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omg omg omg 95 omg omg omg 95

03-11-2011 , 05:30 PM
out before lock and move?

see y'all over at blues place, say bout 9?
03-11-2011 , 05:32 PM
for the gangbang?
03-11-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by eltongorge
what would be the point of disproving if it is or is not the same person.
plz respond regarding 2p2 culture.
03-11-2011 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by eltongorge
what would be the point of disproving if it is or is not the same person.
What's the point in you asking this question?

This person wants lots of attention and to be known as this girl. If someone is trolling everyone in that way I disapprove and have smite in me for them. Also it's kinda fun.
03-11-2011 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Beal
What's the point in you asking this question?

This person wants lots of attention and to be known as this girl. If someone is trolling everyone in that way I disapprove and have smite in me for them. Also it's kinda fun.
the point is gimmicks are openly allowed here. maybe it has to do with the ip searches and the persecution but i dont view it as fun. if those things were not so relevant i would agree with the funness of it.

just wanted your pov.
03-11-2011 , 05:41 PM
conspiracies abound
03-11-2011 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
wat. Maybe you dropped out of your mom's scylla***t and hit your head on the floor when you were born and that is contributing your dumbness.

I'm tired of you being an all-talk @#$. If the next thing you say about me isn't the starting of a "who is a better poster1: TTI or elrey" thread (with a public pole ldo - which lasts for 1 week) in 4l, with these conditions:

- The person who accrues fewer votes in this poll can't post on 2+2 for a month.
- No campaigning - everyone already has their opinion of who is better.
- Mods can't edit the poll.
- Gimmicks can't vote - one account per voter.

Then you are a total ass and should just shut the **** up right now because your total unwillingness to do this despite the fact that you are talking all this **** (and I should remind you that you are the one who started all this bull****) reflects poorly on you.

1Since this seems to be the crux of your ******ed bull****.
normally, when i read omg, i just skim past your posts ( its often you copying someone elses posting style ((normally pandas)) linking **** i can find on reddit, or some of that "creative writing" you do (((jesus stop with that too, you suck at writing.)))). it is my fault for actually reading some of the inane* dribble you call posts, and then deciding to respond to them.

a.) are we 12
b.) LOL at you
c.) it think you think this is a popularity contest

because these kind of 'survivor' threads are popular in the forum you mod (btw, have they allowed you to fully mod that, or are the training wheels still on?), i understand you value them and see worth in them. but outside of the cesspool that is regular bbv (tbh maybe if you modded it instead of posing "im so leannnnnned" 45 times itt it would be better?), they are generally regarded as the pathetic arguing with the desperate over wither or not they can continue to post baseless, nonsensical bad beats, or in (f)oots case, wither or not they can take the internet so serious. your wording is cleaver though, cuz my response is "*****" now. but really, this is you pussing out. you realize youre incredibly outclassed in trying to argue with me, and you pull your only nuclear option. because im an adult (you maybe be one in age only) im not gonna resort to idioic "survivor" threads. be a ****ing man and stand up for yourself. i know your father was never there to teach you how to be a man, but this is a time when you need to be. (btw, you think he would be proud of his dropout son?)

i understand with all your failures in life, you have had little success. being a mod on a poker forum prolly means an awful lot to you, and someone calling you out for being a terrible poster prolly digs deep. but unlike most who ignore you, ffvb ignore you, or just dont care, i decided today id say something. not the first time either, so not really right to say i "attacked you outta nowhere" you yourself have acknowledged haters. are you so dense as to not realize your current posting style is unliked by many? maybe that comes from your lack of education, but that could be wrong. many people are stubborn for no reason. but at some point, you should realize.

your response to this will most definitely be some variant of "youre a pussy *** bitch *** pussy bitch". it will be this because you lack the diction to address me in a civilized manor. its ok. ive delt with children and autistics before. so i welcome your brutish banter towards me, because i can handle it. if i suggest your "creative writing" is utter trash (which it is, i really hope your copying that from somewhere, cuz if you are not, somewhere, your father weeps) again, you puff up your chest and go nuclear. immediately moving to that displays your immense immaturity and lowbrow lifestyle. whatever really, cuz no matter what you do with the pathetic excuse of a life you have, ill always be, and always have been, better than bottom feeding scum like yourself.

oh one more thing, what account you playing on today?

