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04-19-2010 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by MsBlueberry
Goodnight gentlemen. I will chat with you tomorrow.
Goodnight MsB!!
04-19-2010 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by AngryPanda
what you guys set the o/u for yourselves ? realistically maybe 94 is too high... but i'm positive i could do at least 80 and would probably set the line towards 86 or so
34. seriously
04-19-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by phil0pp
ur a ****in nit panda
you are a very hostile person and you blow my high a lot
04-19-2010 , 02:17 AM
04-19-2010 , 02:17 AM
lol youve insulted me more than everyone i ever met combined

Last edited by phil0pp; 04-19-2010 at 02:18 AM. Reason: imo
04-19-2010 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by AngryPanda
what you guys set the o/u for yourselves ? realistically maybe 94 is too high... but i'm positive i could do at least 80 and would probably set the line towards 86 or so
When I used to play regularly I think a fair line for me would have been ~80. Aorn I think it would be closer to 40 or so. If I had a week to practice up I could improve my Ev quite a bit imo.
04-19-2010 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Nickerbocker
go on
04-19-2010 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by AngryPanda
go on
my mom pissed me off so bad i made her cry then took a 6hr nap. how can i say what i feel if the truth hurts her so much.
04-19-2010 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
When I used to play regularly I think a fair line for me would have been ~80. Aorn I think it would be closer to 40 or so. If I had a week to practice up I could improve my Ev quite a bit imo.
i always had a better shot than most people (unguarded obv) but i wasn't very athletic... you seriously can't think 40 is legit? and sure, you get 14 days advanced notice of the bet. still 40?
Originally Posted by phil0pp
lol youve insulted me more than everyone i ever met combined
it's not an insult you're just hostile and i'm more of a "chill hippie" vibe or w/e so i'm not used to it
04-19-2010 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Nickerbocker
my mom pissed me off so bad i made her cry then took a 6hr nap. how can i say what i feel if the truth hurts her so much.
it depends... what was the truth ?
04-19-2010 , 02:22 AM
04-19-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by AngryPanda
i always had a better shot than most people (unguarded obv) but i wasn't very athletic... you seriously can't think 40 is legit? and sure, you get 14 days advanced notice of the bet. still 40?
I used to play everyday and like you I had a decent jumpshot but not very athletic. I haven't played much at all since h/s and the last time I decided to jack up some shots which was ~2 years ago it was awful. If I had 14 days and motivation to work on it an hour a day or so I'm sure I could get back into decent form though.
04-19-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by AngryPanda
it depends... what was the truth ?
You want the truth?? You can't HANDLE the truth!!
04-19-2010 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Nickerbocker
my mom pissed me off so bad i made her cry then took a 6hr nap. how can i say what i feel if the truth hurts her so much.
we are even, I owed you from hoops game $10, now we even.
04-19-2010 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
I used to play everyday and like you I had a decent jumpshot but not very athletic. I haven't played much at all since h/s and the last time I decided to jack up some shots which was ~2 years ago it was awful. If I had 14 days and motivation to work on it an hour a day or so I'm sure I could get back into decent form though.
this is mostly accurate for me except i got my career ender in middle school, but i played recreationally (like RLY 'recreationally' in hs), but you're saying "decent" jumpshot, mine was 2nd to none, so, i guess i'll give me ten shots over you, the last time i played was not 2 years ago but my shot was awful at first but came into form relatively quickly, so my o/u would be higher i guess if we were xbook but would have to be price or right rules
04-19-2010 , 02:34 AM
set lines i want action
04-19-2010 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by AngryPanda
it depends... what was the truth ?
i paid several hundro to have a room built so i can move out of brothers room and move towards resuming a somewhat normal life. in the past month ive asked her several times to make me a list of stuff to do to get it rdy b/c i cant live in the house anymore. its damaging me. so once again she starts telling me it'll get done when it gets done and to stop worrying about it. i lost it and said that it's not personal but i hate living with you guys. i tried to explain how hard it is for a 27yr old man to be forced to live with his parents but she took it to mean that i hated her.
04-19-2010 , 02:38 AM
and then dad jumps on her side b/c he has to which pissed me off even more b/c he has no idea whats going on. it hurts to say it but she's more concerned with what she would have to go thru if i die then what im going thru.
04-19-2010 , 02:39 AM
Idk if I gave you the wrong impression about how much I played bball Panda, but when you say "career" I think you're giving me too much credit. I never played on my hs or ms team. I just played with friends during lunch, and after school or w/e. I also played a lot with my cousins who are pretty good and all played in h/s and one played for a scholarships at college and ****. But I'm older than most of them so I was able to pwn pretty much and I quit playing by the time they got better than me
04-19-2010 , 02:41 AM
i told her i dont like the way people look at me when they know im sick and to stop telling everyone yet everyone i see knows. like she needs the sympathy or something. im at the point where i dont want to talk to her ever again.
04-19-2010 , 02:42 AM
volume wouldn't affect your shot imo, if you're a jump shooter you're a jump shooter, i'm sure redick was nailin 3s out the womb
04-19-2010 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by rohjoh
we are even, I owed you from hoops game $10, now we even.
did you? i forgot. anyhoo **** the dodgers.
04-19-2010 , 02:44 AM
sorry nick that's a messed up situation... obv can't really give you any good advice. although the one part you said, surely you understand why a mother would be more worried about her child dying than how happy her child is during life? you know i mean... the loss of a child is pretty heavy ****... even if you're unhappy... you're still alive... that may not be right but from the eyes of your mother i can see it. as for the whole renovation stuff i don't really know about all that... but... i personally, yes, can see it from your side. some of my friends still live with they moms on purpose... and even at 18 that would drive me ****ing nuts, let alone now at 23, let alone you at 27
04-19-2010 , 02:46 AM
let alone against my will when i was happy. i'd run away but i cant. its all ****ed up.
04-19-2010 , 02:49 AM
I moved back in with my parents for 5 months after college when I was ~23 it was really really depressing iirc.
