi's name is Arnold?
04-27-2011 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by jellykingturbo2000
Did you know 8hi's name is Arnold?
04-27-2011 , 05:12 PM
hello ladies and gentleman
04-27-2011 , 05:12 PM
My name is Ernie, jk2k.
04-27-2011 , 05:13 PM
well hes commander in chief of a military who had killed alot of ppl. what's your definition of a terrorist?
04-27-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by -Insert Witty SN-
\what's your definition of a terrorist?
04-27-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Tartufo
When he was a young boy, Arnold was well-behaved and pleasant to have conversations with. When anyone would ask him: "Say, young fellow, what is your name?", he would respond with "Arnold, Marjorie, Karen and Patrick, Sir. All four of us."

However, once he reached puberty, his way of acting became less and less that of your typical adolescent shrimp and more that of a 40 year old rapist from, say, Zurich.
I'm on the edge of my seat
04-27-2011 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by elrey

Last edited by Abe008; 04-27-2011 at 05:22 PM.
04-27-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Abe008
My name is Ernie, jk2k.
Ernie was my favorite out of Bert and Ernie. He was definitely hotter.
04-27-2011 , 05:18 PM
i feel like ****
04-27-2011 , 05:19 PM
there are many pro life american terrorists imo
04-27-2011 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by jellykingturbo2000
Ernie was my favorite out of Bert and Ernie. He was definitely hotter.
Your wired.

Originally Posted by phil0pp
i feel like ****
You said that already. Smoke sum of y0 weed to feel better imo
04-27-2011 , 05:19 PM
id like to point out i was clearly joking. im pretty sure phil0pp is a sleeper for DPRK
04-27-2011 , 05:21 PM
Also joking, ldo. I should probably go to a house party right now but I'm wearing sweats and don't wanna leave them.
04-27-2011 , 05:21 PM
Woops. I already reported it.
04-27-2011 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
You said that already.
04-27-2011 , 05:22 PM
sweats to house party is only option
04-27-2011 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Da33le
You said that already. Smoke sum of y0 weed to feel better imo
its working but not really that much
Originally Posted by elrey
id like to point out i was clearly joking. im pretty sure phil0pp is a sleeper for DPRK
im south side *****
04-27-2011 , 05:22 PM
What's the most you ever lost, on a coin toss..

pardon me?

Love that scene
04-27-2011 , 05:24 PM
Arnold grew a long beard and started raping all kinds of seafood. Since the legal system in California does not have laws in place regulating sexual aggression from crustaceans there was not much his victims could do except for taking a morning after pill and getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, chlamydia, aids, syphilis and rabies.
04-27-2011 , 05:24 PM
you should just drape yourself in velvet