*inane-i knew you would need to look it up, so i saved you some time.
03-11-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by eltongorge
the point is gimmicks are openly allowed here. maybe it has to do with the ip searches and the persecution but i dont view it as fun. if those things were not so relevant i would agree with the funness of it.

just wanted your pov.

You and I have a different view of gimmicks. Even putting that aside, though, if the gimmick is to be that and a secret and fun for them, why shouldn't everyone else get the fun of outing it?

And I will always persecute trolls.
03-11-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Beal
Not what I meant at all.

The best way for me to say it is that you sound like a prick.

I've actually been thinking about the advice you have given me, and you're exactly right about it.

I do have self worth. I'm an amazingly talented musician, I'm intelligent, good looking, and I'm a good person too. I am the great of my time. Being as such, I shouldn't settle for someone I'm not attracted to, waiting for someone I am attracted to is better than giving up on myself and settling for some fat pussy.

I'm srsly a catch and I deserve a catch imo. And you are beyond wise and generous and I am eternally grateful for all the advice you have given me and your friendship imo.

And as far as sounding like a prick, meh. I was like watching tv sometime pretty recently and I think I was high or drunk or something, and there was like two guys talking about stuff like that and the one guy was like "its better to sound like a prick to some people than feel bad about yourself" or something.
03-11-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Ryan Beal
You and I have a different view of gimmicks. Even putting that aside, though, if the gimmick is to be that and a secret and fun for them, why shouldn't everyone else get the fun of outing it?

And I will always persecute trolls.
then this would be a bold lie, bogan roams free.
03-11-2011 , 05:45 PM
Could always be a high level scam. Think OJPimpson as cincycutie begging for money as a lolsexygirl
03-11-2011 , 05:46 PM
**** just got real on this page.
03-11-2011 , 05:46 PM
lirva get a haircut you ugly ****

03-11-2011 , 05:46 PM
chipa and gotohell whoever they may be have won bbv4life for the month of march 2011

03-11-2011 , 05:46 PM
file that one under elrey.Meme.txt
03-11-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by eltongorge
then this would be a bold lie, bogan roams free.
Barely. He's not free to troll.
03-11-2011 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by The Brickie
**** just got real on this page.
yarly, internet is srs biz
03-11-2011 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by eltongorge
the point is gimmicks are openly allowed here. maybe it has to do with the ip searches and the persecution but i dont view it as fun. if those things were not so relevant i would agree with the funness of it.

just wanted your pov.
I don't know if gimmicks are 100% allowed. RB nuked my dangerdad gimmick. Also, nobody's getting persecuted in this, Chipa can post as little or as much as she (or he) likes.
03-11-2011 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by The Brickie
I'm sufficiently convinced but since I'm not trying to cyber with her or give her money I don't really give a ****.
but then again you never give a ****
03-11-2011 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
I don't know if gimmicks are 100% allowed. RB nuked my dangerdad gimmick. Also, nobody's getting persecuted in this, Chipa can post as little or as much as she (or he) likes.
so shes real. and being trainwrecked. gg.
03-11-2011 , 05:50 PM
Also, my ALLTheKakke gimmick now that I think of it
03-11-2011 , 05:51 PM
FMMFL I've read way too much 4L today my ****ing head is killing me.
03-11-2011 , 05:51 PM
**** off snow
03-11-2011 , 05:51 PM
would you like to play some euchre brickie
03-11-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Also, my ALLTheKakke gimmick now that I think of it
RB nuked my gimmick too.
