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11-14-2010 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Neil
how do we know mod puppy is a male?
that's one of the axioms i have been operating with
11-14-2010 , 03:05 AM
Been with this lard ass for 2 years and have a Son.

She has no interests in anything but sleeping and sitting her fat ass on the couch watching t.v., playing on her Iphone.

Constantly talks s.hi.t to me and I walk on eggshells w her. I am also very passive just so I don't have to deal w her very much.

Every time I look at her/have to talk to her, I get disgusted.

She has nowhere else to go and I want her ass out. I am hoping her Mom lets her stay there because she will have my son for a bit.

She talks about nothing significant. Really has Bi-polar disorder in combination with ADD. --- Has no meds.

Wish I never dated her. She makes me look bad by being so over weight, being blonde and stupid at the same time, and on top of the stupidity never accepts responsibility for any of her actions, the bi-polar constantly puts her in a state of denial.

Pretty severe manic episodes and thoughts of grandeur.

Tired of the drama and **** Whats my play? I need advice and want to make sure my son will be alright and not in some hobo-infested shelter. I would only trust her with my son for a bit if she goes with her mom (as we are very close and understanding of one another.) and stays there. The only reason I am still around is for my Little Boy.

How do I rid myself of this beast?
11-14-2010 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
that's one of the axioms i have been operating with
how shallow and male-centric of you to assume.
11-14-2010 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by elreymichael
haz cup noodles
good idea brb
11-14-2010 , 03:06 AM
Damn. I haven't seen that in awhile.
11-14-2010 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by elreymichael
haz cup noodles
haz burnt tongue
11-14-2010 , 03:07 AM
The slob moved in with Mommy months ago....
11-14-2010 , 03:07 AM
i'm beginning to think this ill militia guy is related to lowercasecaps
11-14-2010 , 03:07 AM
anyone that says walk on eggshells sucks at life
11-14-2010 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by phil0pp

no, bamboo?
i will continue to do both i hope that doesn't offend you but yes i am most definitely in ldo
11-14-2010 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Neil
how shallow and male-centric of you to assume.
oh no i must repent. i've been an insensitive chauvinistic misogynist!!
11-14-2010 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Neil
i'm beginning to think this ill militia guy is related to lowercasecaps
i dont think lcc has a learning disability
11-14-2010 , 03:10 AM
Nah man. I don't suck at life. I just got tired of her breaking all my rules.
I cook well, she couldn't cook toast for the life of her. I keep my house spotless, she was dirty as fk. I keep clean, good smelling clothes, she never did a load. Hardly even managed my kid. Gah. Rough times man.

All for my boy. I only keep the peace for my son. ... gah. Why am I ranting here?
11-14-2010 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by phil0pp
anyone that says walk on eggshells sucks at life
dude, you read my mind
11-14-2010 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
oh no i must repent. i've been an insensitive chauvinistic misogynist!!

Originally Posted by elreymichael
i dont think lcc has a learning disability
it is probably acquired, not hereditary.
11-14-2010 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by elreymichael
i dont think lcc has a learning disability
11-14-2010 , 03:12 AM
nothing has been done to disparage those who vocationally walk on egg shells then the excessive wanton overuse of the idiom "walk on eggshells" which has come to mean less than it originally meant before when it actually meant something but now it doesn't mean anything anymore because people said it wrong and this sentence is not going to end anytime soon because i'm out of control loololol football is on tomorrow i hope the games are good you guys betting on any good games heh lol okay fine letemtmetmemtme em end this sentence right now you heard lol okay whatever **** you bitch
11-14-2010 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Neil
you are weirdo for ever using this emoticon
11-14-2010 , 03:14 AM
lol and you said you didn't want to sound pretentious... haha

Last edited by ILL_Militia; 11-14-2010 at 03:14 AM. Reason: how cute
11-14-2010 , 03:15 AM
wow thos last2 beers moved me from happily super powered buzzed to drunkenly hazed.
11-14-2010 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
nothing has been done to disparage those who vocationally walk on egg shells then the excessive wanton overuse of the idiom "walk on eggshells" which has come to mean less than it originally meant before when it actually meant something but now it doesn't mean anything anymore because people said it wrong and this sentence is not going to end anytime soon because i'm out of control loololol football is on tomorrow i hope the games are good you guys betting on any good games heh lol okay fine letemtmetmemtme em end this sentence right now you heard lol okay whatever **** you bitch
11-14-2010 , 03:16 AM
11-14-2010 , 03:17 AM
I cant even read the long post right now.
11-14-2010 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by ToTheInternet
you are weirdo for ever using this emoticon
did you get into your various boxes of alcoholic beverages or something
11-14-2010 , 03:17 AM
lol and last HH because I busted in third

Poker Stars $5.00+$0.50 Limit Stud Hi/Lo Tournament - t600/t1200 Limit + t120 - 3 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

Seat 1: t8756 M = 6.95
Seat 5: t31218 M = 24.78
Hero (): t4026 M = 3.20

3rd Street: (0.6 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx Q____Seat 1 folds
Seat 5: xx xx 9____Seat 5 completes____Seat 5 3-bets____Seat 5 calls
Hero: K K 4___Hero brings in for $180___Hero raises___Hero caps!

4th Street: (8.6 SB) (2 players)
Seat 5: xx xx 9 6____Seat 5 raises____Seat 5 calls
Hero: K K 4 J___Hero bets___Hero raises all in

5th Street: (6.81 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
Seat 5: xx xx 9 6 T
Hero: K K 4 J 4

6th Street: (6.81 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
Seat 5: xx xx 9 6 T 9
Hero: K K 4 J 4 2

7th Street: (6.81 BB) (2 players - 1 is all in)
Seat 5: xx xx 9 6 T 9 xx
Hero: K K 4 J 4 2 6

Final Pot: 6.81 BB
Seat 5 shows 9c 5s 9h 6c Th 9d 3d (HI: three of a kind, Nines)
Hero shows Kh Kc 4d Jh 4c 2h 6h (HI: two pair, Kings and Fours)
Seat 5 wins 6.81 BB
