Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
my bro worked for Tyson.. they processed pigs from alive 'til packaged for sale, i think.. anyway.. he told me about his orientation at the job... they led the new employees through where they electricute the pigs, string 'em up by their hind legs to this elevated conveyor belt, stab 'em in the neck, they then inch along, suspended, over this big vat of blood.. from the prior bleeding out pigs.. he said 1 pig fell into the vat and was trying to swim along keeping his head above the blood line..
let's all now enjoy some sizzlin' bacon
Pigs are the only animal us non muslims are allowed to kill these days. Boning pigs (ducwidt) was one of the worst to do, so full of blubberish fat to cut through. Lamb was always my favorite, and if the slaughterman had ****ed up by not cutting the head of right you could start a soccer game with the head.
A beast falling down can be a real dangerous thing, one place where i worked had a Ox run through the first part of the slaughter floor after breaking through the gate of the conveyor before being killed. Ended up killing a guy who had been working there for 30 years after that they changed so many work place rules.